Undisputed Truth - The Memoir of Mike Tyson


Life's a Dream
I've been reading this book a lot while on my trip to Japan. Every time I'm sitting down for a period of time without interruptions (on the plane or train), I'm reading this book. It's REALLY good. He explains his thought process on everything. He definitely paints a picture of himself as a real piece of shit, but he tries to be better. Plus, the life style he lived as a result of being the heavy weight champion of the world. I recommend giving this book a shot. It's right around 600 pages. There are 2 different picture sections as well. It's good. I'm not even an autobiography type of book reader, but this has me hooked.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Zero interest in giving money to a convicted rapist that STILL acts like a brutish thug today.


Musty Nester
The man has a tiger tat on his face and made millions by punching other people unconscious. What sort of level of moral enlightenment are you expecting? But he's a man too with a story to tell. It's probably a somewhat interesting story. Cassius Clay he ain't, I'd expect something more along the lines of Bigger Thomas.

arr matey, se here for sure.


Life's a Dream
He met up with a big trainer early on. He was in a juvenile hall place, and he would box with a guard that was really good. All the kids kept trying to box this guy. Anyway, the guard saw that Mike had something special and introduced him to Cus. Cus and his wife went on to become Mike's unofficial parents, but Cus was also his biggest trainer. This guy taught Mike to be an absolute killer in the ring. To put people down. That mentality was drilled into him from 13-15 years old, and carried on to the early part of his career. Cus ended up dieing shortly before Mike became the heavy weight champion of the world, and he tried to continue with Cus' training and ideology, but he couldn't do it. He started to slip and then Don King came into the picture.

This is a really fascinating book. He goes into complete detail about the "rape", the trial, his lawyers and all of that shit, but then also into all this detail about his entire life. I'm enjoying this book quite a bit. It humanizes the killer that is Mike, and I really don't feel that he raped Desiree Washington. It's a complicated story, but not one of rape. Especially when she also accused her first boyfriend of also raping her, just because the father found out. That's the type of girl she was.

Give it a read. Well worth it.


<Prior Amod>
can't you just watch this TLDR: training video?

then most of his knockouts in HD
theres a few hard to watch lower than SD quality vids out there


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I get the feeling he hates Don King more than he hates Washington.


Life's a Dream
That training video was really interesting. Man, my memories don't do it justice. He really was a monster in the ring. Absolutely incredible at fighting. It's a shame he fell off the way he did.


Life's a Dream
No. I'm just reading his book, which I suggest to others. I'll have to look for a video or whatever.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
It's interesting that a lot of those knockouts the guy is just holding his gloves in front of his face trying to protect himself and not really even boxing at all.


<Prior Amod>
mike tyson shadow boxes with his tiger

yea, if you can play like this with a 220lb death machine, your cool.

also is the tyson doc?


Life's a Dream
Thanks for the suggestion. I just bought 2 things on Amazon. First is the DVD of Undisputed Truth, and another was a biography of Tyson from a 3rd party, but they interview him a lot (it seems like). I'll look forward to them.