Principalities and Powers


Trakanon Raider
Gaslighting – The act of denying someone reality.

It’s been over a year since my Witch AI post and it’s given me some time to iron out the concepts and ideas I was trying to convey. Some backstory to the original inspiration for the post happened after a series of treatments from Ketamine Therapy. There are no words for how much that changed my life yet at the same time gave me an entirely different perspective on the world. Around the same time of the treatment, the governor of Virginia was promoting post-birth abortion on the radio. I felt like I’d been taken to another planet by the way he talked about it. To me, it was like “we’re at the stage of evil where people are trying to normalize child sacrifice”.

Not everything was connected in my mind at the time but I remember posting about it and my life went downhill further than it already had become. Targeted individual, gang stalked, the works. Everything you hear about it is true so I started trying to find a way out. Maybe you can’t see yet but we are all connected yet we still allow evil to divide and separate us. A lot of this is due to being submissive and passive to rancid behavior. Behavior that’s rotted our society and created some of the worst humans in history.

Witches and Warlocks


In the simplest of terms, psychopaths are witches and warlocks. They all share a spiritual connection through Hell with their master being the Devil. There’s a spectrum of psychopaths and the ones worth focusing in relation to the damage they inflict are the ones that are contained in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) under Cluster B Personality Disorders:

Antisocial personality disorder

  • Disregard for others' needs or feelings
  • Persistent lying, stealing, using aliases, conning others
  • Recurring problems with the law
  • Repeated violation of the rights of others
  • Aggressive, often violent behavior
  • Disregard for the safety of self or others
  • Impulsive behavior
  • Consistently irresponsible
  • Lack of remorse for behavior
These individuals you’ll find mostly in jail. Habitual boundary crossers - they are the people that cops spend the most time babysitting, and the majority of your taxpayer dollars go funding their destructive behavior. Gang members and relentless bullies that get in your head and won’t stop harassing you even if you beg or fight back. There’s no winning with these people and when you have a government who actively encourages this behavior through mass media you end up with groups like Antifa.

Borderline personality disorder

  • Impulsive and risky behavior, such as having unsafe sex, gambling or binge eating
  • Unstable or fragile self-image
  • Unstable and intense relationships
  • Up and down moods, often as a reaction to interpersonal stress
  • Suicidal behavior or threats of self-injury
  • Intense fear of being alone or abandoned
  • Ongoing feelings of emptiness
  • Frequent, intense displays of anger
  • Stress-related paranoia that comes and goes
Mostly seen in women but also there are men with this disorder. Relationships with these people are very intense at first until you end up getting “soulmated” by them. After the honeymoon period, the cycle of abuse starts, and it continues until you fight back by standing up for yourself or end the relationship. Fighting back can and will often cause the individual to seek revenge on you. Modern feminism has sought to make excuses for women who behave in this manner because it’s “our time” and <insert historical reasons>. If you keep running into women like this then it’s very possible your mother is a witch.


Covens work in a similar manner to witches but on a larger scale. That’s why the Eastern Order (who’s really behind Freemasonry) and other sisterhoods are in control and anyone making the case that there’s some sort of spiritual brotherhood through Satan is a fool. They are all sisterhoods and now that men’s confidence has been completely destroyed and women’s confidence boosted to the unimaginable level you can see who the boss really is.

Histrionic personality disorder

  • Constantly seeking attention
  • Excessively emotional, dramatic or sexually provocative to gain attention
  • Speaks dramatically with strong opinions, but few facts or details to back them up
  • Easily influenced by others
  • Shallow, rapidly changing emotions
  • Excessive concern with physical appearance
  • Thinks relationships with others are closer than they really are
Drama queens and attention whores. These tend to be women mostly like borderlines and end up having really good social skills but tend to use those skills to manipulate others. A lot of these disorders have a certain level of comorbidity so you might see traits from a narcissist or borderline in someone like this or vice versa. Often loud and obnoxious demon-filled creatures from the netherworld. Lovers of false rape allegations and social justice meltdowns - they are true agents of Hell.

Narcissistic personality disorder

  • Belief that you're special and more important than others
  • Fantasies about power, success and attractiveness
  • Failure to recognize others' needs and feelings
  • Exaggeration of achievements or talents
  • Expectation of constant praise and admiration
  • Arrogance
  • Unreasonable expectations of favors and advantages, often taking advantage of others
  • Envy of others or belief that others envy you

Boundary steppers, line crossers, false senses of entitlement. If you work in an office you’ve probably encountered these individuals in a leadership position or trashing everyone in their way to get into one. They often have “teams” of fans or people that are loyal to them while everyone else hates them. The loyals are usually loyal because they’ve had a parent or guardian that raised them in a similar manner. This happens not only in office buildings but they could be the head of Churches and especially Governments. Attracted to power like a moth is attracted to a flame. These are creatures of revenge and envy with Satan always supplying a steady stream of drama. This can happen at a tribe/group level and societal level (i.e. the never-ending wars created by the Freemasons). When getting away with something or when they think they have outwitted you you’ll often see them smirk. The ultimate man-child with the emotional capacity of a 3-year-old.

Anxiety and depression, suicidal ideation, homosexuality, gender dysphoria, autism, pedophilia, bestiality, scat eating are all diseases that individuals receive from being the victim of witch behavior (or being a witch themselves).

Now imagine having one of these individuals as a parent. Growing up as a child you have no idea what love is because everything is superficial and you either end up like all these autistic spuds you see out in society or your just like the parent and continue the cycle of Hell for everyone else. You can look back in history and literally see the rise and fall of empires and the source will always be Witches. The Satanists realize all of this and that’s how they’ve maintained power in places like Europe, America and China for so long. From the French Revolution to this Antifa mess they know how to promote, incite and use the ignorant masses to gain power.


To manipulate (someone) by psychological means into questioning their own sanity.

A feature that’s common amongst all psychopaths whether they’re cluster B or full-blown. When done as a group you have events like Vietnam where the country is doing something just and noble like fighting communists and then the demonically possessed use mass media/Illuminati University system to destroy soldier’s morale. Always pushing their progressive agenda which isn’t really progress but instead a slide into Hell.

