Spring 2015 Anime Thread


Life's a Dream
So I was feeling bored tonight and decided to re-watch DanMachi. I remembered that I really liked the show, but it's awesome all over again. I'm currently on episode 4. Can't wait to finish the entire series. Maybe by the time Christmas is over.


Life's a Dream
Ok, wow. I powered through all 13 episodes of DanMachi already. I want it to come back so much. Maybe we can get a season 2 of Irregular at Magic High School while we're at it.


Life's a Dream
Awesome. I haven't seen any concrete information on either. Just speculation. But your voice is gospel in this department, so great news.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Awesome. I haven't seen any concrete information on either. Just speculation. But your voice is gospel in this department, so great news.
[News] Japan's Yearly Light Novel Rankings for 2015 : LightNovels

Generally speaking, the higher you are up on that list, the more like you are to get a sequel.

Also I've seen some posters in Akihabara soooo...

Overlord and Dungeon are 100% confirmed, Mahouka is like 99%.


Life's a Dream
Ohh, good call. That was amazeballs. No Game No Life was my re-introduction back into Anime after taking a long break, thanks to Chysamere.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I haven't read the manga, but I thought the general consensus was that there wasn't enough material to really keep No Game No Life going. And the anime skipped a bunch of crap by having them challenge the old gods right away, instead of having it happen several "volumes" later. Like they wrote themselves into a corner, so to speak.

I'd be pretty stoked if they released more work, though. I really liked the art style and the color palette they ran with.


Lord Nagafen Raider
well to be fair, the introduction of the old gods, was just that... an introduction, on the last 5 min of the last episode. They only met by discovering the spy of the old gods in the beast country so to speak (there wasnt really a challenge). It would be really easy to spin that and just go on with other races leaving old gods for later. But yea, there isnt much material for ngnl to get a 2nd season yet, unless they go the original story route, which i doubt.

I suppose the same things goes for denmachi, dont think there is enough material to cover another season right now, may be wrong but as ln goes, the first season covered what 4 or 5 books (if not more)? and the manga still has to catch up. Different story is for mahouka, plenty of material for nother season if not 2 more.