Mickey 17 (2025)


Avatar of War Slayer
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Title: Mickey 17 (2025)

Genre: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Comedy

Director: Bong Joon Ho

Cast: Robert Pattinson, Naomi Ackie, Steven Yeun, Toni Collette, Mark Ruffalo, Holliday Grainger, Anamaria Vartolomei

Release: 2025-01-28

Plot: Mickey 17 is an 'expendable', a disposable employee, on a human expedition sent to colonize the ice world Niflheim. After one iteration dies, a new body is regenerated with most of its memories intact.



Avatar of War Slayer
I was in the for first half of the trailer, then I checked out for the second half where it got stupid with all the other lame actors.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Edge of Tomorrow was a better sci-fi version of this movie, and Groundhog Day told the story in a more normal way.
Define "version"

I don't see how these two can compare

Bong is fucking amazing so I'll be seeing this one on release. Fuuuuck yessss
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Avatar of War Slayer
moon and oblivion - new clones don't have memories of life up till death


dual had the concept of what happens when there are 2 clones of same person, (never finished it)
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Blackwing Lair Raider
dual had the concept of what happens when there are 2 clones of same person, (never finished it)

Don't ever bother. It's written for such a low IQ that you'll actually hate yourself for volunteering to be an audience member. It's so predictable that it's insulting... then, to pour salt on the wound, the last 10-15 minutes are spent spelling out all the clues you missed because you're IQ obviously hovers around the 50 range. I hate myself for sticking it out.


Trakanon Raider
If the pivotal point is just _which_ memories get carried over, then it seems like Altered Carbon (or maybe the cloning episode of Farscape) would be the reference point.

I could see some dark humor in a scenario where as soon as two copies are alive once, from that point on when _one_ dies, every one of them gets a duplicate, leading to exponential population growth.

But it still doesn't make a ton of sense that they wouldn't just use autonomous, or at least telepresence, robots instead.


Goonsquad Officer
this is the same plot as smurfs. everyone is just so smurfy and the only girl smurf is there because gargamel transed them.
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Movie information in first post provided by The Movie Database