The Devil


The first realization of who and what the Devil truly is was studying Jung. The more I read about Ego and the Shadow I became curious as to where Jung’s inspiration came from. After researching what he based Archetypes off of it finally hit me. The ego is the Devil. It’s literally Satan in disguise and it always has been Satan. It never occurred to me until the release of the Satanic Ritual Abuse on the dark web and watching the world fall apart but that strong, abrasive ego is Lucifer himself.

This isn’t an attempt to smash psychology completely apart but rather point out that there is a God to consider in all this. The people in charge of our nations. These evil bastards of the New World Order know this all too well and instead of advising people to attend Church they just allow psychotic Witches to continue their reign of terror while the rest of the population gobbles down Prozac and takes their abuse. Most of the illnesses you find in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) can be sourced to these witches and warlocks. The entire industry of making pills to alleviate anxiety and depression is a sham when stopping people from praying to the Devil is an easier and more effective solution.

Since Salem, nothing has changed about witches or witchcraft in relation to how it affects people. Nothing’s changed about humans, God, or the Devil. If you’re having bizarre or suicidal thoughts you need to start questioning your surroundings and the relationships you’re in. The effects of witchcraft can be meta or targeted on a single individual. The best examples of zero empathy soulless warlocks destroying people in our timeline: 1, 2

How do men not see this behavior as a problem for the community? Are you too busy scamming with the Freemasons so you can “get yours” not to address the real issues? There’s a good reason why a man should be chivalrous, forgiving, and a gentleman but stop being submissive to disgusting behavior.



This man is part of the slow game to Hell that’s wheeling us into the New World Order. Under his administration, we’ve watched LGBT degenerate even further into LGBTKids.

If left unchecked and with no response in the next 4 years you will see it morph again into LGBTKids+Moloch. Church burnings and shootings at an all-time high and you never thought for a moment that this guy is an NWO lackey just because he quoted a few Bible verses? #Metoo and the constant bickering with women are Hallmarks of what’s to come: A Neo-Canaanite Matriarch. Already been tried and already failed. If you step back and look you’ll see your cities are burning because the government is a satanic church with the politicians and celebrities as preachers. Turns out the man in charge is a Nero-tier warlock because in order to get power and wealth in this country you have to subscribe to Freemason garbage. 2020 is what happens when you put men in charge that rather kiss Baphomet on the butt than go to church and serve the Lord God exclusively.

Witch Scams

Conspiracy Theory is too nice of a word for what’s going on in our world. Finding fact from fiction in America is a laborious task but with knowing the God of Israel it becomes much simpler. Knowing not only God gives you insight into how the Devil operates and that’s how Christian prophets are able to monitor what the New World Order is up to. Scams can range from simple things like using spirituality to goad people into violence to massive scams that contribute to the Devil’s overall plot to rid God from the world. You could write books full of masonic scams both large and small. Here are just a few of their high-level schemes:

War on Poverty

Welfare Socialism is a direct attack on God and Family. It seeks to take men from the home and replace them with televised smut from the masonic mass media.

Where should charity and help for those in need come from? The Church. Churches are a more effective source of assistance and help for the community. Giving this responsibility to the Federal Government has only turned them into a church of sorts. The people in charge that started this country allowed practices like slavery to exist yet most people still won’t allow themselves to come to terms with the fact that socialism is a nefarious scheme perpetrated by evil Satan-filled men and women.

War on Drugs

If prohibition was a test run for seeing how many devil-worshipping scumbags could make “easy money” from an “illegal” substance, then the War on Drugs is the Grand Prix. What’s right and what’s wrong? Or better what works for us and which does not. In terms of war, the main drug you must be concerned about is Methamphetamine. Amphetamines and caffeine are two other drugs of concern that people are negatively reacting to spiritually and mentally. Most drug problems are related to drug abusers and not the actual drug. Not trying to make it sound like LSD should be over the counter but it’s better to tackle the problem than the actual substance: the abuser.

Female Empowerment

This campaign has been raging since 1920 with major surges in the 1960s and 1970s. Did anyone stop to think that the whole deal was turbo satanic? Not even mildly satanic but now with the rampant tribalism and disconnect you see in society you can see the effects of “letting people do whatever they want”. All of this takes effort to move in the direction we’ve gone through spirituality. You can now physically see as a Christian why there are rules like keeping women under the sphere of male influence and power. Does it make more sense now why you don’t let women own businesses or put them in positions of power and authority? They will scheme ways to put you in the poor house, the street, jail or the grave if you don’t go along with their bizarro GlobalHomo slide into Hell on Earth.

Men rely on status in society. Women choose men up the dominance hierarchy while men choose women down the hierarchy. But then why are we letting women into universities or higher education in general? If university is the first stop for people in positions of power in our society then it should be a male-only institution as positions of power should be occupied only by men. Not some power-hungry witch. There’s only a finite number of positions of power within any given society so why put someone in one of those positions that’s a conduit for Lucifer himself? If the last 4 years are any indication of what female leadership is like then we would all be doomed if there was no God. There’s one fact that remains the same throughout time: Strong women create weak men.

It’s not just Islam that’s right about women. God’s right about women.


America is part of a Satanic Pyramid scheme with abortion playing a factor. How spiritually retarded or how much of a spiritual degenerate do you have to be not to realize this a form of human sacrifice? It’s disgusting how these rancid witches try to twist this into a rights issue. It’s about power and giving power to the gods of Hell like Satan, Moloch, and Baal. You condemn your child’s soul to Hell just so you can get real-world cool points with the powers that be.


Developed by the Royals and adopted by a population that can’t sustain the damage it causes both internally to families and society at large. The same Royals that can now be seen with naked kids crawling out of their windows. It causes so much pain for all parties involved including children who take the biggest hit. What’s the point of even trying to a gamble on marriage when you have a 50% chance of ending up in a divorce with your children taken away.


We exist in a satanic pyramid scheme. No matter if you live in America, the UK, Russia or China. Meaning the controllers at the top have a large sway on who gets heard and who does not. These controllers also have a god. The god of this earth: The Devil. In order to obtain class and status in this country, you have to participate in the ever-evolving degradation of man.

