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  1. S

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I agree with the animals comment. However, i"ve noticed it seems to bother me less if there"s a variation of NPC models in the starting areas. I hate with theres only 2-3. But if you vary the encounters to where your not killing things 9x in a row, it never seemed as bad. Also, along these...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Well, I certainly don"t think the names of spells, etc is the defining thing that made EQ and other games of that ilk immersive, but they are part of it. I also don"t think the lack of creatively named spells/abilities makes your game non-immersive, I"m simply saying the existence of them is a...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    The point in having creatively named spells/abilities adds immersion to your experience, as I said in my earlier post. In a game like EQ (moreso in the early days) I"d argue that having the players immersed in their world was more of a priority than implementing fun and interesting game...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I agree. On Day 1 of WoW this really turned me off. I have since come to terms with it, knowing that WoW is far from an RP-based game. The truth is, 90% of WoW players could probably give a shit less what their spells are called, as long as it produces the required level of "pew pew". That...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    This. Now, I don"t wanna get into a EQ nostalgia discussion. There"s been enough of that. But, more in line with these discussions, I"m not so convinced that that "heroic" feeling that EQ provided can be replicated either. Here"s the problem. The reason you felt "Heroic" or powerful in EQ...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Hey Curt, what gives? How come you haven"t been on The Instance lately? I have personally enjoyed the Scott/Randy/Curt trifecta. It"s not quite the same without you!
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I really doubt Curt is posting here seeking our approval, political or otherwise.
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Curt said something in that recent Instance interview something really poignant about the genre, especially now days when the market is so saturated with mediocre MMOs. Something to the effect of: "If you aren"t impressed with the game within the first 10 minutes of playing it, chances are...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    It"s all in the delivery, I think. I"m not saying a non-fantasy MMO can"t be successful or more successful than WoW, because I think the Sci-Fi subgenre has gone relatively untapped. (EVE is getting into some interesting things). But, I also don"t think fantasy is completely exhausted either...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I"m gonna go out on a limb here and say that every successful MMO prior to WoW was intended for a niche market. I don"t think for a minute that Verant intended EQ to transcend genre"s the way WoW does. They were looking to make a realistic, 3D version of those old MUDs mixed with a hint of high...