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  1. F

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    Well, I think its safe to say that "The Vision" has become the MMO version of "Mission Accomplished", hehe. I"m not giving up on Vanguard just yet, however. My nerd rage has yet to reach the boiling point; and if I do give it up, its not going to be because I don"t like the game (because, for...
  2. F

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    Its like we have been trained as players that every play session has to begin and end in a major city/population/transport hub. PoK in EQ/Ironforge(Ogrimmar) in WoW/etc. Vanguard (I"m assuming) was built around a different model, where instead of starting/stopping in a big transportation hub...
  3. F

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    I might be wrong about this, but I seem to remember vaguely that the vision for the huge world and dungeons was guilds/groups moving to them, setting up shop for a few days/weeks (maybe with semi-permanent tent cities or some shit?) and then moving on to the next dungeon. Maybe I am just making...
  4. F

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    I thought the same way, but due to a combination of weird factors - kindness from someone on this board (I know, wtf is that shit) and an old friend coming out of nowhere, I gave it a shot. The people I"ve met on Hilsbury, at least, are not raving assholes. Quite the opposite, in fact. Its...
  5. F

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    The mouth breathers got their way once, with a game called WoW, when someone had the balls to post someplace other than the WoW Forums. That set a shitty precedent, no matter what the reality is; the perception is that the masses cried and were rewarded by never again having Blue post anything...
  6. F

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    No nerd rage against Vanguard here, I am glad that it turned itself around at the 11th hour. Been a few months since I played in the beta, and I thought it was the second coming of Jesus except for the fact that the performance blew ass on my computer, to the point of me giving up in...
  7. F

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Hey, at least that only happened once or twice! Just think, in a Terry Goodkind Sword of Truth MMO, that would be the primary form of questing/levelling. Manginas beware!
  8. F

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I would pay out the nose for a Martin-setting MMO. It would almost have to be PvP / territory control based, which is not normally my thing, but I would play it anyway. I might be way off in thinking this, but I think that Age of Conan is a "litmus test" for how well a Martin themed MMO would...