If one wants to set up a server


What options are actually available? I know about PEQ which would require months of work in order to be even slightly accurate and bug-free. Are there any better open-source kits these days? Haven't really kept up with eqemu in recent years.

edit: I'm talking about a classic server, probably up to and including Velious.


ResetEra Staff Member
What options are actually available? I know about PEQ which would require months of work in order to be even slightly accurate and bug-free. Are there any better open-source kits these days? Haven't really kept up with eqemu in recent years.

edit: I'm talking about a classic server, probably up to and including Velious.
PEQ and maybe AX_Classic.

AXClassic is a bit out of date though, and I am not sure if they keep up with git, so probably PEQ is your best bet.
You can get a repack that installs everything needed in about 5 minutes here:
Metronic | Admin Dashboard Template


Yes but isn't it wildly unclassic and full of bugs? Last time I had a look under the hood of a PEQ-based server, just about every single aspect of the code and database had to be overhauled as it only vaguely resembled Everquest. Pretty much every mob had an incorrect spawn table, loot table, pathing, etc., all the mechanics were hugely improvised, most quests didn't work, and so on. Is this still the case?


ResetEra Staff Member
Yes but isn't it wildly unclassic and full of bugs? Last time I had a look under the hood of a PEQ-based server, just about every single aspect of the code and database had to be overhauled as it only vaguely resembled Everquest. Pretty much every mob had an incorrect spawn table, loot table, pathing, etc., all the mechanics were hugely improvised, most quests didn't work, and so on. Is this still the case?
Not at all and if there's any improvements you feel should be made, you can submit changes to the PEQ team.

Alternatively, you may want to look at Al'Kabor Project's database, which you can modify to work with EQEmu with a ton of changes. It's probably closer to classic than PEQ and probably is what you are looking for. Downside is it only works with the EQMac client which has a plethora of issues itself.
Their project is listed here:cavedude00/Server · GitHub

AX_Classic is out of date but if you want to use that, you should look into Akkadius' EOC tool and try importing/merging spawns into your database using PEQ as a template database.
Metronic | Admin Dashboard Template

If you have any questions you can contact the PEQMac/Takproject team in irc.eqemulator.org/6667 #peqmac


What about for a real 'production' like P99 server? I got a nice server and connection with a static IP that I could use for this; I'm also a fairly good programmer so could probably fix some bugs and stuff.

Maybe I should start a rerolled kickstarter.


TLP Idealist
This sort of thing is not easy. There's a reason why almost every EQemu server sucks. If you really want to do it you've got to find people interested and willing to help develop for free and who don't have some severe personality disorders but still want to play EQ.

Seriously though, I hope you do it.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
The biggest issue, as Zaide mentioned, is finding people that aren't massive douchebags that are willing to put in hours of volunteer time fixing shit to make it look "better".

If you want to do this, I'd like to offer you one piece of advice, as someone who has attempted this before (and failed due to lack of participation): Set yourself some realistic goals, and make sure that they are well-defined. Then, share them with your volunteers. Don't hold back, don't lie to them, and beware scope creep. It'll ruin your effort.


What would be the 'ideal' server type setting? I don't want to compete with P99.

PvP? Easier exp? more items? hotzones?

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Why don't you just 4 box on The Sleeper, bro? It's the cool place to be.


Golden Knight of the Realm
What would be the 'ideal' server type setting? I don't want to compete with P99.

PvP? Easier exp? more items? hotzones?
I'd love to see an attempt at a "classic custom" server. Basically taking the spirit of classic EQ but recreating everything to fix all of the issues that classic EQ had and make things fresh again. I have a lot of ideas for something like this, but it's too time consuming for someone like me to develop on my own.

Shards of Dalaya was basically this back when it was Winter's Roar, but it's been around for so long it might as well be EQ live.


