Dredd 2 (2024 Confirmed!)


Log Wizard
Just watched it. Decent. Definitely like they didn't make Dredd feely/emotional like they do to all original good comic book characters.

Overall besides being a complete action plot ripoff from The Raid: Redemption, it was pretty good.


Millie's Staff Member
I found the movie on Amazon Prime. I thought it was okay (B-/C+). My overall impression was low-budgety B-movie set in an potentially interesting universe. Better and more cohesive than Priest or, the abomination, Ultraviolet, but little about the story was particularly compelling or surprising. I will say that Karl Urban played the character well despite how little dialogue Dredd had outside of rather stereotypical quips. I did feel as if I've seen this movie before in that I'm fairly certain there's some Asian movie I half-watched with a similar premise(i.e. Cops arrest a bad guy in a crime-run tenement, the crime lord locks the tenement down and demands the murder of the cops, chaos ensues, etcetera [found it]). Being that it was subtitled, I think, I can understand recycling the story as virtually no one in the US would watch it. Regardless, Dredd is full of over-used moments, such as the rookie doing stupid things and inexplicably managing to get herself disarmed and captured. That said, after watching the third Transformers movie on Prime, this movie was Shakespeare in comparison. I would watch it again, I'd be interested in a second installment, but for me to see it in theaters the story and character development would have to improve. That, or it needs to be more of a spectacle with levels of violence and depravity I haven't already seen ad nauseum.
the movie you are probably thinking of is Assault on Precinct 13 or Escape From New York. same idea basically/ both are great films by a great director so i stil have no problem with Dredd's concept.

and yes i was a fan of the comics a decade before stallone played dredd. the band Anthrax wrote a song about Judge Dredd which got me interested in the comics.



<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I did feel as if I've seen this movie before in that I'm fairly certain there's some Asian movie I half-watched with a similar premise(i.e. Cops arrest a bad guy in a crime-run tenement, the crime lord locks the tenement down and demands the murder of the cops, chaos ensues, etcetera [found it]). Being that it was subtitled, I think,I can understand recycling the story as virtually no one in the US would watch it.

The Raid wasn't released until September 2011, while the script for this Dredd movie had already been leaked back in 2010. Garland mentioned that he'd written and rewritten a number of possible scripts (Cursed Earth and Dark Judges storylines) before this one but iirc this one was still somewhat finished before 2008, when they announced the movie itself (which they won't normally do without...you know...some form of a script). Hell, Dredd started filming before The Raid did (late 2010 versus spring 2011) and it was announced even before Evans and Uwais'FIRSTmovie,"Merantau"was released (Aug 2009).

I mean, when the script was leaked people were accusing it of being a"Die Hard movie set in Mega-City 1"because no one had even heard of the Raid yet.

Beef Supreme_sl



It sounds like what you actually mean is yes. Yes, there was a movie with a similar premise released before Dredd. Who wrote the script first is irrelevant. I am not accusing, nor do I care, who copied whom. I am accusing them of making a movie that, even if entirely original, came off as being overdone and derivative. The Raid was just a concrete example. You seem to be focusing the minutia while the overarching take away is that, regardless of what movie came first, Dredd's execution was not particularly compelling.


Karazhan Raider
I've got this queued up & will watch soon. Don't think I ever saw the Stallone one, not the whole thing. I remember it looked annoying. This one, on the other hand, looks promising.

As long as he doesn't go around saying, "I am the law"


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
It sounds like what you actually mean is yes. Yes, there was a movie with a similar premise released before Dredd.
Unfortunately you chose to use the first similar movie that came to mind instead of spending a moment thinking of something that actually predated Dredd.

Who wrote the script first is irrelevant.
Writes post about Dredd ripping off The Raid, then posts that who wrote their script first is irrelevant.

I am accusing them of making a movie that, even if entirely original, came off as being overdone and derivative. The Raid was just a concrete example.
You didn't use the Raid as an example, you specifically said that they 'recycled the Raid's story' (which is ok I guess because you say that 'no one in the US would watch it' anyways, LOL).

You seem to be focusing the minutia while the overarching take away is that, regardless of what movie came first, Dredd's execution was not particularly compelling.
[citation needed]

What I find interesting is that people seem to focus on the"trapped in a building, rescue partner"bit as if that is some uncommon plot device, when that's really at it's base a fairly common structure for many action movies (especially if you treat the former separately from the latter as they really aren't intrinsically tied together). In that sense Dredd is pretty much in the same vein as tons of other action films, which is why your objections seem nonsensical to me. Unless, of course, you have an issue with most action films as well.

