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  1. Z

    Note Millie

    Yeah, you can honestly count me as one of many who, while never angering or even directly talking to Millie, hated to have to tred so carefully around any mention of the fact that he was a psycho batshit insane mangina. I out right avoided any conversation on the forums where he participated...
  2. Z

    Note Millie

    Left by Richard Shaw, MD Left for Millie nice myspace. I want to spooge on your ass. I don"t know whether to laugh or cry.
  3. Z

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I can answer that question without knowing anything about the game, because it"s been stated many times they want to create a behemoth; a game that can rival WoW for subscriptions. This kind of game will be easy as you please. At max levels, of course, you"ll need to have challenging content...
  4. Z

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Pretty much everything Zhen said is spot on. I just wanted to say that I agree 100% that a job system would be a great thing. Yeah, NO ONE IS ARGUING it would work in WoW. I mean ultimate fucking "duh". But in future games, a game similar to WoW in design and exeuction, it could definitely...
  5. Z

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Surprise surprise guys, Tad is really bad at Magic! Can you believe it?! I mean whoa your MTG analogy is fucking horrible. Take it from someone who is actually good at it, you are just saying random BS that you think is true for some reason, without any actual knowledge of competitive games...
  6. Z

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    God you all are a bunch of old, bitter, cranky gamers. It"s like if my dad was complaining about these yipper snappers and their fancy pants mods, and how everything was so much better back when everyone just read their combat logs to figure out what was happening. Except oh yeah, the people...
  7. Z

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I must protest! While not ideal, the tanking alchemist stone is a very viable choice for feral druids because it"s such a huge chunk of +defense. They struggle mightily to reach that defense cap, as most every option they have available with defense on it is absolutely freaking awful...
  8. Z

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I mostly agree with this very much. You might think it"s not important to have highend raiding experience. But let me just say this: having gone from someone who was for the most part a casual WoW player pre-TBC, to the very most hardcore of raiders post-TBC, I can say with confidence that...
  9. Z

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Step 1: See who plays Vanguard and who doesn"t. Step 2: Cake.
  10. Z

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    really? because according to every EULA in existence the data has no real world value whatsoever and is the sole property of the company that makes the game. If you"re betting real money, it would be illegal. Legally speaking though, WoW currency does not have any value. Games of chance are...
  11. Z

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I"d suggest as an addendum to player housing have gambling in the game world. Casinos perhaps where you could actually play with other players in game, with either games specific to your world, or real world betting games. Let players be able to host these games in their own in game homes as...
  12. Z

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Yes, not to mention Matrix 2 and 3 were bad and completely forgetable. The Matrix was such a cool movie, it was a huge success, and very popular with lots of different people. I must have watched it 3 or 4 times when it was in theater, and I never do that with movies. But everything else that...
  13. Z

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Quite frankly I could care less whether or not my system could run said yet to be named game. That"s what you call an "example" I have very little desire to try out more MMOs at this point, no matter how much they"re hyped. If the game is good enough, I"ll hear about it and might decide to...
  14. Z

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    A couple years ago, I bought a top-end system. It is still very good to this day, thought not really cutting edge anymore and could definitely be upgraded for less than what I payed for it in 2006. I can run any MMO with no problem basically. I am getting less and less into computer games...
  15. Z

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Here"s a thought.... what engine does WoW use? Is it their own built-from-nothing engine? I really have no clue about such things. And what engine does a game like, say, LOTRO use?
  16. Z

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    You all are so funny. This isn"t a court of law, as was pointed out. Also, you don"t even understand what I meant by follow the money. I"m talking real, huge, life-changing, your kid"s kid"s generational type of money. I"m not talking about $2,000 for roids. It"s the reasoning process...
  17. Z

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    For all you people with blinders on who question whether or not the Mitchell Report is accurate... You just believe whatever you want to believe. I mean seriously, it"s laughable how naive people can be when they WANT to believe something is true. Follow the money. It"s pretty simple for us...
  18. Z

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    The whole concept of "I want it like WoW" is only because just about every fucking game out today copies SO MUCH from WoW, that when certain parts of it(i.e., the User Interface) are *not* like WoW, people bitch to high heavens, and with good reason, since most of the game"s mechanics would...
  19. Z

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Noooo. How about make the damned game so I don"t need any reason to have multiple max level characters in order to enjoy the game? Sure, some people like Maxxius just enjoy levelling different toons. That"s great. Some people do. In EQ, *many* myself included did not, and preferred to focus...
  20. Z

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I"ve got my money on human rogue or human warlock.
  21. Z

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    It"s Varitek. And I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. I"m a huge nerd, obviously, since I"m on this board...but I think you just crossed some sort of line there :/
  22. Z

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Jesus christ guys, read what the man wrote. He didnt ask you to bitch about shit you want in MMOs or think is lacking. He said WHAT IS THE ONE FEATURE THAT *PISSES YOU OFF* THE MOST. All games require skill. Yeah, FPS games require more than your standard MMO level grind? No fucking...
  23. Z

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Boy is my face red. Wrong thread /cough
  24. Z

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    They just think they want that. I"m not saying some kind of politcal system couldn"t be cool and all, but the reason most people play these games is to kill badass monsters, pimp out their characters, advance their level and damage and abilities and generally upgrade their paper dolls and get...
  25. Z

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    BOE=bind on basically. No tradeable gear isn"t fun, but it"s not that huge of a deal. I can agree with the tiered quest thing to this extent - there needs to be NOT MANY of these. What it comes down to is it makes it very hard for people to group up and not waste a lot of...
  26. Z

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Repair costs/consumable consumption. THEY SUCK. WoW got so much right, but my GOD did they get this wrong. It servers no purpose except to encourage gold farming activities. Find other ways to milk money from the economy, or go the EQ route, and make it not mean too much at max level, except...
  27. Z

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    Well I was typing my post before Req posted his reply there....kinda makes almost the entire thing moot, and says what I was trying to get across with a lot more first hand knowledge and basically confirms everything I suspected. So now that"s all been cleared up by someone in the know: Get...
  28. Z

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    I"m going to preface this whole post by first stating that I really have no inside knowledge about what was going on with the whole Utnayan banning thing whatsoever; this is just my perception. It seems obvious Req didn"t have a thing to do with it, and to be honest it seems kind of unlikely...
  29. Z

    Reason hate pirates ninjas

    Save yourself the time. I"ll sum up the thread for you: Gayliem lost it, and now the abuse is just piling on; the hounds can smell the blood. I almost feel bad for him. Except it"s a self-inflicted wound.