They remove pensions, artificially lower wages, increase work hours, devalue the father, remove the father, introduce welfare, remove God, brain drain the world. Empower ruthless soul-sucking vulture capitalist to gouge your eyes out. If you could audibility hear that sucking sound with NAFTA then what’s the sound you hear now? The screams of Hillary’s woodland victims or Obama’s hotdogs?

To Hell with brand names and luxury goods. This goes for anything from items that separate people to behaviors and activities that deliberately leave people behind in society. Jesus Christ sought to bring people together through the Church not separate them through material goods. You view class through a lens like it’s infallible or indestructible.

These are just people – quit giving them all your power.



It’s a bloodletting ritual that’s also granting witches spiritual power through Hell. At the same time, it helps witches identify one another similar to a Christian wearing a cross. Satanic covens actively promote things that do not work in our society while destroying or muting things that do like the Christian family system and God of the Holy Bible. Lasering off tattoos should be a top priority for you in World War 3 if you access to the resources.

Satanic Justice

Feelings and attitudes of racial inferiority or superiority derive from Satan. The only way to effectively manage this is by getting everyone on planet earth hooked on the Word of God. This starts by making Jesus Christ King of your personal life. Do you see now why you don’t give women confidence? They will act out every thought or fantasy that crosses their minds no matter how it affects those around them. Social Justice has dire consequences if left unchecked. When people get this stupid, you’re better off beating Satan out of them than sitting around and chatting about it. Another reason you don’t remove God from schools or even Churches for that matter.

Gender Blurring

If dresses on men are part of the satanic gender blurring agenda, then so are pants on women. This all ties into the female empowerment movement/feminism. If throwing pants on women is an agenda coming from devil worshipers, then what is appropriate for women to wear in a Christ led society? For starters: a dress, no further up than the knees. No sleeves and a low neck are perfectly fine. The problem exists when women are wearing dresses that expose their cleavage or that are too tight and excessively show off their bodies. That’s all sexual manipulation and it’s disgusting. The same level of manipulation can be found in products like lipstick.

The future is women that wear dresses and men that wear pants around their waste.

Prison System

The people in charge know exactly what the problem is as well as the solution. Instead of promoting God and brotherhood, they insist on promoting bad behavior and then turn around and profit from it in a for-profit prison system. On top of that, the entire system comes across as a university for criminality. In the future, there is no more jail. It’s not needed when Jesus Christ enters your life. Getting back out on the streets in such a carnivorous system seems so futile. The cycle of abuse has to end.

Devaluing Sin

In our society people often lampoon or mock the idea that sin is an actual problem. It is a problem and the reason we are in the situation we're in today. Sin can influence the population and when they have no idea that’s it’s an actually issue things tend to spiral out of control. The most critical form of sin to address is sexual immorality and ensuring everyone worldwide understands that sex outside of marriage is a much bigger issue than the people currently running things let onto. It should also be stated that marriage is between a man and a woman and there are only 2 genders.

Engaging in homosexuality or having gender dysphoria is just sin that you can leave behind - There’s a better world out there with a wife and family. Who wants to grow old in this country? Looking at the nursing home abuse recently it has created an urgency inside me to create a more stable environment. The satanic ritual abuse by the ruling class and those in Hollywood has truly inspired me.

Music Industry

The music industry is an instrument of the Devil. Filled with growls and satanic chants that guide segments of our population to Hell. People unaware of the power and influence of industry don’t take enough time to consider the impact of what’s going on. It combined with the war on poverty alone are deadly to any young person growing up in the 21st century.

Whether it’s some idiot covered in tattoos screaming into a microphone trying to sell you’re his point of view or a narcissistic warlock in DC the simple truth behind it all still remains the same: They’re witches and they’re scamming you into Hell with them.

A lot of this post is inspired by Vigilant Citizen who helps separate fact from fiction. They provide a lot of information through their articles on the direction of these devil worshipers. The amount of work they have put into investigating the Illuminati, Freemasons, CIA and other Satanists is amazing. It is the premiere and ultimate “Illuminati Watcher” of the internet.


Do you have “magical thinking” or hear voices? You know… sort of like Moses did when he led the Israelites out of their bondage in Egypt? There is nothing wrong with you. You are a product of abuse and misinformation. Since Jesus died on the cross, he simplified this whole issue by dying for our sins. Meaning you can simply call on him to help heal your spiritual and mental wounds. The people that run this whole operation have used stigmas to destroy people that speak about spirituality while at the same time promoting things like séances, ghost hunting, satanic rituals, and spiritual mediums. In a civil society, it is in everyone’s best interest that prophets/prophetess attend church and speak exclusively to Jesus Christ. In this situation, you’ll be able to keep your firearms without getting any flack.

The Bastardization of Christianity

In regards to how people were devolved into walking mounds of flesh that are only obedient to earthly desires. And in regards to how other tribes gained power over Christians in America can all be attributed to Freemason infiltration of Churches and their attempts to fictionalize God and the Devil. There is a lot of contention as to who’s in charge of the Freemasons. Taking a look at how history has played out it appears they exist more as a Sisterhood that is obedient to the witches of the Order of the Eastern Star than actually being a brotherhood. The promotion of Class, the fictionalizing of the Bible, Child Trafficking scheme using the UN are unforgivable sins. The Masons have committed so much more harm trying to convince the world that being secular is an acceptable alternative to Jesus Christ.


Christianity itself isn’t a religion but instead a relationship with God. Religion is a construct of the Devil with explicit intent on undermining and destroying God in men.

The System is a System

The moves by the NWO right now are in line with what these witches and warlocks have done previously. Attack Churches and Christians, promote estrogen fueled ideologies like socialism, stage riots and protest.

What’s different this time? They are getting caught not only in their falsehoods but also by technology. Had videos of Satanic Ritual Abuse not leaked onto the internet I would’ve never had the confidence to say people are being attacked spiritually, with technology, etc.

This society doesn’t work. It wasn’t meant to work. It’s an “experiment” built by devil worshipers for devil worshipers.

