7 Days to Die


Didn't see a post, and it's kind of hard to search for something like that.

7 Days to Die

A sandbox game that combine FPS, survival horror, tower defense, and role playing. Yeah. I came.


Voxels? Why? I am not too familiar with voxels... isn't that a nightmare for lightning? And what is the advantage? Does it help to make everything modifiable and breakable or something?


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I like killing zombies but them graphics look like a Nintendo 64
After watching the video I'm not sure if this was a conscious decision or an engine limitation. After the first jarring experience the art/graphics felt continuously more natural until the end when I barely noticed it.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Voxels? Why? I am not too familiar with voxels... isn't that a nightmare for lightning? And what is the advantage? Does it help to make everything modifiable and breakable or something?
A nightmare for lightning? Voxels are all the rage for destructible environments because they are quickly place-able and removable without any performance reduction. Using standard 3D Models and whatnot for terrain manipulation is a huge CPU crunch and isn't practical at all for huge terrain manipulation projects and/or multiplayer.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
There has already been talk of this game taking zombie models, including the animation, from the game Killing Floor. Tripwire interactive is saying they are looking into the matter. There is a thread about it on their game forum.

Using other game's assets for prototyping isn't unheard of, but it's pretty bold to release footage + promote your game with said assets.


Using other game's assets for prototyping isn't unheard of, but it's pretty bold to release footage + promote your game with said assets.
If this is how my DayZ Minecraft dies I'm going to be sad.

Also getting tired of $35 a early alpha access. Half of these assholes with great game prototypes seem to stop doing any kind of real work once their alpha sells enough copies for them to make some money. Starforge started out strong but updates have been ridiculous since early access opened on Steam. Maybe they're not ready to have money or something.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
In my experience ambitious projects start out with a lot of momentum and progress because it's new, fun, and exciting. Once the ambition catches up to the team through any number of technical changes (or in the case of voxels, limitations) the momentum grinds to a halt, the team loses interest, and it becomes a chore to even work on the project let alone progress down the to-do list.

Indie devs are awesome for their creativity and willingness to take risks, but publishers are a necessary evil for some of these creative types who are only interested in showing that something is possible and not necessarily following through to deliver the final product. With no one breathing down their necks and a surge of money in their wallet, well, you can see how that might make a person tend towards laziness.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I was bored so I decided to actually try this out after watching a few videos online. Many aspects feel very Minecraftish (crafting/building) and many feel DayZish (looting, etc). Graphics aside, it has a lot of potential and seems like it could be a blast doing co-op/multiplayer.

Anyways, the day/night cycles are pretty fast (approx 1 minute gametime = 1 second real time). During the day (or when exposed to a light source, like a torch), the zombies are your typical slow Romero zombies. As such, this is your best time to build/look for resources/cut down the zombie population. When it gets to be night time (I think around 2000/2030 hours or so) or inside a dark place (a home, for instance), the zombies become Dawn of the Dead remake zombies that run like 4x your top speed and do lots of damage. As such, your best bet is to find shelter or fortify a spot so you can last the night. The zombies can sense you on the Z-axis if you are a few floors up and they will go apeshit trying to get to you, which results in them breaking through doors/walls/etc. If a building takes too much dmg (key support beams get destroyed or walls), then the whole structure can collapse. During the first night or so, you can probably survive NP in any structure that has multiple levels (attic is best), but more and more zombies spawn each night so eventually you will need something strong. As you go, you can gather stuff that lets you craft. For instance, if you knock down a tree, then you can use the wood to make various wooden items, including sticks. Scrap metal can be turned into iron ingots, which in turn you can use with the sticks to make a pickaxe or wood axe. There are all sorts of recipes. Some raw materials, like stone, you can build with as well. If you make a sleeping bag and set it down, it acts as a respawn point.

By day 5 or so, I decided to make a bunker underneath a garage (be sure to make defenses where you are digging, they will come into the hole). Once I got deep enough and made a large room (oil barrels can help you clear lots of room, but you need to be way the fuck back when you shoot it or you will frag yourself), I sealed myself in with stone blocks and dug through the night. Eventually I had multiple chambers /w locked metal doors and I actually fortified the garage itself by basically encasing it in stone, which is very hard for zombies to bust through in this build. Around 0730 hours, its light outside and the zombies will be slow again. On day 8 I had looted a good chunk of the town I made my bunker base in, so I decided to head to the desert to get special resources to make stuff like TNT (I also needed gasoline for my power digger/auger). It got dark out when I got to a gas station, so I had to craft a ladder to get on the roof and had to use some stone to make a mini-fort/tower (zombies sometimes warp through the floor). It's definitely cool and in the next build they are going to make tougher zombies (climbers, acid spitters) so you can't just AFK through the night once you get a solid base setup. I do like the fact that you have to plan ahead and be mindful of the time. If you get caught outside when it's night, you're pretty much screwed.


That was supposed to be

"Did you play with the multiplayer side at all? Does it work?" I think I might give it a shot if I can play it with a couple friends.

Not sure what happened there. Aliens probably.

Also -if anyone followed the drama - I am curious about the copyright infringement issues they had with Killing Floor and DayZ resources they had "borrowed". Iirc it was quite blatant and they were not forthcoming with explanations or apologies or plans to replace the borrowed resources or anything. Of all the current Alpha "minecraft" type games in development this one seems the best on paper. But I don't know how it would survive legal pressure if they don't fix that shit right away.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
You can do MP if someone locally hosts a game and you join it I think. I don't know anyone with the game so I haven't played with it.

My bunker/fort is pretty huge now. I learned to make TNT and gathered like 16 explosive barrels during my desert run, so I made a giant cavern. Currently working on making a mini-fort inside the cavern. Zombies are trivial now, although the horde keeps growing. On day 12 there were like 50 zombies waiting outside when I came out in the morning. The number of spawns increases each day.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This hit steam yesterday, and the screenshots look nothing like the LPs on youtube now. It's also 15% off, which is still a shitload of money. Anyone have any youtube LPs that actually look like the screenshots on steam?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Last I checked it was still in Alpha 4. I haven't played much since Alpha 1, primarily because I didn't feel like starting from scratch again after putting so much work into my mini NORAD. I had crafted an insanely big subterranean base that included farms and tunnels that stretched half way across the map to various outposts.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
It's come a long way since the last post. Alpha 11 should be out by the end of the month, and already it's a very fleshed out game. As early access games go it's extremely stable, I've got over 140 hours played in it now and never had a crash. The crafting system has 200+ items to build and with the addition of roaming hordes of zombies you're kept on your toes even once you're established.

Some screenshots of my base I've built, I built the fortifications around an abandoned building I found. The shooting platform is to stand on top of and fire a couple of shots in the air to attract the hordes onto the spikes.




Rasterizing . . .
7DtD really is a great game and a testament to successful early access games, especially with how active the devs were. I think I've got about 193 hours or so into it at the moment but ever since H1Z1/Rust changes it's taken a back seat in my survival library.