The Lightbringer Series - by Brent Weeks


Lord Nagafen Raider
I read book 4. It was ok, although in curious what others thought about the Gavin plot...


Molten Core Raider
Book 4 was fine, but it really suffers from it obviously being the first part of an obviously too large book that had to be split up into two.


Karazhan Raider
Finished it yesterday, listened to the audiobook driving to and from work. The first like 30 minutes read like some sort of shitty erotic novel. After that it was good, but it suffered from like nothing actually happening.

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
Just finished book 4. It was overall very meh, answered very few questions, although the reveals about (Not)Gavin were fairly interesting.
-White luxin seems to have something to do with the blinder's knife, but how and in what way? Ironfist seems to have the bit that Dazen(Gavin) made at the battle of Garriston (book 1).
-Grinwoody/Old Man of the Desert's plan has been seemingly revealed: have Dazen kill Orholam(magic) with the blinder's knife and then let the locusts take over the world since there will be no one around to oppose them since magic will die.
-Why is this book called Blood Mirror? I was hoping a new mirror (nine kings card maker) would be revealed and that does.... something. Instead we got nothing.
-Pretty much nothing happened with Liv.
-No word on what the White King is doing, other than the Banes are ready to sail? Banes that sail around is also fucking stupid IMO.
-Why the White King? He didn't have enough names? Omnichrome, Color Prince, Lord Rainbow (Faggot), etc etc
-I bet Gavin isn't really dead. Dazen never brought his body back, and it seems black Luxin doesn't kill, merely remove memories and cause madness? Or does it kill? It seems unclear to me. Probably going to be handwaved with "That's black luxin for you, lol"

That's all off the top of my head.

I hope the last book is better than this, and please let's finish this series so Weeks can move on to something else, like back to his Night Angel stuff or something new.