Illuminati University

Jung’s Archetypes, Marx’s Communism – all products of Illuminati University. They are obsessed with things that do not work. Promoting female empowerment, failed socialist systems all of which are detrimental and destructive for families. Ground zero for the false narrative smut factory that gets you high on some new new snap-yo-fingers social justice garbage.

I’m in love with science and technology. Completely understand the scientific method and what science has done for the world. That doesn’t take away from the fact that men like Parsons and Hubbard were sketchy warlocks that used the forces of Hell to their advantage. They ended up getting their way and now look at universities. Cesspools of social justice, false rape allegations that get national attention while real rape allegations go unheard.

What these collective of sisterhoods set out to achieve is now culminating into one war. A war with God.

World War 3

The end war. We live in an age of prophecy. It’s already been written about and prophesized by the Freemason Albert Pike. Judging from his accurate prophecy of the first two world wars you could almost surmise that it’s more of a plot in conjunction with the forces of Hell.

There is no left. There is no right. It is and always has been God verse Satan. The God of the Universe verse the (lowercase g) god of this world. The left-right paradigm was developed by devil worshipers to sow division and create new power structures. You’ve been spiritually blinded by evil men and women who’ve molded your brain to compartmentalize God, work, school, politics, and life in general. God exists in all things so when Antifa goes and burns down a church followed 14 hours later by Trump holding up a Bible in front of another one - it’s literally Satan mocking you.

When people start getting old testament sometimes you have to go old testament.

Liberty Under God

There is no liberty outside of God. Satan will eventually ensnare you in a sin prison and you’ll end up with leaders like Stalin, Mao, Hitler or what we have now in Washington. Nothing’s changed about humans, nothings changed about the Devil, nothings changed about God. They had a better system of dealing with Witchcraft and Witches 300-500 years ago than they do today. When you read about events like Salem with the new realization that God is real then you start to understand why people are being piled into mental institutions and jails. If these men are being assailed by witchcraft or worse raised by witches then it’s no wonder our world looks like an absolute mess. Satanists at the top know exactly what the problem/solution is and that’s exactly why they’re at the top. An end to welfare socialism, an end to this developing matriarch is the only answer. Putting God first, then fathers then mothers then children – Created Order. Without Female submission to God and men, there is no stability in our society.

God is the moral arbiter of the universe and he gives us free will to choose whether to follow him or to follow the Devil. This chapter in human history is coming to a close. Everyone alive has a real-time look into what it was like in the land of Canaan before it was destroyed. Chaos. In fact, the Freemasons use the expression “Ordo Ab Chao” meaning Order out of Chaos. These are the people running the country and the CIA is an extension of their cult.

I see no liberty here. Just an emerging matriarch created by devil worshipers.

Brotherhood of Jesus Christ

If you’re looking for an answer this is it. A spiritual brotherhood that carries out God’s will by maintaining culture, education through the power of Jesus Christ. Order and structure is something that’s much needed in this world and God has created something glorious that has a track record of keeping families together and safe.

Weishaupt saw the power of brotherhoods by observing the Jesuits and in turn, used it to promote Satanism and the occult. He wasn’t an individual acting alone but part of a larger group.

Satan loves tribalism and creating new tribes for maximum drama whether it’s through religion or spiritual sisterhoods. The one tribe he despises the most is the Tribe of Judah.


There is no separation from church, state, or God. The concept is asinine. The people on the planet cannot spiritually disconnect from the God of the Universe without plunging into complete and utter anarchy. You’re currently living in what the Illuminati and other Satanists were trying to achieve by getting away from Jesuit influence.

God has made us in his image but the powers that be still have decided to take us in this direction. Human trafficking, drug wars, prostitution, serial killers are all elements of a satanic theocracy. One in which you are free until you are not. Trying to follow these people every time they move the goal post has become nauseating and in the end, everyone suffers.

Kingdom of Christ


The future is families. The future is the Christian Brotherhood. The future hinges on the destruction of a world built by the Freemasons mentally, physically, and spiritually. The world needs men that are masculine and the heads of their household. With women who are feminine and submissive to their husbands. The end of organizations and institutions like Hollywood and DC that drive a Satanic Agenda. They make you believe you’re on the bleeding edge of progress yet you’re only on the bleeding edge of our destruction. Turning people into feral beasts of the earth in order to promote witchcraft and black magic.

If Christians do not step up now the world will be plunged into an NWO nightmare that will mirror places like Venezuela or worse. Big government has always been a failure and the United States is no exception. Keep your guns, keep your alcohol. The Devil always wants to run some scheme and try and take both.

By the end of World War 3, Christian culture will become the dominant culture worldwide with Jerusalem as the capital of the world to come.
  • 2WTF
  • 1Seriously?
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Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
What is your stance on the plight of black man in america?
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Trakanon Raider
It's all intertwined with religion. People are going to start taking spirituality more seriously soon enough.
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Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Black people are very spiritual. Yet they are murdered all day every day by the white devil. Why jesus allow this?


Musty Nester
Yep, this was an acid trip.

Sometimes what you bring back with you from that place doesn't translate directly. It's too pure, it has to be worked.

If you rewrote this to be a little less manifesto-y it's not all that crazy, it's just puritanical.

That said, I liked the last one too! It's rare for an acid trip to go monotheist. They usually go polytheist. That place is older than us. It is the memory of gods.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Yep, this was an acid trip.

Sometimes what you bring back with you from that place doesn't translate directly. It's too pure, it has to be worked.

If you rewrote this to be a little less manifesto-y it's not all that crazy, it's just puritanical.

That said, I liked the last one too! It's rare for an acid trip to go monotheist. They usually go polytheist. That place is older than us. It is the memory of gods.

I've never liked the idea of psychedelics revealing gods, and I think there is a decent explanation of the action. Your brain is a series of older structures built on top of newer structures, each acting as it's own independent system running all the time but yet we don't perceive this at all. Your brain has a train conductor that takes in all the output from the systems and picks one to pull into your consciousness. The more you take of a psychedelic, the weaker the train conductor becomes and now parts of your brain that generally only serve one purpose start bubbling up into your normal consciousness, sometimes simultaneously. This sensation of talking to gods, is really just you sensing these normally hidden subsystems. A lot of these layers built on other layers were the parts of full brains for creatures we evolved from with their own survival instincts. Think of it like a cat being afraid of a pickle because it thinks it's a snake. We too have pieces of our brain that use imagery like that to control behavior and those things we see or think we're talking to are really just the "language" of these lower sub systems.