ResetEra Staff Member
I'd love to see an attempt at a "classic custom" server. Basically taking the spirit of classic EQ but recreating everything to fix all of the issues that classic EQ had and make things fresh again. I have a lot of ideas for something like this, but it's too time consuming for someone like me to develop on my own.

Shards of Dalaya was basically this back when it was Winter's Roar, but it's been around for so long it might as well be EQ live.
I have a few prototypes mechanically for this exact thing (and it's already coded, in fact), but no content designers.

The idea is to remove stats entirely from gear and use 'secondary' invisible stats for progression as opposed to the idea of classic stats such as STR/STA/AGI/DEX etc.
Classic stats were largely redundant; you had maybe 6 types of stats/mechanics that were used to avoid an attack, like defense skill/AGI/resists, and multiple ways to gain raw statistics such as HP/Mana through the form of other stats that do literally the same thing as +HP/Mana for specific classes.

The solution I wrote is simple to follow on items and spells and simple to implement on NPCs:

Realm of Immersion (working title) Design Doc


* ATK increases damage inflicted.
* AC decreases damage taken.
* These above stats take away from each other. ATK is added first, followed by AC subtractions, followed by damage modifiers from spells.
* Spell modifers always add a percentage of damage. This opens up venues for classes like the Shaman and Bard to give their own modifiers to damage.
* A minimum of 1 damage is always inflicted provided the attack hits.
* Damage on weapons is a straight-up number instead of a crazy formula to determine your damage.
* Spell Auto Attack is added through the form of wands. These are identifiable through elemental damage on a weapon, and use your ATK.
* Spell Auto Attack weapons can be dual wielded if you are a pure caster class. This includes Enchanter, Wizard, Magician, and Necromancer.
Note: NPCs do not follow player damage rules, however, follow a minimum/maximum formula which includes ATK and AC. These stats can be debuffed by players and NPCs on players in return.


* Skills determine the chance that you can use a melee attack or spell while not getting interrupted. This is the only benefit to combat and casting skills.
* General skills add +0.5% chance of not being interrupted, while individual specialized skills give a 0.1% chance of not being interrupted.
* All skills cap at 100, and are leveled through using them. Todo: Implement Skill XP Pools instead of on-use skillups.
Note: NPCs do not have skills and can be easily interrupted, however NPCs are only interrupted by single target auto attacks.


* Attack speed is calculated by (delay * 100) milliseconds instead of a formula to determine when autoattacks happen. A 20 delay weapon will trigger every 2000ms.
* Haste on gear is a flat value that decreases this timer, capping out at (basems * 0.50) reduction. Slower weapons can benefit from more haste, faster weapons not so much.
* Haste on spells increases the percentage of haste earned from item bonuses.
Note: NPCs have a flat 20 delay for trash NPCs, and are affected by buffs cast on them by other NPCs.

* Avoidance increases chance to avoid by 0.1% per avoidance
* Accuracy increases chance to hit by 0.1% per avoidance.
* Some spells increase the value earned from items by a percentage.
* Avoidance cannot exceed 85% avoidance, nor can it be lowered below 5%. You are always able to have a chance to hit or miss.

Resists & Spells:
*Spells (and melee combat abilities, which are lumped under the 'spells' classification) are modified through your base ATK (and spell modifiers to ATK) and further modified through a 'Spell Damage' (Now called 'Ability Modifier') stat.
*All spells have a base 95% chance to be interrupted while being hit. See: Skills.
*Spells can continue to be casted while auto attacking, regardless of your class.
*Ability modifier is a 0.1 percentage modifier to your base spell damage. This stat starts at 100. Critical abilities increase this base to a minimum of 150% to a maximum of 350%, and have varying levels of critical damage increases depending on a roll. All Classes can critical attack on any Spell, aggressive or defensive.
*Resists add a 100% chance to resist a spell. The buff is invisible to the client aside from the name such as Resist Magic.
*Resists are only gained through spell buffs cast by another entity. These buffs last for 5 seconds, fade upon resisting that type of spell, and have a 30 second cooldown.
*Resists are reactive instead of passive. It is possible to gain group resists by finding the appropriate scroll and scribing it.
*Multiple ranks of spells are no more; instead, you will only have one rank of spell that has a modified base percentage and varying cast time. For example, a 4 second cast timer spell may hit for 500% modifier, where as a 2 second cast timer spell may hit for 250% modifier. These ranks are added after ATK/Spell Damage calculations, and before Critical calculations.
* You may only have a max of 8 spells memorized, and a total of 12 spells in your spell book at any given time. When you delete a spell from your spell book, you will have to re-learn it by finding the appropriate scroll again.
Note: npcs are excluded from this rule.

