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  1. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Couldn"t have put it better myself. Luls around. "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Erronius again."
  2. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Haha, I thought I mentioned it to you. Guess not. I passed. No regrets.
  3. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    God help some of the people I"ve seen if they actually use the best pictures they have. You"re generally correct though. Some of the trolls I"ve adventured upon looked nothing like their pictures. Just talk with them for a bit and ask them to friend you on FB so you can IM or what not. >_>
  4. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    My assumptions on her are well reserved. It"s just as I said, noticing prompted me to ask the question in general. This wasn"t actually concerning her directly. When I said "she," I meant someone who is that age and in that situation, not the girl I"m meeting. It just struck me as a little...
  5. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Not to detract too much from the conversation at hand, but... I just turned 21 on the 20th. I"m meeting someone who is 23 this weekend, and she has never been in love or in a relationship. This has prompted me to ask a somewhat general question: What is the rule in these kinds of situations...
  6. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    I lol"d. The DM thing had nothing to do with Kuriin"s sexuality. I was referencing playing D&D with him. (Now you"re welcome to use this one to troll insead ) As for the girls, I mentioned half of them aren"t least to me. Naturally, they"re the ones who would probably go...
  7. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Well, cool story. She didn"t bring it up, so I guess she wasn"t that interested in it. As for the Killer groupie chick, I probably would have hit that already if it wasn"t for the fact that she has huge orgies and sleeps with like...50 year old multi millionaires down to random fucking bums...
  8. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    It"s possible. Not sure how possible with her living in Montreal and not San Francisco. But regardless, I"ve already backed away from that. I"m not really a guy who would go after something just so I can later say "Yeah, I"ve actually tapped that." On that note, I"ll ask some of you guys...
  9. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    I don"t know if he might be doing something behind HER back. But I did ask and she said she wanted this kept discreet and that it wasn"t an open marriage. I honestly didn"t pry beyond that because..who the fuck wants to talk about their husband to someone they want to cheat on him with.
  10. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    I was talking about friends. The moving up part is me trying to coordinate times where I can actually hang out with these other girls I don"t spend any time with on a weekly basis. I"ve finally been able to do that, so now I just have to attempt to keep it up as long as they"re available. Like I...
  11. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    I don"t have either of those issues so I can"t say. Probably the case for some guys?
  12. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Well I DID have plans to chill with Kuriin, but I don"t think his DM was gonna have any of it. Lol.
  13. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups. Never said about banging any of these other girls. I"m neither starved nor desperate for sex. I was merely saying how I"d like to focus on spending my time with friends. That said, if I WAS actually banging 6 chicks, I"d make the exact same choice...
  14. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    It"s an OKC profile. Doesn"t show how long she"s had it, only when the last time she logged in was. That said, regardless of how many other dudes she"s is banging, or how many she WILL bang, or what my purpose would be - I don"t like helping her cheat, or being used by her for sex. Yeah, I...
  15. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    They"re mainly trying to guilt trip me over the fact that she"s married and that I"m helping her cheat, thereby becoming part of the cheating. Yeeah.
  16. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Haha, I have no problem lasting. As for questions...well, in 20 years I honestly don"t expect to think back to this at all. I may regret it initially, but I get over things like that. Either way, I"m sure it won"t be as bad once my friends stop trying to guilt trip me about it. Son of a...
  17. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Lol, fine.
  18. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Well, I"m rethinking it at this point, so I may not even do it. I"m trying to justify it to my conscience but it"s really not working.
  19. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Haha, the sad part is that it probably wouldn"t be hard for him to do so if she helped him. Meaning, yeah, she is married. Talked to her last night. Pretty much according to plan - discreet fwb. She said she was bored with him sexually. I would have started to say something but I realized...
  20. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    I"m asking if there"s a possibility of it being something else. My thoughts on the matter were in the original post. Either way, I got the feedback. Should be interesting. Unless she actually is someone"s wife, in which case, no thanks. I"ll have an answer in good time.
  21. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    So....I live in SF/Oakland, and I"m 20....and I just got a message on OKC from a 32 year old business owner who basically flies to an apartment she has near the city about 2 times every month...and she said we should "do something," and then gave me her skype. What am I looking at here...
  22. P

    I need your votes gutter onslaught NSFW

    Only he can go..3 layers deep..
  23. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Ahahahahaha. OH my goodness. I don"t give a fuck, you"re getting a + for that one.
  24. P

    I need your votes gutter onslaught NSFW

    What the fuck happened. Did anyone alert the web admins to this shit?
  25. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    LOL. That"s not subtle at all, regardless of how you present yourself.
  26. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Life is short! I say if the opportunity presents itself, DO IT.
  27. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Wow, she must write in a really huge font.
  28. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    2 pages you plan to transcribe here, yes?
  29. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    What exactly do you mean by that? Everyone looks for different things in a partner. And It"s now 2 of you who have mentioned how great they are. Anyone care to elaborate beyond that?
  30. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    360 is a full circle back towards..
  31. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Angry Amadeus is angry.
  32. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    He must have found this shit hilarious. I know I would.
  33. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Think I did it right that time.. >>
  34. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Unless she"s a crazy sociopathic bitch?
  35. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Again, pinching is fine, I"ve been with girls who do that. Problem is, none of them have ever actually started bruising me because of this shit. Who would be ok with that? Yeah, manly mans, whatever, not going to QQ about it and slam her face, but that doesn"t mean it"s ok to leave physical...
  36. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    This is a problem with or without his response, whatever it may be. If she does shit like this intentionally then she"s got issues.
  37. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Intentional vs unintentional?
  38. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    It doesn"t matter how it happened. You shouldn"t be getting treatment that leads to something like that from your significant other - end of story.