DmC: Devil May Cry


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
PC version runs at a solid 60 fps too, on good hardware anyway. Console version is clamped at 30 fps like most Unreal Engine games, which is one of the only legit complaints that the people foaming at the mouth about this reboot have. I assume the rest of the port will be fine, as long as you don't go full retard and try to play it with kb/m controls.

If you want a good laugh though, check out


Trump's Staff
Started playing this last night and the intro with Dante's dick being conveniently covered had me laughing out loud. Game is super fun, probably my favorite DMC so far. Think I'm on the 4th or 5th mission.


Just finished the game and I really enjoyed. It is difficult for me to compare it to the original Devil May Cry (mainly for the sentimental value), but I can't understand all of the negative reviews it is getting from Devil May Cry fans.
I played the hell out of Devil May Cry 4, and loved it. Started this one last week and I think I like it even more. The controls are perfect. Finished Nephilim a few days ago, and currently half-way through Son of Sparda. Can't wait to unlock and play through Hell or Hell, as that was my favorite difficulty in the last game.


Trakanon Raider
I really enjoyed my first playthrough of this and I'm loving Son of Sparda. Speaking only on story for a moment...

I had no idea there were so many people that viewed Dante and Virgil as archetypes of brilliant character design. There is a fair amount of cheese in the new DmC and a few 'what the fuck?' moments in the story but this new take is infinitely more compelling than watching a feminine white-haired man shout "KYRIEEE" at big ol' titties for 5 hours or watching two slightly more masculine white-haired men deliver poorly translated B-movie smack talk.

The combat is clean, responsive, and hella fun. The animation is top-notch and gives you a lot of visual cues, which leads to enemies being a bit obvious but this stops working in your favor when you're on SoS difficulty and have to take in a lot more information during a fight. It feels like this game rewards you for staying on your toes rather than looking for enough space to pull off the one mega-awesome-aoe-of-death (hi electric guitar). It's also nice not to float in the air for an hour when using a chain grab (hi Nero).


Toe Sucker
vergil won't be as baller as doing sword loops in umvc3 now

should still be fun though!
The Bloody Palace DLC is out for free today, for anyone interested.
I might be one of the only people still playing this, but I finished Dante Must Die a few days ago. I've got a few stages left to wrap up on Hell and Hell, and one or two left to SSS on Nephilim before I've got the 100%.

Also worth noting that the Vergil DLC has been pushed back to sometime next month.