Recent content by Aaron

  1. Aaron

    EVE Online

    So I bit the bullet and downloaded the client. Probably the first time I load it up in ~5 years or so? Maybe more. Man a lot has changed. I noticed that I couldn't train anything since all the non-Omega skills were already at max lol (240mill sp 4tw). But I also remember that my in game assets...
  2. Aaron

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    No idea where best to put this, but this is as good as any. Nice short vid and voices a lot of my feelings. Right in the nostalgia...
  3. Aaron

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  4. Aaron

    EVE Online

    Man things sure have changed. We had a guy in our corp who would have loved this. He was one of the first to design and use massive spreadsheets to plan and maintain a massive moon mining operation we had going. This was early days, btw. He was running 3-4 accounts overseeing dozens of moon...
  5. Aaron

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Is he an Ozzy? If so, it's the Abbos!
  6. Aaron

    Tales of Maj'Eyal

    Going to have to install this thing again now :D
  7. Aaron

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    I have this dream that by the time I get to retirement age we will have AI tools that will both allow us to recreate classic games we grew up with and that we can play them with our friends at the old folks home. AI would be used to step in an "fill up the world" so you could do 40 man Nax runs...
  8. Aaron

    Tales of Maj'Eyal

    Wow, a decade long necro with me being the last one to reply. Don't even remember writing it lol. Haven't played in years, but need to give it a go again. I love these types of games that are made by small indy dev teams where the time and effort goes into the game and not fancy graphics. Though...
  9. Aaron

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Same here, though I also had Eve-Online for the first few years of it's existence. It would not be so bad if the games were still as good as they were (granted, WoW has messed up more than Eve has). It's tough to see something that was very good - and you enjoyed because it was so good - go to...
  10. Aaron

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    This is probably what people who still watch The Simpsons say to themselves.
  11. Aaron

    The Video Thread

    Dude was amazing. There are a few other vids of him on YT. Highly recommended viewing.
  12. Aaron

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    It just dawned on me that WoW has become The Simpsons of MMOs. It used to be the best thing ever, but now you wonder about the mental health of those who still watch/play it.
  13. Aaron

    The Astronomy Thread

    Can we get Jupiter to visit some of our inner cities, please?
  14. Aaron

  15. Aaron

    Underspace - Space game, spiritual successor to Freelancer

    Surprised that there is no thread on this yet. There is a new space sim with a "Lovecraftian" flavour that claims to be a "spiritual successor to Freelancer." Haven't seen much of it yet, and don't own it yet, but looks like it might scratch an itch I have for such games. Reviews seem mostly...