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  1. D

    Seriously just fix fucking site already

    Unfortunately, this site is spreading cooties to other sites I frequent, IE my fantasy football leagues...
  2. D

    Seriously just fix fucking site already

    QFT. funny how this devolved into Tyen whining about guild rankings and shitting on the very legacy that he is clinging to so fervently in order to feel relevant . it"s like he"s TRYING to come out and just say he"s an absolute abject waste of carbon, but doesn"t quite know how. it"d be...
  3. D

    Seriously just fix fucking site already

    pretty much this... i"ve never done much more than lurk, but I"ve lurked and enjoyed for a long time. I"ve played with many of you folks in EQ, and in many games since. This is like the destruction of the Library in Alexandria... so many years of memories and culture lost, and for what...