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  1. Z

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    I don"t know...I think banging the former volleyball player/current phys ed teacher cancels out Eomer"s fail with the neighbour, and I can totally sympathize with the over analyzing. It can be difficult to read signals when you"re in the middle of a situation, and only in hindsight or with some...
  2. Z

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Man, I remember going on dates in high school and driving my Dad"s 1975 Ford Ranchero. Thing was ridiculous, but it had a bench seat in the front. I"m 6" and I could lie down across the car and not touch the doors on either side. American Engineering, fuck yeah! And that"s coming from a Canadian.
  3. Z

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    You didn"t suggest moving things to the back seat?
  4. Z

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    I took it to mean she"s skinny and has no ass (and probably no tits?), which is not a good thing, but at least she"s not fat, which is a good thing. I dated such a woman, and yeah, I prefer a little meat on the bones.
  5. Z

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    The only WTF part is that you don"t realize what an asshole you were being. There"s a difference between being playful or teasing, and being a jerk. But hey, look at the bright side: at least she messaged you back!
  6. Z

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    I"ve seen a lot of profiles where the women say they are looking for a man at least 3" taller than themselves, "because they like to wear heels when they go out." Honestly, I would kind of like to date a woman as tall as myself (or taller), but I"m 6 ft, so that opportunity doesn"t present...
  7. Z

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Just fucking get it for her. She will thank you afterwards.
  8. Z

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    My ex-wife and I tried the we-vibe (1, I assume - I think there"s even a 3 out now). It was....ok. She had several really good orgasms with it, but I was less enthusiastic. My complaint was that it is hard, so actually fucking while it was in didn"t feel all that great, and was actually a bit...
  9. Z

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    You guys are really impressing me. I can"t make it past this point in the story without bursting out laughing. A++, would read again.
  10. Z

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Go for drinks at one of those chain restaurants; give the package to the waiter on the sly and tell them it"s her birthday. Get them to bring it out with the staff when they march out with the ghetto blaster, cake and the sparklers to sing Happy Birthday. Guaranteed. Win.
  11. Z

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    I"m not sure it"s all his fault. I would add that he also just hasn"t gotten lucky and found someone he meshes with completely. You can modify your behaviour - to a point - to make dating more successful; however, in a long-term relationship you have to be yourself, and if you"re not...
  12. Z

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Fucking ouch! Removing an ex from your various friends lists is good advice. You can also look at it as a therapeutic "fuck you", although not everyone is going to want that. (Still, at least your exes are still alive) I"m long out of the dating scene, but it"s nice to see that some of the...
  13. Z

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    What, now we have to actually read threads? Shit, give me a break. Eomer: buck up, champ. I think a lot of guys would kill for your dating success rate, even though it hasn"t achieved a complete long term win. Seriously, you"ve banged three chicks in the past few months, which is...
  14. Z

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Correct, if by memos you mean restraining orders.
  15. Z

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    So...she dumped you because she was tired of your complaining about how much time she spent with her kid? ETA to your next self-ban request?
  16. Z

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Eomer always needs to have the last text Brad, I"m not even sure what the point is in giving advice on dating strippers, unless it"s "don"t". I could see maybe going on a few dates for the express purposes of obtaining freaky sex, but beyond that it just seems destined to end badly. I"m sure...
  17. Z

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    He had to have something else going for that line to get anything more than a knee to the groin. "Dizzy bitches were all over his junk!"
  18. Z

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Grobbee"s story reminds me of this clip I saw on Efukt. Apparently the video was from some "I want a black guy to fuck my wife" site, and (unsurprisingly) it shows a woman getting plowed doggystyle by a black guy, while the husband is underneath the woman in the 69 position. The black guy starts...
  19. Z

    Note Millie

    I feel like Dorothy after Toto pulled back the curtain, except the wizard was dressed in a furry suit and was beckoning me to come hither. yikes.
  20. Z

    Crazy Neighbor Need Advice

    I googled "intense vibrations" and found a few items that might help her relax and forget the humming of your computer.