The Office


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Title: The Office

Genre: Comedy

First aired: 2024-10-18

Creator: Jackie van Beek, Julie De Fina

Cast: Felicity Ward, Edith Poor, Steen Raskopoulos, Shari Sebbens, Josh Thomson, Jonny Brugh, Susan Ling Young, Raj Labade, Lucy Schmidt, Zoe Terakes, Pallavi Sharda, Claude Jabbour, Jason Perini

Overview: Hannah Howard is the managing director of packaging company Flinley Craddick. When she gets news from Head Office that her branch will be shut down and everyone will go remote, she goes into survival mode, making promises she can't keep in order to keep her "work family" together.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Fair use and parody? It's like when my kids watch you tube videos of adults playing with paw patrol toys. Cute


Trakanon Raider
There's plenty of great original Aussie comedy series Amazon could throw $ at rather than funding more bad remakes of other shows that have already been remade 20 times.

I've seen Felicity Ward's standup before, it's alright (seen better and seen worse). Apart from that I don't recognise any of the cast or production of this other than apparently the main showrunner was involved with What We Do in the Shadows. I expect this to be decidedly mediocre and I probably won't watch it. I'll go back to watching repeats of Very Small Business, The Games, Fisk, or Utopia instead.
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