Search results

  1. N

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    i like you blazen... i like you enough to date...nohomo of course. we should triforce together
  2. N

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    google - Borderline Personality Disorder. this girls name doesnt happen to be Kelly W. is it? This all seems fun, and she might be the perfect girl to date (not to marry), but you will be in a fucking rollercoaster of a relationship if she uses anti depression meds. you say she just came...
  3. N

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    i dated 2 girls who had been raped, the sex was disconnected but wild, their clingyness turned into weird jealous behavior, and the night terrors (not joking) freaked me the fuck out, so the relationship lasted 3 months plus i always had a nagging feeling that they were fucking 4 other people...
  4. N

    Yahoo live epic fun

    i cant figure out how to search for people like lolipop