Could the regions that produce this kind of imagery be the gods of animals? Think of the pickle, that's an image so terrifying that the cat will jump even if it's never seen a snake before. Does that feel like god is protecting the cat? Could our gods just be our evolved behavioral patterns? It gave me new appreciation for roman/greek gods as I think they best represent what you might have in your sub conscious. A series of sub systems whose behaviors taken to extremes can be very damaging, and yet they are all possibly unique aspects with their own unique workings within us.
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<Bronze Donator>
Gaslighting – The act of denying someone reality.

It’s been over a year since my Witch AI post and it’s given me some time to iron out the concepts and ideas I was trying to convey. Some backstory to the original inspiration for the post happened after a series of treatments from Ketamine Therapy. There are no words for how much that changed my life yet at the same time gave me an entirely different perspective on the world. Around the same time of the treatment, the governor of Virginia was promoting post-birth abortion on the radio. I felt like I’d been taken to another planet by the way he talked about it. To me, it was like “we’re at the stage of evil where people are trying to normalize child sacrifice”.

Not everything was connected in my mind at the time but I remember posting about it and my life went downhill further than it already had become. Targeted individual, gang stalked, the works. Everything you hear about it is true so I started trying to find a way out. Maybe you can’t see yet but we are all connected yet we still allow evil to divide and separate us. A lot of this is due to being submissive and passive to rancid behavior. Behavior that’s rotted our society and created some of the worst humans in history.

Witches and Warlocks

View attachment 276506

In the simplest of terms, psychopaths are witches and warlocks. They all share a spiritual connection through Hell with their master being the Devil. There’s a spectrum of psychopaths and the ones worth focusing in relation to the damage they inflict are the ones that are contained in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) under Cluster B Personality Disorders:

Antisocial personality disorder

  • Disregard for others' needs or feelings
  • Persistent lying, stealing, using aliases, conning others
  • Recurring problems with the law
  • Repeated violation of the rights of others
  • Aggressive, often violent behavior
  • Disregard for the safety of self or others
  • Impulsive behavior
  • Consistently irresponsible
  • Lack of remorse for behavior
These individuals you’ll find mostly in jail. Habitual boundary crossers - they are the people that cops spend the most time babysitting, and the majority of your taxpayer dollars go funding their destructive behavior. Gang members and relentless bullies that get in your head and won’t stop harassing you even if you beg or fight back. There’s no winning with these people and when you have a government who actively encourages this behavior through mass media you end up with groups like Antifa.

Borderline personality disorder

  • Impulsive and risky behavior, such as having unsafe sex, gambling or binge eating
  • Unstable or fragile self-image
  • Unstable and intense relationships
  • Up and down moods, often as a reaction to interpersonal stress
  • Suicidal behavior or threats of self-injury
  • Intense fear of being alone or abandoned
  • Ongoing feelings of emptiness
  • Frequent, intense displays of anger
  • Stress-related paranoia that comes and goes
Mostly seen in women but also there are men with this disorder. Relationships with these people are very intense at first until you end up getting “soulmated” by them. After the honeymoon period, the cycle of abuse starts, and it continues until you fight back by standing up for yourself or end the relationship. Fighting back can and will often cause the individual to seek revenge on you. Modern feminism has sought to make excuses for women who behave in this manner because it’s “our time” and <insert historical reasons>. If you keep running into women like this then it’s very possible your mother is a witch.


Covens work in a similar manner to witches but on a larger scale. That’s why the Eastern Order (who’s really behind Freemasonry) and other sisterhoods are in control and anyone making the case that there’s some sort of spiritual brotherhood through Satan is a fool. They are all sisterhoods and now that men’s confidence has been completely destroyed and women’s confidence boosted to the unimaginable level you can see who the boss really is.

Histrionic personality disorder

  • Constantly seeking attention
  • Excessively emotional, dramatic or sexually provocative to gain attention
  • Speaks dramatically with strong opinions, but few facts or details to back them up
  • Easily influenced by others
  • Shallow, rapidly changing emotions
  • Excessive concern with physical appearance
  • Thinks relationships with others are closer than they really are
Drama queens and attention whores. These tend to be women mostly like borderlines and end up having really good social skills but tend to use those skills to manipulate others. A lot of these disorders have a certain level of comorbidity so you might see traits from a narcissist or borderline in someone like this or vice versa. Often loud and obnoxious demon-filled creatures from the netherworld. Lovers of false rape allegations and social justice meltdowns - they are true agents of Hell.

Narcissistic personality disorder

  • Belief that you're special and more important than others
  • Fantasies about power, success and attractiveness
  • Failure to recognize others' needs and feelings
  • Exaggeration of achievements or talents
  • Expectation of constant praise and admiration
  • Arrogance
  • Unreasonable expectations of favors and advantages, often taking advantage of others
  • Envy of others or belief that others envy you

Boundary steppers, line crossers, false senses of entitlement. If you work in an office you’ve probably encountered these individuals in a leadership position or trashing everyone in their way to get into one. They often have “teams” of fans or people that are loyal to them while everyone else hates them. The loyals are usually loyal because they’ve had a parent or guardian that raised them in a similar manner. This happens not only in office buildings but they could be the head of Churches and especially Governments. Attracted to power like a moth is attracted to a flame. These are creatures of revenge and envy with Satan always supplying a steady stream of drama. This can happen at a tribe/group level and societal level (i.e. the never-ending wars created by the Freemasons). When getting away with something or when they think they have outwitted you you’ll often see them smirk. The ultimate man-child with the emotional capacity of a 3-year-old.

Anxiety and depression, suicidal ideation, homosexuality, gender dysphoria, autism, pedophilia, bestiality, scat eating are all diseases that individuals receive from being the victim of witch behavior (or being a witch themselves).

