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  1. F

    Long full disclosure

    i"ve this thread with the intention to write some harsh and offensive reply about this whole social disaster now that i catched up, my brain cant do it. this is just too much i vote for the Exterminatus
  2. F

    Most memorable comic book moments

    yeah, that too
  3. F

    Most memorable comic book moments

    johnny storm and peter parker have always been friends. more than once they met at the top of liberty statue to talk and help each other
  4. F

    Most memorable comic book moments

    they "killed" Mr fantastic once, during the worst F4 period ever (just before the Onslaught saga) he was out of the comic for like 10 months, then they discovered he was traped in the Hyborean age the same thing will happend to whoever "dies" this time mainstream comics should just bankrupt
  5. F

    Most memorable comic book moments

    thats all cool. i give them 18 months to bring whoever died back i rule out reed richards tho. he "died" already once. not even marvel can be so lame to repeat themself ...oh wait....
  6. F

    Most memorable comic book moments

    so, huh....for the 2nd time they are "killing" one of the fantastic four? when that issue is coming out?
  7. F

    Most memorable comic book moments

    so, about Thanos Imperative: the last time i"ve read something about him was when he died at the end of Annihilation is there something else to read about him before TI ?
  8. F

    Most memorable comic book moments

    i see Galactus, the 2 Galactus-like beings from Annihilation, there"s at least 2 Celestials in the background and an entire space armada looking forward to read it
  9. F

    Denizens of FOH I call upon thee!

    from Ashlee Argyle 80.2% Brooke Weisbender 19.8% to Ashlee Argyle 79.3% Brooke Weisbender 20.7% in the last hour. Someone grab the batphone and tell Requiem to put Plan Z in motion again
  10. F

    Denizens of FOH I call upon thee!

    well, just try to use logic....if you were the owner of a radio, who would you want to be your modelling rappresentative? a Maxim model, or a random chick from internet?
  11. F

    Denizens of FOH I call upon thee!

    voted Tasha Meints 54.8% Victor Camacho 45.2%
  12. F

    Most memorable comic book moments

    a great comic book moment? when battlepope screwed Holy Mary and God got Goddamn (hehe) pissed
  13. F

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    holy shit after so many VG shots its almost painfull watch one from WoW and yes, before someone will say it, we know "wow is made for the lonely housewifes Nec"