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    Trex vs etoilet cam vs aria analysis tits dicks punchability

    Anyone who says they don"t like getting a rimjob is a fucking liar.
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    Trex vs etoilet cam vs aria analysis tits dicks punchability

    If his Ballsack is any indication of how saggy the rest of him is... i"m betting his tits are worse than a 90 year old mother of 10.
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    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Why call them women? Why not womyn?
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    Girls who broke your heart thread

    fuuuckkk i think you just won this years Bad sex in literature award.
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    Girls who broke your heart thread

    yup. im not really heart broken. just relieved. maybe i should have mentioned she was 18.
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    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Just broke up with my girl. She was great except for the crazy. When we were together... it was good. more and more lately tho should would try to blame all her unhappiness on me. but only when we weren"t right next to each other. if i wasn"t with her i needed to be Miserable. woo fun times... =/
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    Girls who broke your heart thread

    is the package a box of flower petals with a stuffed animal duck?
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    Girls who broke your heart thread

    You can not fix crazy. If you think you can you are in for a lifetime of shit. Mr fixits always make the same mistake and regret it years later. The only thing that can help crazy is actual therapy.
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    Would you hate your life, if you were this ugly, and your GF was this ugly and fat?

    holy fuck does grobb ever NOT wear cargo shorts? I haven"t seen a different kind of pant/short in any of the pictures of him ever.
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    Would you hate your life, if you were this ugly, and your GF was this ugly and fat?

    the scariest part of her list is the Homeschooling. how fucked up would a kid be raised and educated solely by grobb and this fat whore? I would rather the child be raised by the westboro baptist church than by them. at least the church will just make them hate people. Rather than turn...
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    Would you hate your life, if you were this ugly, and your GF was this ugly and fat?

    holy shit! we are adventurous/internationally-minded & we"ll eventually live in many different countries Crunchy person: human rights activist, feminist (which is redundant after a "human rights activist"), vegetarian, environmentalist, cloth diapering, breastfeeding, water-birthing...
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    Would you hate your life, if you were this ugly, and your GF was this ugly and fat?

    Someone put a bullet in this guy and make the world a better place.
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    Girls who broke your heart thread

    look ^ up 4 posts ya douche
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    Girls who broke your heart thread

    im just saying you count them as what they were at the time. not what they turned out to be later.
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    Girls who broke your heart thread

    just because the ugly fat girl you diddled in the back of a VW in 8th grade turned out to be hot doesnt mean you fucked a super model.
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    Girls who broke your heart thread

    maybe if you like the cock. or are scenester/emo/hipster either way its all faggotry.
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    Girls who broke your heart thread

    ear plugs? way to be a faggot.
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    Crazy Neighbor Need Advice

    She thought the wireless router was the causing the vibration. I resisted making a comment about wearing a tinfoil hat...especially considering there are at least 9 wireless routers operating in the vicinity. now i feel like a nutcase =/ there was something wrong with our linksys router...