(Almost) Cross Country Trip


<Gold Donor>
Hello FoH!

Coming this October, I have volunteered to help my friend and his girl move from the East Coast to the great state of CO! We hope to do the trip in 3 days so I can chill for the weekend before I fly back. Although the pace we set will seldom allow for stops, I don't want to waste this opportunity.

Obviously, we will be traveling along I-70 for a great deal of this trip. I know we have members from all over the states, does anyone know any "hidden gems" for places to grab a bite or a few scenic stops to admire the great west? My biggest fear is the long stretch of Nebraska...

Thank you and happy travels!​



Avatar of War Slayer
Taking I-70 through Kanas is the most boring trips I ever had the displeasure of sitting though as a kid with no Gameboy.

Illinois and Missouri in October will be just as bad, since you wont even get to see endless fields of corn and soy beans...

It might be worth the extra ~7 hours to get on I-90 though Chicago, over past the Badlands, Rapid City, and the Black Hills, then come down through Wyoming. Then you could stop at Mt. Rushmore.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
No idea about the trip but you wished me happy birthday and I thought you were my friend that loved Mike Patton/Mr bungle that still came on the forums
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<Gold Donor>
No idea about the trip but you wished me happy birthday and I thought you were my friend that loved Mike Payton/ Mr bungle that still came on the forums

That's me my dude! I hope you have many more. I've been back for a short stint now!

Unfortunately, I missed the once of a lifetime chance to see them reunited a few years back.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Oh wrong guy then, 28 is pretty young for FoH. Not really sure on the demographics but I always feel like I'm on the younger side of members since I was 15-16 when dealing with these forums in 2000
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<Gold Donor>
Oh wrong guy then, 28 is pretty young for FoH

Someone has to inherit this place! I'll be sad as hell when yall are old and it's just me.

I know BigDirty BigDirty IRL through blood. He introduced me to the old "Red and Black Pages". Never looked back cuz ya know, all other forums are just inferior in their design and the posters are stale.
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