What I think you have an issue with isn't that it was derivative of another movie like The Raid or Die Hard, but rather that it was at it's coresimplyan action movie. Just be clear and say that you wanted it to be somethingother thanan action movie and be done with it. To me your expectations seem arbitrarily high, especially when we're talking about an action movie, and an action movie based on this IP at that. Also what you may have disliked about the movie might possibly have been intentional on Garland's part: he stated that he specifically wanted to avoid too broad a movie and to keep the plot and character development to a minimum (except for Anderson, who was intentionally the one who had the lion's share of character development, hence her convoluted path in the movie). After the Stallone Dredd movie that was probably a smart move, and I'd wager that some of what you might want was/is planned for any potential sequel (develop characters and broad storylines across sequels instead of trying to do it in a single movie).


It seems like you just want to argue, which is understandable as it's the internet. I like to argue, too, especially when imbibing. I will concede that my post wasn't worded well or as concretely as necessary to more directly relay my opinion. The lack of definiteness in the choice of my wording, such as "I can understand" as opposed to "they blatantly copied," would seemingly convey a casual, lazy armchair hypothesis. Why I would invest the time scouring the internet or my memory to go beyond that for this movie would seem silly. I could literally go scene-by-scene finding concrete, predating examples, but that's beyond the point. Even if Dredd was entirely unique in all aspects all the time, many aspects of this movie felt played out. But, oh well.

However, "just be clear and say that you wanted it to be somethingother thanan action movie and be done with it, " is a bit of an overreach. I like action movies, I expected an action movie going into watching this movie, and I gotanaction movie by the end. It wasn't simply an action movie. It was a simple action movie. Simple to the point where aspects of the movie were boring and elements felt missing. As with any perception, it's a subjective experience and I don't expect my views to be held by most of the population, nor am I critic evaluating this movie on it's technical merit. I'm just a layperson that likes movies that has an opinion. You may say my expectations were overly highly and I'm definitely not an "A's for everything" type of person. That said, by definition, most action movies are average. This fell within that range, albeit, on the higher end of average. Not a standard deviation above the mean, but qualitatively better than most of the drek pushed out by Hollywood, which would correspond to a B-/C+.


Musty Nester
Dredd rules. Yes it was a fairly paint-by-numbers action movie.That's why it rules. It's so fucking simple. You don't need a billion dollars of CGI. You don't need superheros questioning their sexuality. You don't even need to save the world (again).

All you need is a frowny face, balls of steel, an awesome gun, and some fucking gangsters to shoot in the head.

I lost my shit when Cersi turned the giant machine guns on his entire half of the floor. Didn't see that coming and it was completely hilarious. No time to fuck around, just kill that asshole.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
i don't like dredd because the plotline is incredibly derivitive. Bad guys do bad things and then the good guys come and stop them. it's horribly cliched. /sarcasm

honestly in this day and age, the simplicity of Dredd IS out of the box. people make movies and they feel the need to have all these overarching plotlines ALL OVER THE PLACE. it would have been completely normal for this movie to have a big backstory on how anderson dealt with her powers before becoming a judge. how she found out she HAD powers. how dredd got to be a judge. how he got to be the best judge. where the rogue judges came from. etc etc etc. it would have been completely normal to do that. but they chose to just drop us right into the middle of the week for dredd. what's that awesome quote from Street Fighter? "for you it was the day your father died, the day he was taken away from you, the day your life changed forever. for me? it was tuesday." THAT is why this movie is awesome. it's just a day at the office for dredd.


Avatar of War Slayer
So I have never seen the Sly version- so I busted out youtube and am about 3/4 through it- when he has the helmet on sly did a good dredd imo- its some of the stuff afterward that was ehh... it had a lot of the comic stuff, well characters- it had more characters than Dredd- the angel clan etc etc- it technically told more of the lore with the long walk etc etc and Dredds origin... I feel that it would make a good 2nd movie to remake the 95 version with less schnider

Trilogy factor engaged-> Dredd -> Judge Dredd -> Judge Dredd : Death

and I believe that's actually about what they wanted to do. So I hope that once they broke even with worldwide and dvd that the $$ from the Netflix contract got them into the possibility of looking at another.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
The quality of Dredd was in it's simplicity and a lot of small details. The interaction between Dredd and the cadet was simple but sweet. I enjoyed some of the ways they showed the power of the cadet's psychic abilities. The slo mo effects between what it did to the environment and how damage looked were incredible. It was done so well that people watching the movie might could understand why a character would want to try the drug. The outright blunt violence was refreshing. So many actions movies consider red liquid to be taboo and thus all characters have only a couple of ounces of blood in them. Dredd even got shot. The hero was shot and severely hurt.

It was a culmination of a lot of small elements that made the movie well worth watching. My only concern would be the attempt at doing it again with a sequel, but I am all for them trying.