

FPS noob
Anyone else watching this show? Its a drama set in Vegas in the 1960s, starring Michael Chicklis (Vic from the Shield), Dennis Quaid, Trinity from Matrix, and others. Airs on CBS on tuesday nights.

I first thought it was a reality show so skipped it, then I thought it was a modern day Vegas story so skipped it, finally got around to watching this weekend and really enjoyed it. Its a mix of CSI kinda case of the week but set in the 60s so its fun to watch non-high-tech mysteries, and of course Vegas during the mob-run era and all those things.

Dennis Quaid plays the main star, a rancher who becomes a reluctant sheriff, and he fucking looks amazing. I vaguely remember watching him in movies from the 90s, and he must have been put in cryogenic storage or something because he HAS NOT AGED AT ALL. Jesus. Carrie-Anne Moss, aka Trinity, from the Matrix is also in this and she looks stunningly gorgeous, even prettier than in the Matrix.

and of course Vic from The Shield, awesome character, feels a bit like the glasses guy from Godfather (probably modeled after him?).

I only got around to watching because I read the show had really, really good ratings and was a lock for a season 2, but I've seen virtually no discussions about it on here or the other TV forums I visit.



I've been watching it, it's not spectacular by any means but the period charm is interesting and it does indeed have a nice cast.

It does at least ignore some of the clich?s of this type of show and has written out a couple of decent character actors already. Not sure about it having a particularly long run, the wily sheriff vs the rascally mobster doesn't have an unlimited shelf life but they do have good chemistry when they occasionally interact onscreen.