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Just get a new mom, stop fucking around with this bullshit;Clonaid

Clonaid? can help you:
If you?re sterile and have lost hope of having the child you dream of.
If you?re homosexual and deeply desire a child who would carry your own genes.
If you?ve just lost ? or are about to lose ? a beloved family member and would like to see an identical twin of that person begin a new life.
If you?re HIV+ and want to have a child that would be your genetic twin ? without infecting either the baby or your partner with the virus.
If you simply want to be cloned, whatever your reasons may be


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Thank you for this... I've been trying to think of some awesome new way to troll my family. Totally going to start preaching about ethnocentric alien Jesus


Silver Knight of the Realm
Thank you for this... I've been trying to think of some awesome new way to troll my family. Totally going to start preaching about ethnocentric alien Jesus
Bro, you should start preaching the virtues of Big Numbers. Tell them to drink of my cool, refreshing liquid and be saved from the woes of the apocalypse.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm gravedigging this thread out of retirement because I don't know where to post this otherwise. I'm loathe to create a new thread dedicated to this just in case I'm way overthinking stuff and this blows over.

I consider this forum a place where a large number of people have dealth with batshit crazy and degenerate stuff that practically nothing will come as a surprise. So.. here goes.

I work in IT, specifically, our company runs support for a clientelle that's quite diverse. There's some larger companies, smaller ones and private clients. Some of them are what you'd call batshit crazy and this "story" and "facts" fall into this category.

So, this client, introduced as a store is a company. A family run company, where as I was promptly informed the heads of the company (husband and wife) are getting a divorce (furtherly called: male-Client and female-Client). So, naturally, there's some tention. I'm being called by one or the other side occasionally to "fix" certain things but in the big picture, they're keeping tabs on each other or trying to hide stuff from one another. And they obviously expect me to do stuff without letting the other party know about it. Which is close to impossible, especially given that I can't lie with a straight face. Every time I lie, my veins are pumped full of adrenaline and my voice changes, I start shaking and so on, most people figure me that I'm lying very fast.

Anyway, fast forward to yesterday. I get called by male-client and he wants me to set up a remote desktop connection to the store's register. I go there, set it all up, it's a standard proceedure, firewall, ports opened on the router and first problem: computer is on dynamic IP. Ah well, but there's some good news, the computer is on a VPN connection with the server. So I set up via that and have to do some things to do on the server but otherwise, things go smoothly (client-2-client communication was turned off), meanwhile I'm being watched carefully by female-Client since she wasn't clued in EXACTLY what this is going to do. And at the end she demands an explanation of what was done. There's some arguing on their part but their daughter calms stuff down when she sees a ghastly expression on my face (great catch there, I admit).

After that and when the female-Client leaves, the male-Client confides to me, that his wife is doing some weird hanky panky and is generally making his life a living hell and that HE has to do these changes if he wants to keep running the bussiness. He goes off with how there's some weird stuff missing, negative numbers and all that but I'm not an accountant. He also calls her "batshit crazy" and fubar. Not able to be reasoed with.
On the other hand, the female-Client tells me that her husband found himself a mistress (after 35 years of marriage and two or three kids(I'm not clued in entirely either)).

So today, I get a call from male-Client telling me I need to do something so the cameras in the store will be accessible from his home computer (I reckon he wants to keep tabs on her even thought he says that he needs it be keeping watch on the personnel working there). Half an hour later, i get the call from female-Client telling me that no work on anything involving cameras is permitted. See where I am now? They are having their private little war and I'm caught between two fronts. So, I take the middle path, not siding with either client and telling both in different phone calls that they have to decide who the boss is and who is going to be making decisions and telling ME and paying me for the work I'll be doing. The female client says goodbye, the male client later says he'll take care of things.

30 minutes after that, I get a call from female-Client telling me she's rescinding her previous "ban" on me doing any work on the cameras and that I should go and do what I was told needs to be done in the store by the other party.
And then she adds, "male-Client called me and said if I don't change my mind about this I won't be coming home alive tonight."

My brain and heart stopped right there and then. What the fuck?! What do I do now? I promptly finished the call and.. well, my boss says I should just stay out of it. Out of meddling in their private domestic affair. Do what they ask you to do, nod, smile and wave (penguin style) but otherwise, stay ignorant of the background situation.
Wait, you mean that after the proverbial genie was let out of the fucking cage I should pretend that didn't happen or those words weren't spoken to me? I don't know if they are true or not. I have no clue if that threat is even real. I don't want to get a confirmation, but i just can't stand there and do nothing.
Side note: Last time I "intervined" on the "injured party", I barely got out without a lawsuit and the police told me to "keep my nose out of other people's bussiness", so calling them is definetly not the thing to do.

So I did my job. I tried setting up the cameras but, since nobody actually knows the superuser/user password to the DVR, I can't. Yeah, also female-Client when male-Client wasn't around wanted me to "say things can't be done". This feels like Danny DeVito's (I'm not a midget, but I'm fat like he is) role in the War of the Roses.