Shards of Dalaya Reboot (Everquest Server)


Lord Nagafen Raider
Shards of Dalaya is one of the oldest if not the old custom EMU servers. I wasn't lucky enough to play it during it's prime. However there is tons of custom content. From what I can piece together, the old server owner lost interest and that blocked further development. The devs are back and are launching a new server to continue developing on that custom content. New Server launches September 27th 2024

All the same classes you're used to but custom tweaks. All zones are customized. Goes up to level 65, but all the content is different, so while you may have some planes of power abilities, this doesn't mean you'll be fighting in the planes at all.

Discord link to check it out more: Join the Dalaya Discord Server!

Some videos made on custom zones:

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Avatar of War Slayer
It was cool, it’s very much NOT eq but eq… hard for me to get over not being eq to get into it. Had a good player base though and they were always friendly to me as a noob


Life's a Dream
SoD was a good server. I played there myself until 2007. I was leading a bunch of the low level boss runs with my primary monk and secondary druid. The bosses I'm talking about were the ones with a level restriction, but I forget what they were called. It was a very good re-imagining of EQ. I remember keeping Traekoth on farm mode for a while (capping my level at 57 I think) and inviting people to fight him every week. It was good fun. My monk was a great tank against him.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Played on SoD for several years. Was a lot of fun. If this is the actual original devs I'll definitely check it out.

They have a website? Only one I see is still the old version.
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Life's a Dream
I haven't found a real website for this. It seems that all the info is located on the discord server.

This version of the game is just called Dalaya. (Remove the "Shards of").


Blackwing Lair Raider
This server should be a good time but I’d put it high risk for GM-player shenanigans given that it’s mostly a bunch of old school players rebooting it so they and their friends can keep playing/updating it


Blackwing Lair Raider
Doesn't appear Wiz is involved in this and he was the driving force of the original. Not sure who is involved in this that was actually a major part of the first iteration.