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  1. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    No real story as POF did not exist when I was young. I am 41 and happily married after a long road to get there and I stand by everything I said. But don"t take my word for it, ask any woman who made it to 30 without therapy and they will be the first to tell you that women are fucking crazy in...
  2. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    He is going all white knight on us. To be fair, most younger girls are victims of the 1% rule (ie If an given action has a 1% chance of getting a guy laid, then there is a 99% chance he will carry out said course of action.) as men that age bracket tend to let their dicks direct them. But on the...
  3. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Its an old tradition from the drive-in days when parking in a car is where and how you got laid. Its more or less continued as a cheap date and conversation lauchpad for socially inept people since those days. The movie will not run you as much as dinner or a night out at the bar and you...
  4. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Pretty much this. Cheating douchebags rationalize their shit as surely as a woman pulling the "upgrade" manuever rationalizes her banging the new guy as not actually being cheating. If you can"t master your hormones, then you deserve the shallow cum dumsters you are rotating through until your...
  5. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Parents were met and they went on expensive vacations and he asks if they are a couple. Her reaction essentially is to say "I am too fucked in the head to be in a relationship" and she hits the eject button. Maybe its not cutter crazy, but she obviously has a few screws loose. I realize that...
  6. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    I think my vote is for crazy. She might have been getting dorked by another dude on the side, but women who pull that shit generally do not go down the road of meeting parents, ect. As much as it hurts, crazy (especially low self esteem crazy) cannot be fixed and you are much better off in the...
  7. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Lets assume that this is not a trap for a moment... Are you seriously going to say you never once bullshitted on something just to keep the peace or stroke your husband"s ego a bit? I find that extremely difficult to believe, especially if you have ever had to interact with his inlaws. White...
  8. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    At least it might be a less annoying cunt who doesn"t alienate him from his friends, though. I"ve had friends who have been severely pussy whipped, but the girl in question didn"t wreck his life by ragging on his friends or by being nothing but a couch occupying Opra watching sperm receptical...
  9. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Even the social outcast ones do this shit because their fucked up mothers pounded this crap into them. Its also just a part of their basic wiring to just want to not be satisfied with anything and therefor bitch about it, for the pure joy of doing so. The sooner a guy learns this painful lesson...
  10. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    A lot depends on how hard it was for your pal to get laid prior to him shacking up with this girl, too. Getting regular cooch can keep an otherwise unstable relationship going for a long ass time. The guy who said to send in another guy to bang her might have actually made the best suggestion...
  11. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Lock the fucking door or get some blocking from a wingman. I am sure you have one forever alone pal who can run interferance for you on this friend. My guess is the friend wants to bang you, but being a virgin she won"t so she is just clam jockeying her friend. Don"t bother trying to bang her...
  12. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Pretty much this. Unless you require the emotional validation of closure by confronting her, its time to move on. "Break" for men is code for either 1) I am sick of dealing with your bullshit, but I want to come back once my bullshit stress system has had time to purge -OR- 2) I want to bang...
  13. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Probably the best post on this site in over two weeks.....
  14. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    She dated Shaggy in high school?
  15. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Can"t these two troll the useless No-Fap thread instead?