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  1. S

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    If I had to choose between Brad and Ut, I"d go with Ut. Brad"s posts sucked. BAD. They had little substance and were nothing more than marketing hype, plain and simple. At least Ut"s posts are entertaining. Seriously, if Ut is driving any given developer away, its probably for the better...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    True. I"d be interested in hearing Curt"s thoughts on Mark Jacob"s recent pronouncement that you need $100 million if you even want to compete with WoW.
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I second this, but only if you throw in AOL and Brittney Spears analogies as well.
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    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    /raise hand. I have more fun reading these VG threads than I ever had playing VG too. That"s pretty damm sad if you think about it . . . .
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    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    Many of the gaming mags/web sites I read actually delay MMO reviews just to make sure they have had enough time to play the game to give an honest review. For example, in the Game Informer review of TBC, the reviewer noted he had reached level 70, had done the 5- and 10-man content, and was...
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    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    This is precisely one of the things Microsoft is trying to do with "Games for Windows." From what I understand, developers will have to meet certain uniform specifications in order to be labeled a "Games for Windows" title.
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    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    Is this this kind of "message" and "posting" that Brad claims drove away the potential players he wants to subscribe to his game?
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    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    I actually can"t remember the last time Duppin actually wrote something constructive. Usually, he was always stalking Ut and just insulting him.
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    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    Am I the only one experiencing deja vu after reading this? Hey Brad....thx for stopping by /wave. - Silky Venom Brad = Tigole; Vanguard = WoW???
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    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    I"ve been thinking the same thing -- there seems to be disproportionate amount of 06"ers praising Vanguard. My thinking is that they were all VG board members, saw links to FOH VG hate threads on the VG boards, came here and wanted to defend the game, so they registered and finally got posting...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    The first GMG fanboy? Let"s hold up giving GMG, a new developer, 1 million subscribers before a game name, setting, etc. are even announced please.