28mm Miniature Tabletop Wargaming Thread

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
from what i understand the CEO was just recently replaced? as well as the majority share holders selling off a lot of their stock. This usually doesn't bode well.

in Other news Wyrd miniatures has announced Malifaux will be moving to a new edition (2.0) and all of their miniatures will be converted to plastic hopefully within the next year. Malifaux is a system that is fun but suffers entirely too much from the "too many rules" problems. hopefully 2.0 fixes all of this as the main selling point seems to be Streamlining.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
from what i understand the CEO was just recently replaced? as well as the majority share holders selling off a lot of their stock. This usually doesn't bode well.
Yeah Wells left but Kirby is acting CEO now (as well as chairman). Kirby has been there a long time, owns a chunk of GW and has been the CEO before. I know some people were hoping that Wells leaving would herald some sort of change, but frankly my guess is that Kirby (amongst others) was on board for all of their business decisions and I don't see him changing direction unless they're forced to do so by the market, so to speak.

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
Since i do stay away from GW games (even though i do enjoy their models) is there any truth to them nixing open play in their stores?

a rumor was floating around about a month or so back that all official GW stores would no longer cater to free play, they would run more events and more things to get kids and new buyers into the hobby (IE attract future customers since GW doesn't make that much money on the old timers). Part of this was that you couldn't just bring your stuff down on a Saturday and hope for a game.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Since i do stay away from GW games (even though i do enjoy their models) is there any truth to them nixing open play in their stores?

a rumor was floating around about a month or so back that all official GW stores would no longer cater to free play, they would run more events and more things to get kids and new buyers into the hobby (IE attract future customers since GW doesn't make that much money on the old timers). Part of this was that you couldn't just bring your stuff down on a Saturday and hope for a game.
To anyone with a functioning brain, this is straight up ra-tarded. But, because it's GW, I wouldn't be surprised.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Since i do stay away from GW games (even though i do enjoy their models) is there any truth to them nixing open play in their stores?

a rumor was floating around about a month or so back that all official GW stores would no longer cater to free play, they would run more events and more things to get kids and new buyers into the hobby (IE attract future customers since GW doesn't make that much money on the old timers). Part of this was that you couldn't just bring your stuff down on a Saturday and hope for a game.
I believe so, yes. I remember them having really small stores in malls like a decade or more ago that did essentially the same thing back then, so I'm kind of neutral on it myself.


Anyone else love the fact that most gamers never heard of Femia's blog before GW opened the lawsuit?

I had also never heard of Blood of Kittens until Battlefoam sued them.

Why won't douche bag miniature companies just stay out of the legal business. This shit is getting stupid.


So I think i'm finally going to bite the bullet, but have a couple of questions.

what is more fun fantasy or 40k? I feel like there is a much bigger unit variety in fantasy plus magic which is a plus. But I do like the smaller unit sizes in 40k. 40k seems a lot less tactical though.

What are everyone's thoughts?


Buzzfeed Editor
I prefer 40k far and wide though who knows with constant rule changes last few years. I'd say maybe less fancy tactics but I think have a lot more fun or ridiculous moments.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It depends on the area. If nobody plays Fantasy, for example, then it won't be a whole lot of fun.


Molten Core Raider
I prefer 40k because I like a lot of the units and combat. I tried the fantasy but it just didn't seem to be "real" Warhammer to me. *shrugs*

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
Fantasy has a lot of things in it that kind of bother me in the newest edition (or all editions) like that beautifully painted unit dies to 1 spell and a random deviation; or the fact that skirmishers don't actually "skirmish" anymore. the movement and wheeling of troops / overrunning is an interesting concept and having a unit behind or beside an enemy can lead to some devastating effects and tactical fun.

issues with 40k... i can't shoot at what i want too. it makes no sense that the guy with the missile launcher has to shoot at the same thing (baring special gear like Tau have or longfang rules and a few others) the bolters do. so in a given turn either my bolters are wasted or my missile launcher is. I don't like how you cannot fall back from combat voluntarily (this may have changed in the newest edition) so your 30 orks get charged by a dreadnought and you don't have melta bombs or a powerklaw...they are done for the rest of the game unless they break and run. Flyers are everywhere which can be good and bad since i love the way they work some lists (and factions) are just unable to cope with them.

the plus side of 40k is that tactics generally come from target selection. i want my tank to shoot here; i want my dudes to shoot here. you have to prioritize what to take out in the enemy army. premeasuring (in fantasy too) some love it some hate it, i am pretty good at guessing ranges but i still enjoy being able to check weapon ranges any time. and probably the best thing about 40k, there are always people around to play (if they are fun to play against or not is a different matter).

be prepared to spend a lot of money picking up an army unless you go on Ebay or bartertown. once again my biggest advice is to look into Warmachine/Hordes first, then if that isn't quite your cup of tea malifaux (2E coming out soon) and Infinity are some very nice deeply tactical games. if you are deadset on GW games i would probably go with 40k over fantasy. Eldar should be releasing soon and the Tau just released and from what i understand have a very good codex that is fun to play and highly customizable.


