

<Bronze Donator>
The crux of writing and interesting story-telling is the creation of conflict or problems that must be overcome.

Good writers are able to do it in unexpected ways, that are clever, and seemingly insurmountable for the protagonist(s) to overcome.

Bad writers do it in ways that frustrate, annoying, and make their characters seem mentally challenged.

Filoni stuff feels like bad, agenda driven fanfiction most of the time.
Yup. I've dabbled in screen writing. Taken numerous seminars with Robert McKee. Published a few fiction books. Well aware of the shortfalls. Just don't want to waste time other than dog piling on with some vitriol
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Throbbing Member
Apparently greenlit for season 2 with production moving to the UK to cut costs.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
They should have made the show about Ray Stevenson and his cute goth padawan gf mercenaring their way around the galaxy instead of having to deal with Rosario Dawson trying to act out of a character that's as bland as her lightsabers colors. Also the droid had a more interesting plot than Sabine Wren, which tells a lot.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Oh shit, skeleton crew has urkel. Instant motherfucking classic.

Just noticed the Daughter's owl shows up at the end with Ahsoka, they'll probably take a Force Portal back to the other galaxy.

I completely missed that. Got a screen grab or a clip?


Which way, western man?
<Gold Donor>
Oh shit, skeleton crew has urkel. Instant motherfucking classic.

I completely missed that. Got a screen grab or a clip?

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Silver Baronet of the Realm
They should have made the show about Ray Stevenson and his cute goth padawan gf mercenaring their way around the galaxy instead of having to deal with Rosario Dawson trying to act out of a character that's as bland as her lightsabers colors. Also the droid had a more interesting plot than Sabine Wren, which tells a lot.
i think there's a lot of things they could have or should have done different. even sticking with the same plot and characters... i understand WHY ahsoka was so stoic, but it would have been nice for it to be demonstrated more in the first few episodes. she's struggling with the ramifications of being taught by the dude who turned out to be space hitler. that's gotta weigh on a person. and i didn't need her to turn on a dime, emotionally, but it would have been nice to show her more emphatic after her moment in the world between worlds. she's dealt with (or has begun to, at least) the difference between anakin and darth vader. they really are two separate characters. obi-wan figured that out in his show (which is a whole different topic), and ahsoka figured it out (or should have) in her show. being anakin's apprentice is NOT the same thing as being vader's apprentice. i think showing her be more like her clone wars, quippy, jovial self would have gone a LONG way with the audience. instead she just comes across as kinda stoned.

and speaking of anakin's apprentice vs vader's apprentice, obviously i love starkiller, i think most people do despite the awful second game. it would have been really great to see ahsoka vs starkiller, even if they went with a newer version of him that wasn't overly OP. sam witwer has obviously talked a ton about starkiller, and for good reason. he just gets star wars and it's characters in ways that very few other people do. he said that when he auditioned for starkiller, the scene they had him do is when he's meditating, rebuilding his lightsaber or doing maintenance on it or whatever, and then his droid proxy walks in as vader and they have some dialogue. he said he did it 4 or 5 times, each time a little different, trying different things, but he always was grunting and straining while meditating. after the last time the director asked him why he was meditating so aggressively, and sam was like... "you think darth vader taught his apprentice to peacefully do ANYTHING? it's called the FORCE. and the only way his apprentice would know what to do with it is FORCE it to obey him." he said he was basically hired on the spot.

anyway, it would have been really interesting to see, and for ahsoka to see, the vast difference in teaching styles pre and post dark side. i know starkiller is a HUGE fan thing and you can't just give in to fans because honestly, we are generally really stupid. the thing about filoni is he's proven to demonstrate competency when it comes to long form storytelling. he ALWAYS falters with the short term though. in every one of his shows, the first season sucks; they ALWAYS pick up a ton of speed in the second season, so i'm somewhat hopeful for the second season... it's just that disney is hyper focusing on short, single season stories. they are effectively trying to mash a square peg into a round hole in terms of movie storytelling vs tv show storytelling and it's just not really working while blaming the fault on everything but their own tactics
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Krugman's Fax Machine
<Gold Donor>
Only now watched this, still wondering why the show isnt called Sabine. Almost tapped at space whales, but I was done at Erocks. How many times can you go the the Teddy bear luau well...


