Search results

  1. M

    Denizens of FOH I call upon thee!

    Voted again. Still @ 100% for Tasha, none for Brooke. Poor Brooke won"t know what hit her. Maybe she"ll get depressed and quit modeling and do porn instead, FTW!
  2. M

    Denizens of FOH I call upon thee!

    Voted Tasha Meints 55.3% Victor Camacho 44.7%
  3. M

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Making every single quest in a game fantastic and unique is part of the problem. Especially, when everything that drives a game forward nowadays is a "quest". You end up with 100"s of quests per zone and most are neither unique nor fantastic. They should just realize it"s impossible and focus...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I think so too. I"ve always forced myself to read all quest text the first time I get a quest, but it takes actual effort to go through with it. Some times it"s worth the while. However, the problem is that EVERY quest has text. You get 5-50 of those text pop-ups per play session as you do...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I did enjoy that part of FFXI, and you"re right they did a good job there. As far as quests go, I"d like to see them split into two main concepts: quests and tasks. First, we have quests: they attempt to narrate a story. Quests should mainly focus on narrating the global and situational...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I"m all for story lines, but seriously you"ve lost my interest in the story when it starts off with: "Help us, a Big Orc Boss is threatening our village." and I"ve already killed off Big Orc Boss. At that point, I"m annoyed more than anything, as the game has made two things clear: a. the story...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Now that we"re on the topic of quests, please make it so that quests are completed when you do the objectives, even if you weren"t on the damn quest. I absolutely loathe having to go kill Big Orc Boss mob again, because I wasn"t on the damn quest. "What do you mean, kill Big Orc Boss? I...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    From the latest FFXI Census, only 6,600 characters matched that criteria out of the hundreds of thousands of characters. And FFXI actually promotes such leveling by giving Maat"s cap. Also a job system need not involve the concept of sub-jobs in the same manner as FFXI does. Each job can be...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    This one,Auto Destroy?
  10. M

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    This. I love what various WoW mods do, but I hate having to manage and administrate them. At first it was overwhelming, and I avoided mods like the plague. Later on I started adding some leveling mods. Still, I hate having to research mods and keep up to date on what the best/newest mods are...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Not to nitpick, but didn"t you leave /anon status when you went /lfg? Anyways, that"s a non-issue in most current MMO"s as no one"s going to be pestering the clerics to go and rezz them half-way across the world, because they want a 96% rezz.
  12. M

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I think the main problem is that most games have two economies: a player driven one and an NPC economy. The player driven economy requires materials, time to gather these and then the production of the item. Meanwhile, the NPC economy is instant and doesn"t require any materials. From a...
  13. M

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Yet from reading these forums what you often hear about fixed group-size dungeons is that they are not rewarding, challenging or well-tuned. So fixed group size in and of itself does not guarantee these desirable qualities. On the other hand encounters based on some sort of difficulty scale by...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Honestly, I can"t really see much benefit for them either given their status and current market share. It would benefit me, as given my play habit I"d end up paying less, but the difference is obviously not big enough that I can"t afford the current fee. It might make sense for a new MMO...
  15. M

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    For me that makes sense, but I would include BG"s as part of the basic fee, and instead leave Arena and Raid as premium options. My reasoning is both raiding and arenas require preparation and effort on the player"s part to pursue them. Be it creating a team or joining a raiding guild. You"re...