A Song of Ice and Fire (Released Spoilers)






What exactly do you mean by Released Spoilers? Can we comment about interviews etc., or just what is in the actual books?


So that fact that GRRM basically said in an interview that Jon Snow isn't dead after he was stabbed on the wall is fair game?


Mother fucker your going to make me find the link and post it on here? Your lucky you helped me on my portfolio. Be back soon with link


Article Text
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: So why did you kill Jon Snow?
GEORGE R.R. MARTIN: Oh, you think he's dead, do you?

Well, I guess. Yes. That's how I took it. The way it was written, it sounded like he was mortally wounded - and, you know, it's you!
Well. I'm not going to address whether he's dead or not. But as to why - didn't you think the text established why they would want to assassinate him?

The narrative made perfect sense. Looking back through the books, all the decisions Jon's made, and all the foreshadowing that was there, yes, you played fair. At the same time, it was devastating and I suspect fans will howl, the most since-
The most since the Red Wedding, I suspect.

How long have you intended for that incident to happen?
For many years. Some of the stuff about Melisandre warning Jon of "daggers in the dark" was written 10 years ago.

It's a harsh chapter in terms of fan expectations. You go from this total high of Jon giving this rousing speech about going after the evil Ramsay Bolton, to this utter low of his men turning against him. So fans are not supposed to draw that conclusion he's dead?
What I'm seeing from early reactions, admittedly just a handful, I think fans are going to split and argue about it until the next book comes out.

I also wasn't sure whether Ramsay was telling the truth in his letter when he said the battle had already been fought and won, whether we were supposed to take that as gospel.
My readers should know better than to take anything as gospel, unless they see it for themselves, and even then I do sometimes use "unreliable narrator." No. They should not take that as the truth. What about Mance Rayder, did you think he was really dead?

Yes. And I liked the reveal that he's the bard in Ramsay's court at Winterfell, but I was so dense I didn't realize it was him until I read Ramsay's letter near the end.
Aside from the fact Mance goes south and says he's going to take six spearwives, there's a legend that Jon hears from Ygritte about Bale the Bard who was a King of the North who posed as a bard and infiltrated Winterfell. Mance is calling himself "Abel" which is "Bael" with the letters moved around. It's amazing what people pick up on and what they don't. The whole controversy over Renly and Loras, [viewers saying] "HBO made these characters gay!"

It was always firmly hinted
And many got that, but many didn't. I'm still getting letters about it. They were oblivious when they read the books and [producers] made it explicit.

The one thing I must confess to being frustrated by is the first Tyion chapter where you set up this expectation that he's going to meet Dany, and I got excited. Then about 600 pages later I'm realizing, "OK, that's not gonna happen, at least not in this book."
Yeah, it's the "kind of bring 'em together but don't give them the confirmation." In some ways it's not so different than the sexual tension in TV shows - are Catherine and Vincent [on Beauty and the Beast] finally going to kiss? Same philosophy. This is the kind of stuff I wrestle with. I could have ended the next chapter: Tyrion gets off the boat and there's Dany. But the journey itself has its own interest.

One of my favorite chapters, perhaps of the whole series, was Cersei's walk of shame. I was riveted.
That was an interesting chapter to write, and based on actual medieval events. Jane Shore, mistress of King Edward IV, was punished that way after Edward died. It's going to be a controversial scene when it comes out - is it misogynistic or feminist? It wasn't a punishment ever inflicted on men. It was a punishment directed at women to break their pride. And Cersei is defined by her pride.


Golden Squire
Released spoilers was basically if it's published somewhere then talk about it (sample chapters, interviews, books) but if it's from some reading GRRM did of a chapter that might change while he's still working on it, then don't bring it up.

Anyway...new Dunk and Egg novella out next year supposedly.


El Presidente
Hate waiting on the main books but the Dunk and Egg stuff is awesome so that gets a pass.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
How many Dunk & Egg stories are there, and more importantly, what books are they contained in? Looking up "dunk and egg" on Amazon comes back with a bunch of different Anthologies. Can someone give me the quick and dirty on getting all these stories?


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I actually(like a retard) ordered the graphic novel by accident on Amazon a few years ago. I thought I was ordering the book and when it arrived, I felt like an idiot. Still enjoyed reading it, but there you. I'll read that wiki and weigh the option of being a filthy pirate. Thanks!


El Presidente
Those 3 anthologies are what you're looking for. Legends, Legends 2, and Warriors I think. You can get those all on the cheap and some of the other stuff in them is good as well.


Filthy pirate I think is the best way to get a combined copy for an e-reader though, there's a decent html file going around that I have.


Buzzfeed Editor
I finally read the first Dunk and Egg story, it was really badass. I am genuinely upset that there are only three of these stories now.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
What exactly do you mean by Released Spoilers? Can we comment about interviews etc., or just what is in the actual books?
I would say anything that GRRM isn't pissed about being released. I have no idea if there's any leaks out there but that stuff would be poison to my eyes.
The first graphic novel version was pretty good. Haven't checked out the second yet.
I tried reading the graphic novel. I thought it was going fine until they had Tyrion leap and flip off a roof during his first meeting with Jon Snow like a damn ninja. I know they need to spice things up for a visual retelling, but I had a hard time picking the books back up after that.