Futuristic Violence and Fancy Suits by David Wong


Molten Core Raider

Anyone else read this? It's from the Author of John Dies at the End and This Book is Full of Spiders: Seriously Dude Don't Touch It.

I was entertained but moderately underwhelmed by the story. It's a good book and a fun read. But I was pretty damn impressed with John Dies at the End and didn't feel like this one lived up to it. I think Wong wanted to talk about what he saw as a possible future and illustrate how fucked up things can get if there were actually readily available super-power cybernetic upgrades. But it just felt... flat. Tabula Ra$a had style and was well described, but it felt like a lot of near-future dystopian settings that other authors have used. I loved the Blink system of social media and I think that could very easily become a reality. I don't know. How did you guys feel reading it? I couldn't get over an overwhelming feeling of "John Dies at the End was written WAY better".

Your thoughts?


Silver Knight of the Realm
Dude is a full on SJW wack job.
He is a harasser. The dude is also in love with the matrix as the greatest movie franchise of all time. Him and Jack O`brien have constantly ruined the Cracked Podcast, which could have been beautiful, and moved their website from actual funny satire, to a clickbait navel gazing gawker clone.

John dies at the end was okay.

Gladstones Tales from the internet apocalypse was better. If we are comparing cracked peers.


Tranny Chaser
Dude is a full on SJW wack job.
I really, really like John Dies at the End and This Book is Full of Spiders and would recommend them to anyone but I absolutely cannot stand the man himself or the articles he writes on Cracked.