Now imagine having one of these individuals as a parent. Growing up as a child you have no idea what love is because everything is superficial and you either end up like all these autistic spuds you see out in society or your just like the parent and continue the cycle of Hell for everyone else. You can look back in history and literally see the rise and fall of empires and the source will always be Witches. The Satanists realize all of this and that’s how they’ve maintained power in places like Europe, America and China for so long. From the French Revolution to this Antifa mess they know how to promote, incite and use the ignorant masses to gain power.


To manipulate (someone) by psychological means into questioning their own sanity.

A feature that’s common amongst all psychopaths whether they’re cluster B or full-blown. When done as a group you have events like Vietnam where the country is doing something just and noble like fighting communists and then the demonically possessed use mass media/Illuminati University system to destroy soldier’s morale. Always pushing their progressive agenda which isn’t really progress but instead a slide into Hell.

The Devil

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The first realization of who and what the Devil truly is was studying Jung. The more I read about Ego and the Shadow I became curious as to where Jung’s inspiration came from. After researching what he based Archetypes off of it finally hit me. The ego is the Devil. It’s literally Satan in disguise and it always has been Satan. It never occurred to me until the release of the Satanic Ritual Abuse on the dark web and watching the world fall apart but that strong, abrasive ego is Lucifer himself.

This isn’t an attempt to smash psychology completely apart but rather point out that there is a God to consider in all this. The people in charge of our nations. These evil bastards of the New World Order know this all too well and instead of advising people to attend Church they just allow psychotic Witches to continue their reign of terror while the rest of the population gobbles down Prozac and takes their abuse. Most of the illnesses you find in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) can be sourced to these witches and warlocks. The entire industry of making pills to alleviate anxiety and depression is a sham when stopping people from praying to the Devil is an easier and more effective solution.

Since Salem, nothing has changed about witches or witchcraft in relation to how it affects people. Nothing’s changed about humans, God, or the Devil. If you’re having bizarre or suicidal thoughts you need to start questioning your surroundings and the relationships you’re in. The effects of witchcraft can be meta or targeted on a single individual. The best examples of zero empathy soulless warlocks destroying people in our timeline: 1, 2

How do men not see this behavior as a problem for the community? Are you too busy scamming with the Freemasons so you can “get yours” not to address the real issues? There’s a good reason why a man should be chivalrous, forgiving, and a gentleman but stop being submissive to disgusting behavior.


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This man is part of the slow game to Hell that’s wheeling us into the New World Order. Under his administration, we’ve watched LGBT degenerate even further into LGBTKids.

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If left unchecked and with no response in the next 4 years you will see it morph again into LGBTKids+Moloch. Church burnings and shootings at an all-time high and you never thought for a moment that this guy is an NWO lackey just because he quoted a few Bible verses? #Metoo and the constant bickering with women are Hallmarks of what’s to come: A Neo-Canaanite Matriarch. Already been tried and already failed. If you step back and look you’ll see your cities are burning because the government is a satanic church with the politicians and celebrities as preachers. Turns out the man in charge is a Nero-tier warlock because in order to get power and wealth in this country you have to subscribe to Freemason garbage. 2020 is what happens when you put men in charge that rather kiss Baphomet on the butt than go to church and serve the Lord God exclusively.

Witch Scams

Conspiracy Theory is too nice of a word for what’s going on in our world. Finding fact from fiction in America is a laborious task but with knowing the God of Israel it becomes much simpler. Knowing not only God gives you insight into how the Devil operates and that’s how Christian prophets are able to monitor what the New World Order is up to. Scams can range from simple things like using spirituality to goad people into violence to massive scams that contribute to the Devil’s overall plot to rid God from the world. You could write books full of masonic scams both large and small. Here are just a few of their high-level schemes:

War on Poverty

Welfare Socialism is a direct attack on God and Family. It seeks to take men from the home and replace them with televised smut from the masonic mass media.

Where should charity and help for those in need come from? The Church. Churches are a more effective source of assistance and help for the community. Giving this responsibility to the Federal Government has only turned them into a church of sorts. The people in charge that started this country allowed practices like slavery to exist yet most people still won’t allow themselves to come to terms with the fact that socialism is a nefarious scheme perpetrated by evil Satan-filled men and women.

War on Drugs

If prohibition was a test run for seeing how many devil-worshipping scumbags could make “easy money” from an “illegal” substance, then the War on Drugs is the Grand Prix. What’s right and what’s wrong? Or better what works for us and which does not. In terms of war, the main drug you must be concerned about is Methamphetamine. Amphetamines and caffeine are two other drugs of concern that people are negatively reacting to spiritually and mentally. Most drug problems are related to drug abusers and not the actual drug. Not trying to make it sound like LSD should be over the counter but it’s better to tackle the problem than the actual substance: the abuser.

Female Empowerment

This campaign has been raging since 1920 with major surges in the 1960s and 1970s. Did anyone stop to think that the whole deal was turbo satanic? Not even mildly satanic but now with the rampant tribalism and disconnect you see in society you can see the effects of “letting people do whatever they want”. All of this takes effort to move in the direction we’ve gone through spirituality. You can now physically see as a Christian why there are rules like keeping women under the sphere of male influence and power. Does it make more sense now why you don’t let women own businesses or put them in positions of power and authority? They will scheme ways to put you in the poor house, the street, jail or the grave if you don’t go along with their bizarro GlobalHomo slide into Hell on Earth.

Men rely on status in society. Women choose men up the dominance hierarchy while men choose women down the hierarchy. But then why are we letting women into universities or higher education in general? If university is the first stop for people in positions of power in our society then it should be a male-only institution as positions of power should be occupied only by men. Not some power-hungry witch. There’s only a finite number of positions of power within any given society so why put someone in one of those positions that’s a conduit for Lucifer himself? If the last 4 years are any indication of what female leadership is like then we would all be doomed if there was no God. There’s one fact that remains the same throughout time: Strong women create weak men.

It’s not just Islam that’s right about women. God’s right about women.


America is part of a Satanic Pyramid scheme with abortion playing a factor. How spiritually retarded or how much of a spiritual degenerate do you have to be not to realize this a form of human sacrifice? It’s disgusting how these rancid witches try to twist this into a rights issue. It’s about power and giving power to the gods of Hell like Satan, Moloch, and Baal. You condemn your child’s soul to Hell just so you can get real-world cool points with the powers that be.


