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  1. S

    Bertoxxulus Bugged

    Hehe, the Big W. That was hilarious the latest photoshop thing of it is great too.
  2. S

    Bertoxxulus Bugged

    Heh, believe what you want. I"m not going to argue this ridiculous point with someone, a mod can just check IPs and show that you fucking retards that think just because I"m flaming someone who flamed unleashed/auspex automatically makes them unleashed. Get a fucking clue, you dumb cocksucker.
  3. S

    Bertoxxulus Bugged

    Oh and whats your definition of creative? You just repeated yourself in 2 posts. Your grandmother"s mothma shaped pussy lips could tell you that"s not creative. Now who"s contradicting themselves? You fucking hypocrite.
  4. S

    Bertoxxulus Bugged

    Ha. And yours was better? That simple 3 sentence shitstain of a weak flame? I could go pick out fragments from cow shit with martha stewart"s fingers and form them into a better flame than that. Nice fucking try, loser.
  5. S

    Bertoxxulus Bugged

    So basically, here"s what you said in a shorter version: blah blah blah blah blah...oh yeah and blah blah blah blah...please will someone listen to me...blah blah blah blah.... You know gn0me, Rennox, shithole, whoever the fuck you are and however the fuck many names you have, I could care...
  6. S

    Bertoxxulus Bugged

    Tell me something, how am I claiming to be something I"m not? Take a minute to read my posts. When have Iclaimedto be something? That"s right. I haven"t. You"re a fucking worthless excuse for a troll. Your flames are pretty good...I"ll give you that, but other than that your posts are nothing...
  7. S

    Bertoxxulus Bugged

    Reread my first post. I"m not mindlessly attacking someone for no reason. I was just saying that Keed"s flames were going good until he posted the "100 posts. so leet. yes." thing. That was fucking annoying and I thought it needed a little flaming. I hate it when someone praises their own...
  8. S

    Bertoxxulus Bugged

    You find me amusing? I"ll try to ignore this though because I find compliments from trolls disturbing. Thanks anyways. And I"m aware that 95% of the posting done by foh members is done in General Forum, but that doesn"t mean they don"t look at these either, fucking dumbass. You post to state...
  9. S

    Bertoxxulus Bugged

    Well this name is a joke. I agree on the hall of shame thing, this thread is fucking hilarious.
  10. S

    Bertoxxulus Bugged its gnome, aychamo_aycono, anarchy vs. lil ole me. The 3 big bad non-foh flamers. The 3 homo muskateers eh? Always to each other"s rescue.*gasp* Why am I not suprised? Maybe because its you people that never get off this board, that are on here 24/7, always have something to say about...
  11. S

    Bertoxxulus Bugged

    Nope. Wrong, dumbass. I have posted more on this board, but the topic I posted in was deleted, so my post count was knocked down to 1 since that topic that was deleted was the only one I had posts in. No one "gained" anything from this thread? Ha. Try again buddy...just take a look at Keed"s new...
  12. S

    Bertoxxulus Bugged

    While I thought this thread was quite amusing, I also thought that you were a total dumbass for saying this. "so leet. yes." ...Please. Lets face it, your flames sucked. Your choice of words to compose those flames suck. And quite frankly, you suck. Auspex/Unleashed"s flames were way more...