American made business ideas


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I am not entirely sure what area to put this in but here goes. I had been thinking about this for a while but I came across a story recently that inspired me to dive in. Every day on this board I see more and more comments from members afraid of losing their jobs and livelihoods, most of it coming from vax mandates, wondering if they can qualify for religion exemptions, not knowing what HR mess they have to avoid, and being uncertain of their future. This leads to many of the folks here going on the job hunt or even moving to different states to escape some of the insanity out there, and hell this is even before you add in the absurdity that is anti-white, anti-American SJW work environments.

The story I mentioned earlier was a couple of new coffee companies arose after the Black Rifle Coffee company came out as pretty much the antithesis to everything they proposed to be as a company. As such a few small companies arose and one such coffee company that started just 2 years ago posted about breaking 1mil in sales this year and being able to raise 87k for veterans. While these might not be the most impressive figures they show there is actually a desire and support for an American based company that hires American and believes in what this country used to stand for.

Now I am by no means wealthy but I have done ok for myself throughout the years and have a solid foundation of business knowledge under my belt, I know most well off people on the board have their backgrounds in tech, but my experience has always been in business. For the last year or so I have been self employed and been running a basic drop shipping business but with recent events with supply chains and selling cheap Chinese shit I am ready to make a change. I always have a few fallbacks to typical 9-5 jobs but they come at the price of dealing with the never ending vaccine nonsense and/or masking. It might be foolish pride but I am not willing to compromise on either. So as we move into the holiday months I am interested in developing a new business and have set aside some funds and time to perusing it. I am interested in tapping the FoH brain trust for some inspiration and depending on the venture maybe being able to hire some of those who are stuck in a difficult situation.

Another thought for those who might not be interested in something of this nature but still needing some help, a situation that might be difficult without doxxing is helping some of you guys out there newly in the job market with building or writing resumes, I just recently took the time to spruce up my own and with the collective experience of those here it might be a simple way for us to help our fellow forum bros.

Thankfully I already have a few ideas in mind, but recently I have really considered building something that provides more than just money as odd as that may sound this day and age. Right now most of my ideas are in the manufacturing side as that is what I have the most background in as well as project management, but maybe some of you tech guys have some concepts I have yet to consider.
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The Scientific Shitlord
If you think of anything that needs a telecom engineer, feel free to hit me up. I'm already looking for a job that will let me be 100% remote to avoid all this vax stupidity.


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
If I was still in Dallas I would be looking at starting a school.

Harder to do in a smaller population like where I am now.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
If I was still in Dallas I would be looking at starting a school.

Harder to do in a smaller population like where I am now.

I live on the Gulf coast of Florida so there is a decent sized population, it's an interesting idea since education in this country needs an overhaul. Biggest hurdle with anything school related or medical related which of both are needed is all the government regulations involved. I can say with certainty there is an overwhelming number of CNA's, LPN's and RN's that are out of work who are looking for a jab free environment.

I feel like anything in those areas would require someone who knew how to navigate the government regulation you would run up against. In that same vein though it could be a very interesting idea to have a business that facilitated home schooling, or local community schooling, where 1 or 2 local teachers takes on 15-20 students for a fee and you provide normal old fashioned curriculum. If you have more depth in that area and can flesh out the idea I would be interested in hearing.

Also there are probably many of avenues I haven't even considered, some of you guys that are working at places with more business than can be handled because of the handling of this, and letting valuable employees go would be a prefect example of demand outpacing supply.
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fred sanford

<Gold Donor>
I know you have ideas but I'll throw another one out there because I like it. With your experience in supply chains you could probably expand on this. When I started buying "Made in USA" stuff I came up with the thought of some sort of rating or auditing company. A lot of times Made in the USA can simply mean it's assembled here with materials from elsewhere, or worse, just designed by a US company and made somewhere else. The idea would be similar to a rating system like Energy Star ratings. The business would be for companies to hire you and allow them to put the official "Made in the USA Rating" logo on there. In order to use the logo they would have to verify things such as where they get materials, where they manufacture, etc. You could evaluate/audit their business on a certain interval and give them a Made in USA Gold rating for 100% made in the US with materials from the US. A silver rating could be made in the US with materials elsewhere and so forth.

If it was made into a reputable thing your site could have a list of verified companies or a mobile app to look them up by name or category to prevent businesses from just using the logo.

Actually, I looked it up and madeintheusabrand does something similar but they allow companies to self certify. Who knows, someone with your experience could come up with a better system and promote it to the point where it's a more nationally recognized thing.