Developed by the Royals and adopted by a population that can’t sustain the damage it causes both internally to families and society at large. The same Royals that can now be seen with naked kids crawling out of their windows. It causes so much pain for all parties involved including children who take the biggest hit. What’s the point of even trying to a gamble on marriage when you have a 50% chance of ending up in a divorce with your children taken away.


We exist in a satanic pyramid scheme. No matter if you live in America, the UK, Russia or China. Meaning the controllers at the top have a large sway on who gets heard and who does not. These controllers also have a god. The god of this earth: The Devil. In order to obtain class and status in this country, you have to participate in the ever-evolving degradation of man.

They remove pensions, artificially lower wages, increase work hours, devalue the father, remove the father, introduce welfare, remove God, brain drain the world. Empower ruthless soul-sucking vulture capitalist to gouge your eyes out. If you could audibility hear that sucking sound with NAFTA then what’s the sound you hear now? The screams of Hillary’s woodland victims or Obama’s hotdogs?

To Hell with brand names and luxury goods. This goes for anything from items that separate people to behaviors and activities that deliberately leave people behind in society. Jesus Christ sought to bring people together through the Church not separate them through material goods. You view class through a lens like it’s infallible or indestructible.

These are just people – quit giving them all your power.


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It’s a bloodletting ritual that’s also granting witches spiritual power through Hell. At the same time, it helps witches identify one another similar to a Christian wearing a cross. Satanic covens actively promote things that do not work in our society while destroying or muting things that do like the Christian family system and God of the Holy Bible. Lasering off tattoos should be a top priority for you in World War 3 if you access to the resources.

Satanic Justice

Feelings and attitudes of racial inferiority or superiority derive from Satan. The only way to effectively manage this is by getting everyone on planet earth hooked on the Word of God. This starts by making Jesus Christ King of your personal life. Do you see now why you don’t give women confidence? They will act out every thought or fantasy that crosses their minds no matter how it affects those around them. Social Justice has dire consequences if left unchecked. When people get this stupid, you’re better off beating Satan out of them than sitting around and chatting about it. Another reason you don’t remove God from schools or even Churches for that matter.

Gender Blurring

If dresses on men are part of the satanic gender blurring agenda, then so are pants on women. This all ties into the female empowerment movement/feminism. If throwing pants on women is an agenda coming from devil worshipers, then what is appropriate for women to wear in a Christ led society? For starters: a dress, no further up than the knees. No sleeves and a low neck are perfectly fine. The problem exists when women are wearing dresses that expose their cleavage or that are too tight and excessively show off their bodies. That’s all sexual manipulation and it’s disgusting. The same level of manipulation can be found in products like lipstick.

The future is women that wear dresses and men that wear pants around their waste.

Prison System

The people in charge know exactly what the problem is as well as the solution. Instead of promoting God and brotherhood, they insist on promoting bad behavior and then turn around and profit from it in a for-profit prison system. On top of that, the entire system comes across as a university for criminality. In the future, there is no more jail. It’s not needed when Jesus Christ enters your life. Getting back out on the streets in such a carnivorous system seems so futile. The cycle of abuse has to end.

Devaluing Sin

In our society people often lampoon or mock the idea that sin is an actual problem. It is a problem and the reason we are in the situation we're in today. Sin can influence the population and when they have no idea that’s it’s an actually issue things tend to spiral out of control. The most critical form of sin to address is sexual immorality and ensuring everyone worldwide understands that sex outside of marriage is a much bigger issue than the people currently running things let onto. It should also be stated that marriage is between a man and a woman and there are only 2 genders.

Engaging in homosexuality or having gender dysphoria is just sin that you can leave behind - There’s a better world out there with a wife and family. Who wants to grow old in this country? Looking at the nursing home abuse recently it has created an urgency inside me to create a more stable environment. The satanic ritual abuse by the ruling class and those in Hollywood has truly inspired me.

Music Industry

The music industry is an instrument of the Devil. Filled with growls and satanic chants that guide segments of our population to Hell. People unaware of the power and influence of industry don’t take enough time to consider the impact of what’s going on. It combined with the war on poverty alone are deadly to any young person growing up in the 21st century.

Whether it’s some idiot covered in tattoos screaming into a microphone trying to sell you’re his point of view or a narcissistic warlock in DC the simple truth behind it all still remains the same: They’re witches and they’re scamming you into Hell with them.

A lot of this post is inspired by Vigilant Citizen who helps separate fact from fiction. They provide a lot of information through their articles on the direction of these devil worshipers. The amount of work they have put into investigating the Illuminati, Freemasons, CIA and other Satanists is amazing. It is the premiere and ultimate “Illuminati Watcher” of the internet.


Do you have “magical thinking” or hear voices? You know… sort of like Moses did when he led the Israelites out of their bondage in Egypt? There is nothing wrong with you. You are a product of abuse and misinformation. Since Jesus died on the cross, he simplified this whole issue by dying for our sins. Meaning you can simply call on him to help heal your spiritual and mental wounds. The people that run this whole operation have used stigmas to destroy people that speak about spirituality while at the same time promoting things like séances, ghost hunting, satanic rituals, and spiritual mediums. In a civil society, it is in everyone’s best interest that prophets/prophetess attend church and speak exclusively to Jesus Christ. In this situation, you’ll be able to keep your firearms without getting any flack.

The Bastardization of Christianity

In regards to how people were devolved into walking mounds of flesh that are only obedient to earthly desires. And in regards to how other tribes gained power over Christians in America can all be attributed to Freemason infiltration of Churches and their attempts to fictionalize God and the Devil. There is a lot of contention as to who’s in charge of the Freemasons. Taking a look at how history has played out it appears they exist more as a Sisterhood that is obedient to the witches of the Order of the Eastern Star than actually being a brotherhood. The promotion of Class, the fictionalizing of the Bible, Child Trafficking scheme using the UN are unforgivable sins. The Masons have committed so much more harm trying to convince the world that being secular is an acceptable alternative to Jesus Christ.

