The old age thread


Molten Core Raider
I wouldn't trust any corporate-run pension program at this point. Take control of your own retirement and invest on your own.

Stuff like this scares the crap out of me
Is your pension safe? - - MSN Money

Nearly 80% of the private pension plans covered by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp., or PBGC, are underfunded, to the tune of $740 billion. The news is even worse among the nation's largest companies. Only 18 defined benefit pension plans offered by companies in Standard & Poor's 500 benchmark are fully funded.

More than 1,400 companies shut down their pension plans in fiscal year 2011, compared with 1,200 in 2009, according to the PBGC. An additional 152 plans failed, meaning they were terminated without enough money to pay promised benefits and were taken over by the PBGC. The PBGC itself, which is funded by employer-paid insurance premiums, is running a $26 billion deficit.

Public pension funds are underfunded by at least $1 trillion, according to a report by the State Budget Crisis Task Force. To close the gap, 35 states have reduced pension benefits for their employees, and half have increased worker contributions to their plans, according to a report released in March by the U.S. Government Accountability Office. Three states -- Georgia, Michigan and Utah -- have implemented hybrid plans that include defined contribution plans, similar to 401k's, that shift some investment risk to workers.

Even fully funded retirement plans aren't exempt. General Motors, once considered the model for running a solid pension plan, shocked its salaried retirees by announcing it was offloading their pensions to Prudential Financial. About 42,000 retirees had to make the difficult decision whether to take a lump-sum settlement or trust Prudential to send them monthly checks.
Sure there are still risks in investing on your own, but I think I'd rather screw up myself than have someone else screw me with no way out of it.


<Bronze Donator>
I still expect Wall Street to find some way to fuck up your retirement fund, regardless if it's a pension or self funded.


<Gold Donor>
Many older poeple I worked with got fucked out of retirement savings through the 90s crash and again in the recent housing bubble crash, although not as bad.


Silver Squire
Private and government pensions are pretty fucked on funding which is terrible. One of those shadow issues people know but don't really talk about. Lots of people are going to get fucked. In addition, if they don't pay into social security during that time there is no other safety net for them. The federal government can borrow almost without limit and cut much more fat than states, cities and corporations.

Social security on the other hand is more likely to be around and likely to looks very much the same.

First, the people that get it actually vote.

Second, there is plenty of money getting spent in other areas (namely military) which will be diverted before the checks start bouncing or they'll borrow more.

Third, there are truly very very few things that would cause people to go fucking nuts and cutting most people's only source of income in retirement after they paid in to the system for 50 years is one of them. No party or person is stupid enough to even think about it.

Fourth they'll likely raise the age again to 69 and remove the cap on wages and or increase the rate over time to fund it.

Zero chance they screw with much of anything else.

Pay your social security taxes. You'd be surprised how many self employed people screw around with that and it can bite them in the ass if their spouse isn't paying in big to cover them should their assets not do as expected or their inheritance gets eaten up in a reverse mortgage.

I'd wager most people on state / local pensions that aren't required to pay into it will end up regretting it down the road.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
I'm not too sure on that myself, at least here in Europe. At the moment we are expected to pay for the pensions and medical expenses of the current (Baby boomer) generation of old people, while at the same time we are being bombarded with news where politicians and "experts" keep telling us we can't expect the same when we get older. Either we'll get less (and have to pay out of pocket more) or the retirement age will go up, or a mix of both. So in the end, our generation will have to pay for both our grandparents, parents and our own, all while having to endure record unemployment, less job security, austerity, wage stagnation and record unsustainable government debt. Fun times ahead!


Trump's Staff
Social security isn't anywhere near the problem medicare is. Fun fact: It now costs an average of $1.25 million to provide health care for someone from age 65 to 87. (the life expectancy at 65.) That's a liability of about a half trillion just for the people retiring this year.


Like someone else said, hopefully the life expectancy and good quality of life continues to rise as our generation 20s-40s? gets older. For myself I'm hoping I can stay in good enough shape to still play pick up games of basketball into my late 40s / early 50s then switch to just tennis and lower impact stuff after that. I do have relatives super active into their 70s.

As long as you don't get saddled with illness, I'd say you can have a pretty good quality of life all the way up to around 80, but probably shits the bed (literally and figuratively) pretty shortly after that.