<Gold Donor>
Only now watched this, still wondering why the show isnt called Sabine. Almost tapped at space whales, but I was done at Erocks. How many times can you go the the Teddy bear luau well...
But the woman were so strong. Didn’t you notice?
  • 1Edgelord
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Krugman's Fax Machine
<Gold Donor>
But the woman were so strong. Didn’t you notice?

I noticed that Sabine had sad titties and zero ass. I also noticed that Rosario forgot how to act and can only emote by crossing her arms.
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<Gold Donor>
I noticed that Sabine had sad titties and zero ass. I also noticed that Rosario forgot how to act and can only emote by crossing her arms.
Everyone in the show had sad titties, that’s how you know they are strong like man.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Just finished this. I think this show is the final nail in the coffin for the Mandoverse to me.

There's so much to dislike but the biggest issue I have is that the scenes don't really make sense together. It feels like they have the same problem with the last Mandalorian season where they create these coarse visual storyboards, and then hamfistedly build the story around them without much attention to the why or how. A good example is the last episode where they show Ahsoka's Shuttle gliding above the crab colony as they are making their way... somewhere? It feels like they built the art for that scene and HAD to fit in the show before the next art piece, which was probably them riding the wolf alligators. The scene was visually cool and an interesting mix of shit-tier tech with a weird alien species and top-tier Jedi tech, which is a Star Wars staple, but it made no sense for the heroes who urgently needed to infiltrate the enemy before they warped outta there and stranded them. It feels like 50% of the show is composed of these stilted scenes that make the characters feel like they have no agency and are hallucinating in a fever dream.

I'd encourage the writers to have another round of writing after the screenplay and ask themselves whether the characters are making choices consistent with their character.

Beyond that, they totally whiffed on Thrawn. I tried to withhold judgement on the casting until I saw the show and he just looked like a fat blue Elon Musk throughout. Having read some of the Thrawn books and watched some of the shows, his physical fitness is a key part of his character, so to watch a Thrawn that has been fucking around for a few decades come out looking like Fat Lee Adama is just distracting. How they ended up with Fat Elon is crazy, the needed act range is minimal, he just needs to look at some art and cooly make prescient decisions. There should have been no problem finding an actor that fits the part.


Following the casting, the writing made him look like a bumbling idiot that nearly failed to survive an easy situation. There are a lot of ways they could have had the heroes stay heroic while making him look like a calculating genius, but the writers did not really attempt it.

Thrawn is already kind of a dumb, contrived character to begin with, but the reason it's so important to build him up is because he has the impossible task of rebuilding the empire after its absolute destruction. Finishing Ahsoka Season 1 the viewer is not left with a sense of dread on how Thrawn is going to pull together disparate pieces to form a menacing faction, instead it feels like they could just send Mando and Skywalker in and just smoke him.

Their decision to not end Ahsoka's plot is confusing. Nobody wants an Ahsoka/Sabina Season 2, they are mid at best. I don't know how you can build a show around those two characters and still be completely outclassed by Ray Stevenson mysteriously into the distance.

Anyway, 6/10, won't watch the next Star Wars Mandoverse whatever. Will watch Andor season 2, which is excellent and should be the gold standard these stupid shows look to for guidance.
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Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Beyond that, they totally whiffed on Thrawn. I tried to withhold judgement on the casting until I saw the show and he just looked like a fat blue Elon Musk throughout. Having read some of the Thrawn books and watched some of the shows, his physical fitness is a key part of his character, so to watch a Thrawn that has been fucking around for a few decades come out looking like Fat Lee Adama is just distracting. How they ended up with Fat Elon is crazy, the needed act range is minimal, he just needs to look at some art and cooly make prescient decisions. There should have been no problem finding an actor that fits the part.
It's because they cast the stupid fucking voice actor for the part, so all the anime waifu faggots in here that watch cartoons for a living could do this when he came on screen...

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<Gold Donor>
It's because they cast the stupid fucking voice actor for the part, so all the anime waifu faggots in here that watch cartoons for a living could do this when he came on screen...

View attachment 501326
Lol, that's why he was a weird soft body? This show had so much dumb in it I really didn't give thrawn much thought. I was just rolling with the stupid by the time he showed up.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
This forum calling out people for being overweight seems hypocritical.
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