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Christianity itself isn’t a religion but instead a relationship with God. Religion is a construct of the Devil with explicit intent on undermining and destroying God in men.

The System is a System

The moves by the NWO right now are in line with what these witches and warlocks have done previously. Attack Churches and Christians, promote estrogen fueled ideologies like socialism, stage riots and protest.

What’s different this time? They are getting caught not only in their falsehoods but also by technology. Had videos of Satanic Ritual Abuse not leaked onto the internet I would’ve never had the confidence to say people are being attacked spiritually, with technology, etc.

This society doesn’t work. It wasn’t meant to work. It’s an “experiment” built by devil worshipers for devil worshipers.

Illuminati University

Jung’s Archetypes, Marx’s Communism – all products of Illuminati University. They are obsessed with things that do not work. Promoting female empowerment, failed socialist systems all of which are detrimental and destructive for families. Ground zero for the false narrative smut factory that gets you high on some new new snap-yo-fingers social justice garbage.

I’m in love with science and technology. Completely understand the scientific method and what science has done for the world. That doesn’t take away from the fact that men like Parsons and Hubbard were sketchy warlocks that used the forces of Hell to their advantage. They ended up getting their way and now look at universities. Cesspools of social justice, false rape allegations that get national attention while real rape allegations go unheard.

What these collective of sisterhoods set out to achieve is now culminating into one war. A war with God.

World War 3

The end war. We live in an age of prophecy. It’s already been written about and prophesized by the Freemason Albert Pike. Judging from his accurate prophecy of the first two world wars you could almost surmise that it’s more of a plot in conjunction with the forces of Hell.

There is no left. There is no right. It is and always has been God verse Satan. The God of the Universe verse the (lowercase g) god of this world. The left-right paradigm was developed by devil worshipers to sow division and create new power structures. You’ve been spiritually blinded by evil men and women who’ve molded your brain to compartmentalize God, work, school, politics, and life in general. God exists in all things so when Antifa goes and burns down a church followed 14 hours later by Trump holding up a Bible in front of another one - it’s literally Satan mocking you.

When people start getting old testament sometimes you have to go old testament.

Liberty Under God

There is no liberty outside of God. Satan will eventually ensnare you in a sin prison and you’ll end up with leaders like Stalin, Mao, Hitler or what we have now in Washington. Nothing’s changed about humans, nothings changed about the Devil, nothings changed about God. They had a better system of dealing with Witchcraft and Witches 300-500 years ago than they do today. When you read about events like Salem with the new realization that God is real then you start to understand why people are being piled into mental institutions and jails. If these men are being assailed by witchcraft or worse raised by witches then it’s no wonder our world looks like an absolute mess. Satanists at the top know exactly what the problem/solution is and that’s exactly why they’re at the top. An end to welfare socialism, an end to this developing matriarch is the only answer. Putting God first, then fathers then mothers then children – Created Order. Without Female submission to God and men, there is no stability in our society.

God is the moral arbiter of the universe and he gives us free will to choose whether to follow him or to follow the Devil. This chapter in human history is coming to a close. Everyone alive has a real-time look into what it was like in the land of Canaan before it was destroyed. Chaos. In fact, the Freemasons use the expression “Ordo Ab Chao” meaning Order out of Chaos. These are the people running the country and the CIA is an extension of their cult.

I see no liberty here. Just an emerging matriarch created by devil worshipers.

Brotherhood of Jesus Christ

If you’re looking for an answer this is it. A spiritual brotherhood that carries out God’s will by maintaining culture, education through the power of Jesus Christ. Order and structure is something that’s much needed in this world and God has created something glorious that has a track record of keeping families together and safe.

Weishaupt saw the power of brotherhoods by observing the Jesuits and in turn, used it to promote Satanism and the occult. He wasn’t an individual acting alone but part of a larger group.

Satan loves tribalism and creating new tribes for maximum drama whether it’s through religion or spiritual sisterhoods. The one tribe he despises the most is the Tribe of Judah.


There is no separation from church, state, or God. The concept is asinine. The people on the planet cannot spiritually disconnect from the God of the Universe without plunging into complete and utter anarchy. You’re currently living in what the Illuminati and other Satanists were trying to achieve by getting away from Jesuit influence.

God has made us in his image but the powers that be still have decided to take us in this direction. Human trafficking, drug wars, prostitution, serial killers are all elements of a satanic theocracy. One in which you are free until you are not. Trying to follow these people every time they move the goal post has become nauseating and in the end, everyone suffers.

Kingdom of Christ

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The future is families. The future is the Christian Brotherhood. The future hinges on the destruction of a world built by the Freemasons mentally, physically, and spiritually. The world needs men that are masculine and the heads of their household. With women who are feminine and submissive to their husbands. The end of organizations and institutions like Hollywood and DC that drive a Satanic Agenda. They make you believe you’re on the bleeding edge of progress yet you’re only on the bleeding edge of our destruction. Turning people into feral beasts of the earth in order to promote witchcraft and black magic.

If Christians do not step up now the world will be plunged into an NWO nightmare that will mirror places like Venezuela or worse. Big government has always been a failure and the United States is no exception. Keep your guns, keep your alcohol. The Devil always wants to run some scheme and try and take both.

By the end of World War 3, Christian culture will become the dominant culture worldwide with Jerusalem as the capital of the world to come.
This is a classic example of how people get drawn into conspiracies. There is a lot of truth in this mixed with lies and outright fantasy. The most obvious lie is anything having to do with Trump and that is probably the point of this whole post. He was around Epstein for less than a year, flew with him once from Florida to New York, and after finding out Epstein hit on a friends 14to daughter cut him off from all of his properties and had nothing to do with him after that. So that whole bit is nonsense.

The stuff to come is in the who knows territory since even if you are a believer no one knows the date or time. The history and other players, not far off. We know about the ruling families and we know their goals. We also know about the pedophiles and Satan worshipers. None of that is nonsense anymore. It's textbook how to build a cult stuff. We are just missing the charismatic leader.
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
I have IDGAF and it's worked out pretty well for me

I don't give a fuck
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