Mr. Poopybutthole
issues with 40k... i can't shoot at what i want too. it makes no sense that the guy with the missile launcher has to shoot at the same thing (baring special gear like Tau have or longfang rules and a few others) the bolters do. so in a given turn either my bolters are wasted or my missile launcher is. I don't like how you cannot fall back from combat voluntarily (this may have changed in the newest edition) so your 30 orks get charged by a dreadnought and you don't have melta bombs or a powerklaw...they are done for the rest of the game unless they break and run. Flyers are everywhere which can be good and bad since i love the way they work some lists (and factions) are just unable to cope with them.
Being able to split shooting would make armor even weaker than it already is. As it is, armor is ok but dudes are almost always better unless you're playing a list with really point efficient armor. Voluntarily breaking from combat would give even more of an advantage to fast moving assault troops. It's already incredibly difficult to get walkers into h2h, you shouldn't be able to just turn and run from a walker unless he gets to squash half your squad while they run away. And why would you allow a dreadnought, who moves at the same speed as your ork mob, to get into close combat with them if they dont have melta bombs or a power fist/claw/whatever?

I haven't played since before flyers became a thing, so I can't comment from personal experience but I've heard nothing but bad things about them.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
My biggest complaint with armor nowadays is that a lot of vehicles with light armor are weaker than they were to begin with, now that you can just glance them to death with volume of fire. That makes autocannons useful I suppose but transports are even worse now (imho), especially rhinos - it isn't really hard for just about any army to get 3 glances on AV11, and you can still get popped by penetrating hits. Melee lists using rhinos has been meh for a while but it seems like most people, if they do use rhinos and such, go with a focus on dakka so they don't have to worry not being able to charge when disembarking and other such issues. Dark Eldar vehicles seem to be less affected since they weren't ever intended to weather heavy volumes of fire and are much more mobile, but I dunno. As a CSM player who likes to run melee lists (and I have since at least 2nd ed iirc, and I don't think RT would count) rhinos have been shit for melee transport since like 4th ed iirc when they decided to nerf rhino-rushing, I can't deep strike but a handful of units, no drop pods still, Chosen no longer get infiltrate, Land Raiders are too expensive to be able to transport an entire CC assault list and in order to be able to infiltrate as a Warlord Trait I either have to take a 1 in 6 chance and hope I roll "Master of Deception" with a vanilla Lord (and even then it's only D3 units) or I have to take a special character that already has MoD. And since that's either Huron or Ahriman, I'm not going to take Ahriman with a CC list so I guess I have to take Huron then! (and hope I roll a 5 or a 6). I thought about the Forge World transport flyer, but it's about the price of a Land Raider anyways.

I fucking despise taking anything that is AV12 anymore too. Dreads? Yeah, GL with that. All of the AV12 stuff in the CSM codex (maulerfiend, forgefiend, dreads and defiler) just get picked apart and glanced into the dirt. And what's crazy is that they gave the Defiler and both fiends "daemon" for a 5++ and they also have "It will not die", so they must have known that AV12 was a fucking joke or they wouldn't have felt the need to give that stuff to them in the first place. As anyone who has ever played any flavor of Daemons can tell you, 5++ is only useful for the occasional lascannon potshot; any serious volume of fire is just going to make a mockery of a 5++ save and "It will not die" only works if you end the turn with wounds or hull points remaining so people just focus fire and pop them so you don't regen shit. Last game I played (which was a while ago now) I had a fucking Chimera glance a 'Fiend to death. A fucking Chimera.

Also fuck flyers, fuck them right in the ass.


Buzzfeed Editor
U no liek IG Valkr lascannon doom? Or the half the squad dies melta bailout behind leman russ or other low rear armor heavy.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
I don't think I'd dislike IG flyers if they weren't so cheap for what you get. They're cheap, great armor, tons of weapons, some can transport, I mean FFS. And I really think that the AV12 fliers are ridiculously more survivable than ground based AV12, to the point that I have to question why even have AV12 fliers in the first place.

As far as the Heldrake goes, that wasn't remotely what I expected or wanted - I was wanting something like the Hell Blade or Hell Talon. And why they gave them the option for a S6 AP3 torrent flamer (on a flier no less) is beyond me, I wouldn't even want to take that against a lot of people because that's pretty damn ridiculous. But...ermagerd it's a flying fire-breathing mechanical chaos dragon! Fucking terrible.

The other thing that I dislike is the SM fliers that can carry a dread. Christ almighty, they may as well let Landraiders carry a dreadnaught again if they're going to let those fucking fliers carry one. (I know that's super old and predates most people who play 40K but God damnit GW)

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
Calling it here next blood angel codex will have stormravens carrying landraiders (they can already deepstrike and go on thunderhawks) loaded with dreads....yep thats likely


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
You joke now, but I think most people will be waiting to see what new ridiculousness they add.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The other thing that I dislike is the SM fliers that can carry a dread. Christ almighty, they may as well let Landraiders carry a dreadnaught again if they're going to let those fucking fliers carry one. (I know that's super old and predates most people who play 40K but God damnit GW)
Dude, I've totally rolled sustained fire dice too.