Millie's Staff Member
when you park on a steep hill you should put the emergency brake on AND turn your wheels toward the curb if you you are pointing downward and away if you are pointing upward. its impossible to get run over if you do that simple trick that even the driver's manual i read as a teen tells you to do.Jeep that killed 'Star Trek' actor Anton Yelchin was flagged for safety problems - Jun. 20, 2016
Looks like he thought it was in park, and to be honest, its a little asinine to expect to use the parking break EVERY single time you get out of the vehicle. Unless your on a very steep incline, putting the vehicle in park should be enough and is what 99% of what people do. Jumping out to check the mailbox in your driveway before leaving seems like a totally understandable 'throw it in park, grab your mail, and leave' moment.