* All players start at a base 1000 HP/Mana/Endurance, and this increases by level by 100 per level.
* The following Stats are removed:
*Resist Corruption

The following stats appear on gear:
*Proc Effects (Worn "on-hit Procs" and standard weapon procs)

Unless otherwise noted, NPCs follow the same formula that PCs do.
If I had content designers this could become a reality, but I don't. There's plenty of crowdsourcing tools out there for EQEmulator now, though, and I have enough experience that I could make a crowdsourced server. I think it'd be pretty cool if I made a EQNext-style content design server just to expedite the process - except NPC spawns, quest scripts, and items instead of voxels.


Molten Core Raider
This is something I've wanted to do as well: create a custom classic era server that retained the spirit/challenge of the game but provided a fresh experience to veteran players. I even had a forum set up to brainstorm ideas with some old friends of mine but I couldn't get them interested enough to make a commitment.

One problem with this is that unlike open source applications, game mechanics are much more subjective and games require a more authoritarian organization. I.e. you need one guy to have the last word on design choices. This isn't a problem for emulators trying to recreate a game, but it becomes one when you try to change the game.

Another problem I had/have is that I want to provide an unspoiled game experience like we used to have way back when. Games nowadays have long public betas and clients are datamined to fuck that it spoils most of the surprises, which I hate. I remember new EQ expacs launching and not knowing what to expect, learning the game as I went. Nowadays Blizzard's launcher posts stats and armor screens for items in the next patch months in advance. So I couldn't even mention my ideas for a custom emu publicly without spoiling the surprises, or even privately unless I trusted them to not talk about it.

However, one core modification I wanted to implement is 'world states' which are small scripts that modify the state of the game world depending on actions done by players. A simple example would be making boats and teleports to Kunark work when a certain one-time quest is completed by the players on the server instead of simply launching the expac administratively. Player actions or simple randomness could trigger scripts that could do all sorts of things like disable or enable spawngroups, teleporters, zone lines, swap loot tables, etc. The goal being to make the world more dynamic and progression less linear. Too bad I dislike C++.


Then lets do something about it; I do want to learn more about MMO/Game development; I'm a good Java/Ruby enterprise application developer so I have the developer background just need to ramp up on C++. I want to tinker and play around with a world (in this case EQ) and might need some help with quests and shit like that.

I'll be setting up a server with my spare homelab...



Here's a weird idea I've been thinking of.

Given that a lot of people want to learn how to make games/code games or take a path in game development (other than sucking it up and going through a college somehere), I want to start something that helps with practical skills. Say, 'EduQuest'. It'll be a normal EQ classic server (up to say, Luclin), where Quest writing, Game Client/Server, Server OPS, etc, is handled by people who are learning to do game dev.

I want to learn mostly server side coding (I've developed server applications in java/spring and Ruby, so the server side of things with C++ interests me). But I don't really want to go and build quests and do art. I want to put in something like 8 hours a week on a side project to learn about this.

I guess, is there any interest in people to learn about game dev; whether it's coding, quest design, game production, server ops, etc?


There was something similar on the old site. In fact I think that is what spawned the game development board. Folks used a sort of mmo getting started kit type thing, can't remember the name of it, but it was python for the backend and Torque for the client.

I was too busy with work at the time to get involved but I remember playing it.