Vampire Diaries


Vyemm Raider
I'm expecting the hate for the topic, but the season finale was dam good, and it seems a spin off show is coming as we'll.


we watched the first episode the other night and my wife (being the biggest girl in the nation) hated it. Sorry man that show is for wimps

Mythas 5thboardnow

Silver Knight of the Realm
As its a show that isn't afraid to get its hands dirty from time to time, I admit i watch it with my wife. My one longest running gripe with the show is how they have been in high school. I dunno maybe if I was granted immortality at that age maybe i would have cared about prom / etc. but anyway...

I found the season finale a bit confusing. Silas is thousands of years old...yet stephan is 200 years old? And he's supposed to be this "shadow self?". I mean the lore is all over in this show. It would be nice if they really just sorted all of this back story out, perhaps show some silas back story other than the "urban legends etc".

Here is to hoping they move away from the teeny bullshit and move into anything non omg lets pretend we are our actual age instead of realizing we have forever to do stuff now.


Tranny Chaser
Mrs. Izo watches it too, shudder. Gives me time to cath up on some reading. Here's for you gals in here:

Lost Ranger_sl

Damon and Klaus are the only reason to watch this show. Klaus was awesome, and beloved enough that he is actually getting a spin off. Which is well deserved because Klaus heavy episodes were always the most enjoyable. Damon has helped carry this show since the pilot. The rest of the cast ranged anywhere from awful, to just average. Best thing the female stars bring to the show is eye candy. Some seriously fuckable women on this show.

If you want a vampire show then this is MUCH better then True Blood. If you want a good vampire show, join the club.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I used to follow the show and enjoyed it quite a bit, but I haven't watched in awhile. I think I left off sometime shortly after they opened up all of those coffins...1 or 2 seasons ago.


Vyemm Raider
Still x 10 better than true blood
Bit more than ten times better. True Blood is absolute rubbish. As for the season finale, yeah it was kinda confusing. Also they are out of high school now thank god.


The Scientific Shitlord
The shadow self thing is just wordplay on doppelganger. Calling it now, though, Silas was lying about how it works to Stefan. The show has already shown how nature abhors immortality, so Stefan is probably the only one who can kill Silas, or they are somehow linked and if Stefan dies so does Silas. The latter would explain why he stuck him somewhere he can't be killed for a long time.

Also, I'm betting for the season opener Cadzea does the possession thing of Bonnie's body (like Rebecca's mom did to her) and releases Stefan from the locker.