The Fall (2006)


Regimen Morum
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Title: The Fall (2006)

Tagline: A little blessing in disguise.

Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Drama

Director: Tarsem Singh

Cast: Lee Pace, Catinca Untaru, Jeetu Verma, Marcus Wesley, Leo Bill, Julian Bleach, Justine Waddell, Kim Uylenbroek, Aiden Lithgow, Ronald France, Emil Hostina, Sean Gilder, Daniel Caltagirone, Robin Smith, Andrew Roussouw, Michael Huff, Grant Swanby, Ayesha Verman, Ketut Rina, Camilla Waldman, Elvira Deatcu, Emma Johnstone, Nico Soultanakis, Jon Kamen, Karen Haacke, Emma Maria Landberg, Miguel Hernández, Oscar Moreno, David Parra, Ged Clarke, Stephen Hughes

Release: 2006-09-09

Runtime: 117

Plot: In a hospital on the outskirts of 1920s Los Angeles, an injured stuntman begins to tell a fellow patient, a little girl with a broken arm, a fantastic story about 5 mythical heroes. Thanks to his fractured state of mind and her vivid imagination, the line between fiction and reality starts to blur as the tale advances.


Regimen Morum
4K restoration of this gem, supervised by Tarsem Singh himself, out today on streaming platform Mumbi.
Will probably show up soon on torrents. Looks like he have plans to do a 4K restoration on THE CELL, too.

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Pretty cool movie about fiction / story telling. Reading my 2008 notes about it, the main drawback is that it burns through so many nice locations, it feels a bit of a waste. Leave some for other directors! :D

PS: Mubi is a pretty cool service. I used it for a while a few years back but I ended up canceling it for reason that are purely related to my location (french speaking minority region in a predominantly german speaking country, so films were subtitled or dubbed in german, limiting severely the films I could see).
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Regimen Morum
Pretty cool movie about fiction / story telling. Reading my 2008 notes about it, the main drawback is that it burns through so many nice locations, it feels a bit of a waste. Leave some for other directors! :D
Tarsem added a couple of scenes to this version running 2 min longer than the theatrical cut.
Also, I think the original trailer is better with Beethoven's Symphony No.7 as the soundtrack compared to the MUBI trailer.



Trakanon Raider
You can argue whether this (or The Cell, for that matter) are good movies, but you can't argue they aren't fantastic looking movies.
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You can argue whether this (or The Cell, for that matter) are good movies, but you can't argue they aren't fantastic looking movies.
I kinda enjoyed the Cell, even if at its core it's a pretty bad '90s killer movie. The Fall is without a doubt much better in just about all aspects.

On a side note, for the visuals, Tarsem's iconographic bank is mostly comprised of the soviet film Sayat Nova, a surealist evocation of the life of the armenian poet of the same name. There is a restored cut without subtitles on youTube you can scrub through if you want. Note that, from experience, having the subtitles does not make it much more understandable!

Movie information in first post provided by The Movie Database