Damnit, I was using that to patch the cell phone hole situated over my house.
I currently use the csipsimple app to dial out through PBXes.org and then from there to gvoice. Traverse that in reverse if anyone calls me. So if I understand this correctly, csipsimple <->PBXes.org will still work fine, but PBXes.org <-> gvoice won't? Makes sense because PBXes.org's interface to gvoice was down about a month ago when some changes to Hangouts went live.
What I don't get is how this effectively stops what I want to do(free VOIP calling). If it gets integrated with Hangouts, can't I just use Hangouts to make and receive any gvoice calls? I mean, that's essentially how grooveip works now via the gtalk interface, no? It will kinda suck though if Google doesn't beef up the codec support in gvoice. There was frequent packet loss when I tried grooveip on even good wifi connections.