2013 Oscar Nominations


How duchovney or dicaprio make a list for "great actors" on any merit besides personal charisma is beyond me. I QUESTION YOUR JUDGEMENT, SIRS.

At one point Bradd Pitt was looking like he might break out and take it to the next level. There was a spell there where he was alternating "cash grab" with "real quality". But then he kinda... just... stopped. (Edit: And I like me some Bradd Pitt)
I don't know about Duchovney but I question your judgement if you don't think DiCaprio is great. Have you seen Revolutionary Road, Gangs of New York, Catch Me If You Can, The Aviator, The Departed, and Django Unchained?

And Brad Pitt didn't stop. Tree of Life, Money Ball, Killing Them Softly (those three from the past 2 years), Inglorious Basterds, The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, and Babel.


Musty Nester
Hrm. I'll have to give Bradd Pitt another look. I kinda gave up on him after that Troy movie. That one smelled like he'd made a decision. That one was supposed to be his serious movie, iirc.

I haven't seen Revolutionary Road or The Departed. If this is a trick, and it's just DiCaprio being DiCaprio again (not that that's a horrible thing in itself, he does have a boatload of charisma), I'm gonna punch every last one of you in the dick.


<Prior Amod>
Yeah you clearly need to catch up on Pitt.

Also if those are the only two Leo movies you haven't seen and you still don't like him, again, you're smoking something.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Some seriously bad taste in movies being exposed here. David Duchovny? Has he even been in one good movie? I can't think of one. Jesus fucking Christ.


Molten Core Raider
If you judge acting on the ability of the actor to make you forget he/she is playing the role then Robert DeNiro is one of the worst actors ever.

He plays himself, in.every.single.fucking.role. Except awakenings in which he simply played the scowl-faced, quiet version of himself. We blur the line between entertainment and acting which are two vastly different things. It's that reason that folks like Tom Hanks can go from playing Sitcom transvestites, and shit like Joe vs the Volcano to winning multiple Academy Awards by playing a retard.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I watched bits and pieces of this - is it just me or are there no real celebrities anymore? All the people getting interviewed and shit weren't real movie stars? Where is Tom Cruise? Brad Pitt? Will Smith? Shit was boring, Seth was pretty terrible, Adele a fat whore and the speeches uninteresting. They need to revamp the setup - 3 hours of red carpet shit (Who the fuck is Kristen Chenowith? Somebody needs to kill this idiot) and an almost 4 FUCKING HOUR SHOW makes for unpleasant viewing.
If you didn't consider yourself an old man before, this post is where you became one.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Godzilla 2000 snubbed for the 13th year running


Trakanon Raider
I'm still surprised Argo won without a Best Director nod, even though in retrospect it ticks off nearly every Oscar box (Period Piece, About Hollywood, Happy Ending, Box Office Success) - the only one it missed is getting the British and/or French blocs involved. (See why The Artist was the biggest lock in recent or even living memory last year.)

That said, although I enjoyed the movie, I have the suspicion that in a decade Film School students will be writing quite a few papers/blog posts/Youtube videos on how it's one of the most overrated winners of the 21st century.


Trakanon Raider
depp is absolutely right there with DDL in terms of acting ability. he has been nominated 3 times (pirates of the caribbean, finding neverland and sweeney todd). he should have won it for two of those movies: pirates, (which he single handedly saved what was otherwise a pretty mediocre movie) and finding neverland, which was an amazing movie. he also did blow, fear and loathing in las vegas, donnie brasco, from hell, edward scissorhands, and what's eating gilbert grape? i would put him up with any actor in the history of cinema, and if the academy didn't hate him for his off the screen comments and antics, he probably would have won several times and been nominated several more.

as for dicaprio, if you don't think he's an amazing actor then you don't know the first fucking thing about movies. he has also been nominated 3 times (what's eating gilbert grape, the aviator, and blood diamond). he was also great in catch me if you can, the departed and basketball diaries.

thirdly, i put brad pitt in that upper echelon of great actors as well. i think he gets a bad wrap because of who he is and how famous he is, but he too has been nominated 3 times (12 monkeys, the curious case of benjamin button, and moneyball). he was also brilliant in fight club, seven, snatch, a river runs through it, and probably one of my favorite brad pitt movies, the assassination of jesse james by the coward robert ford (which got ben affleck's brother, casey, an academy award nomination for best supporting actor).


It's kind of cool to see Ben Affleck grow up from a mediocre actor to directing probably 3 of my top 30 movies of all time. It's sort of weird that it is actually Ben Affleck and not another actor turned director...but he does a great job in my opinion.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, and it's not even worth having a discussion over. People putting Depp in either one of their categories are fucking insane
All 3 have done amazing films. If you only know of Depp because of Pirates then that is on you.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
DiCaprio is both a very good actor and incredibly good at picking both films and roles.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Pumped that Waltz won supporting actor. As long as they were gonna fuck up and not even nominate Sam Rockwell for Seven Psychopaths they might as wll give it to the second best performance.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I only mentioned him because he was the 1 of the 3 being discussed.
oh I know why you mentioned him, but people thinking his earlier stuff, although good, are in the same discussion as the other two is really unbelievable to me