My wife had this big fucking breakdown a couple of days ago. She wanted to quit her job, at the school my kids go to, and pull them out of it. I was like no wtf. She was stressed out between them changing her classes and one of our daughters having behavior issues, so she just lost it and had a breakdown. I waited until yesterday and tried to have a talk with her about getting into therapy, about how she needs to learn how to cope with stress because she can't go pulling our kids out of school because she had a bad week or some shit. I don't know, she wasn't having it, I'm trying to talk to her and she's just like watching tv not giving a fuck. I'm sick of this shit bros, I'm sick of my kids asking me "what's wrong with mommy" or "why is mommy crying" or "why isn't mommy here" when we go places. But I don't know how to get her to give a fuck about trying to improve her shit.
It's like you're describing my marriage.
A little over a year ago my wife "couldn't get out of bed" for a week and lost her job. Her job was just too negative and hard on her mentally and emotionally until it put her in bed for a week. I get she processes things differently than most people but here's the skinny of it...if she isn't working, we can't pay for stuff (eventually) She lost her job (of course, because this wasn't the first time she had done it) and I ended up having to pull for my 401K to pay our mortgage. So now anytime she is "sick" I have to worry about if she'll pull the same thing again because depressed or not, I can't live a live where the other person will allow themselves to screw over their family.
Mine refuses to go talk to anyone either because all they do is "talk about things I should do, like I'm living my life the wrong way" .....well....yeah, that's sorta the point.
Our son we have together, we do the majority of things by ourselves. I can't tell you the last family holiday she attended with us....and it's HER family. She just lays in the room all the time watching Netflix or whatever else. Like I said before, If I'm going to live like a single father, I'll do it in an environment where I'm not walking on egg shells 24/7. Heck, just the other day she pulled up the "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego" theme song on her phone and I chuckled, she then got super man and said if I was going to judge her she'd just go in the bedroom, and stormed off and I didn't see her the rest of the night. At that point, I'm almost glad tit happens because I'd rather have that then a possible fight happen for the next 4 hours as she looks for things to be mad about.
This isn't to say she doesn't do some family things, she does...but it's not nearly enough. It's awesome when she's in the bedroom for 3 days and will come out and see me on the computer or my phone and try to complain that that's all I do, Nevermind the fact I just made her dinner and cleaned up the place for the evening. I just laugh at her anymore, audibly.
We're in the same boat bro, you need to realize it and start working on finding your life preserver like I am because no happiness will exist in the one we're in now. Fleeting moments don't count, we both know that. I bet you were like me and when she has 3 good days or so you are like "Well things are getting better..." and allow it to erase weeks worth of it, or whatever really messed up thing she had just done not to long ago...and then the process starts all over again. It's the only roller coaster in the world that's not fun, stop riding it, for your sake, and your daughters. You don't want them growing up thinking that's normal living.