Good Games You Might Have Missed (Game Suggestions)


Not Smrt
<Gold Donor>
NES:The Magic of Scheherazade. RPG/Action hybrid with time travel and really cool world.
Loved the shit out of this game. This along with the Guardian Legend and I was set as a kid.






(PC) Nox: High speed diablo clone with a decent campaign and amazing multiplayer. This game has the best arena/ctf style multiplayer that I have ever played. RIP Westwood. It's 6 bucks on, but you need to dl westwood online to get it online. Not many people play it anymore though.

Not many Nox videos to choose from =(.

The Ancient_sl

NES:The Magic of Scheherazade. RPG/Action hybrid with time travel and really cool world.
This game was fucking difficult without a guide if I recall. I got absolutely stuck routinely.

E.V.O. was a goddamn grindfest. And you spent all your EVO points on a horn that broke after one use or some jaws that did less damage than your old shit.

Fuck you EVO. Fuck you and your damn EVO points and your green orbs and your fucking bees that trap you in a corner and fucking rape you over and over.





Still a Music Elitist
Bumping this thread because I recently picked up Castlevania Lords of Shadow since it was so cheap and I heard decent things about it. The story is ass and a lot of the cutscenes and writing is cheeseball, but the gameplay is a lot of fun. 3D platformer action/adventure. You gain items that give you access to new areas you previously passed to get upgrades, massive amounts of combos you can pull off (and are sick when you get them right), epic boss battles. Fun game.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I can't think of anything from the past just yet, but lately I'd say:

CaveStory+ - plays like Mega Man and Metroid put together. Great game.

Mark of the Ninja - probably one of the best stealth games ever, you get rewarded differently for achieving alternate objectives, and reward gear can better suit your playstyle. (stealth rewards = stealth gear; high kill gear = better attack gear; etc)

Inversion - a Gears of War clone of sorts, the scenery is pretty badass and the story is kind of wacky. If you can pick it up for dirt cheap is a pretty decent play. It has some different physics stuff to it.

Singularity - agree with the above, its pretty good. Its almost a BioShock clone with the way the mechanics work, with some alternate ideas thrown in and a different story. Recommended considering you can pick it up cheap these days.

Hotline Miami - has a mindfuck plot of sorts, and the gameplay is intense. The music is pretty good too and adds to the vibe. Ignore the old school NES graphics - pick it up cheap and have a good time.

The only down side:


Finished in 10 hours
Free with the link someone posted earlier, so go for 10 hours of freebie!


A Mod Real Quick
Star Ocean - The Last Hope
Really great JRPG. It has a pretty long (40-60 hours) story with a great combat system. You mainly control one character and let the others do their thing, but you can control them if you want them to do specific actions. Bosses are pretty interesting, but if you grind a lot the combat can be a joke. A lot of anime influence in this even though it is 3D, but it doesn't really detract. My major gripe with this game was the voice acting on the little girl made me want to stab myself in the ears. One of the best RPGs I have played over the past 10 years. I felt genuinely satisfied when I beat it. Can get it for X360 or PS3.

Phantasy Star I-IV
This series came out either right before or right after the first Final Fantasy game. This series took more of a sci-fi route whereas FF went the traditional fantasy route. Very similar gameplay with a bit more of a mature story. I and II are complete classics as far as RPGs go, it is tough to find games with such a great story and combat system. PSII was far ahead of its time when it came out and it is pretty remarkable how good it is (my avatar). PSIII was the bastard child with a system in which each main character at the end of their story would get a chance to marry one of two women. Depending on who you married, your next main character (son/daughter) would be different. It was definitely an interesting concept and provided some replay value for me at least (played them all). Some people scorn the game because of the graphic style as well as the clunky combat system. PSIV is another masterpiece, I think the problem was it came at the end of the Genesis era so it didn't get much love. I would rank these games as II-I-IV-III in terms of good to bad. The best part is you can either emulate them, or buy Sega Genesis Collection for PS3 (maybe X360?) and play all 4 that way. If you can't tell, this is my favorite RPG series ever.