Yeah, the only "actiony" parts of the book were the practice scenes in zero g. Otherwise, I felt the book was more the book he was like 6-7, and less of a action movie
Sooo that trailer just basically spoiled the ending. Why the hell would they do that?
I DID include spoilers in this one so don't click it if you don't want some of the ending ruined.I've said it at least twice in this thread already, but people repeatedly complain about the ending being spoiled in the trailer. I'm not going to be specific, so as not to ruin it for people that haven't read it, but that's why I can do this out of spoilers in the first place. The only reason you think the ending is spoiled, is because you already know what the ending is. Someone with no knowledge has no clue and wouldn't be able to make that leap themselves. And we're all just guessing that it is a spoiler, it very well could be something completely different, or something misplaced on purpose in the trailer to heighten the tension of the trailer itself. We all know they fuck up continuity of scenes in trailers every day, so this might just be another example.
If you didn't read the book, you would have no complaints about spoilers in that trailer at all.
I think the movie looks good but wasn't Ender like 8 in the book? And this kid is like 16 or something, that has been the most jarring thing for me, seeing how old the cast is compared to the books. I understand why they did it tho, little kids are terrible actors.The actor for the protagonist is exactly how I imagined him to be. Heh.
please noyeah, imagine another kid anakin to play a major role. wouldn't want that.
- Founding fathers of US owned slaves and didn't let women voteHP Lovecraft was a huge racist
NASA was founded by a bunch of 'ex' Nazis.
Lewis Carroll was a pedophile.
Roman Polanski plead guilty to unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor before fleeing the country
you are rustling my jimmies.- Founding fathers of US owned slaves and didn't let women vote
- On Winston Churchill's homosexual males were forcibly chemically sterilized
Just because some people have a few bad ideas, doesn't mean they can't also do something good.![]()