Kudos to you for this though. I've been thinking about doing a local business just to be able to have some control over the craziness going on but I have zero experience in running a business.
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It Didn't Happen, It Should've, and It Will.
<Gold Donor>
I want to make a boutique weed store. I feel like where I am weed has done well, but it's all these little shitty dispensaries kind of like corner liquor stores. I feel like the market is ripe for a nice, fat upcharge in exchange for a weed buying 'experience'. 'Specially trained' staff to help sort out what kind and amounts work, coffee and tea (drymouth don't you know), maybe even combine it with some other complimentary establishment, I dunno, I'm still in the initial stages but something needs to happen to shake up the industry.

My other idea is a policy tank. Not a think tank. All they seem to do just that, think. Then nothing comes of it except money changes hands, because let's be honest, that's all they really want to happen. I want to have a place that has trained attorneys write laws, a lobbyist arm and a PR wing that generates interest and support to get laws passed, and then a research wing to keep thinking of new ways to destroy old government. I live in one of the reddest states in the land and we're fucking retarded. I would like that to be different and I am actually in a rather unique position to make something happen here, but of course, money. I wish to be beholden to no interests, which makes getting started in a competitive field hard. By design.

I have business skill and training but little experience. Good thread, though.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I want to make a boutique weed store. I feel like where I am weed has done well, but it's all these little shitty dispensaries kind of like corner liquor stores. I feel like the market is ripe for a nice, fat upcharge in exchange for a weed buying 'experience'. 'Specially trained' staff to help sort out what kind and amounts work, coffee and tea (drymouth don't you know), maybe even combine it with some other complimentary establishment, I dunno, I'm still in the initial stages but something needs to happen to shake up the industry.

My other idea is a policy tank. Not a think tank. All they seem to do just that, think. Then nothing comes of it except money changes hands, because let's be honest, that's all they really want to happen. I want to have a place that has trained attorneys write laws, a lobbyist arm and a PR wing that generates interest and support to get laws passed, and then a research wing to keep thinking of new ways to destroy old government. I live in one of the reddest states in the land and we're fucking retarded. I would like that to be different and I am actually in a rather unique position to make something happen here, but of course, money. I wish to be beholden to no interests, which makes getting started in a competitive field hard. By design.

I have business skill and training but little experience. Good thread, though.

My experience in the weed business has left a sour taste in my mouth, so about 5 years ago I loaned a very close childhood friend 25k to help him get an edibles business off the ground in Portland called "Fully Baked" and it was one of the biggest mistakes I have ever made. To date I have gotten about 5k back and it has put a heavy strain on our friendship. To this day I have a hard time understanding how someone can fuck up so badly they can't sell drugs for profit. It's one of those situations I should have been hands on about but I was not directly involved in the business. It has put a strain on our friendship to this day and while I have mostly written it off whenever I see him spurge on some shit it does irk me a bit to not have been paid back in full. I think he still holds the Oregon license and some kitchen equipment that I could probably get a hold of but the lesson about business with friends and families was learned the hard way for me.
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Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
My experience in the weed business has left a sour taste in my mouth, so about 5 years ago I loaned a very close childhood friend 25k to help him get an edibles business off the ground in Portland called "Fully Baked" and it was one of the biggest mistakes I have ever made. To date I have gotten about 5k back and it has put a heavy strain on our friendship. To this day I have a hard time understanding how someone can fuck up so badly they can't sell drugs for profit. It's one of those situations I should have been hands on about but I was not directly involved in the business. It has put a strain on our friendship to this day and while I have mostly written it off whenever I see him spurge on some shit it does irk me a bit to not have been paid back in full. I think he still holds the Oregon license and some kitchen equipment that I could probably get a hold of but the lesson about business with friends and families was learned the hard way for me.


Lemme hold about 25k

I'll get you back.



Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I want to make a boutique weed store. I feel like where I am weed has done well, but it's all these little shitty dispensaries kind of like corner liquor stores.

You might be on to something there. The dispensaries are just starting to open up here and the first on I saw was called "Stink Blossom" and it's on top of a freeway overpass. The name and the location and the general vibe of the place all scream that this is a skeevy shithole that you wouldn't want your wife going to alone.


It Didn't Happen, It Should've, and It Will.
<Gold Donor>
And just like most liquor stores, their main source of revenue ain't yuppies lookin to burn one before the big meeting, it's


But hey, if you're willing to pay more, we have a store that looks more like a medical spa or some shit:


You're waited on hand and foot, if you like, people are skilled at picking herb and even the types that would work for you, and best of all, no hoi polloi. All the growers would want to be featured at your store because of the upcharge. Of course they get a piece.

But as Cube says, money is always the issue and I would hate to be beholden to anyone.


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
Personally I try to get people to grow their own.

The shit heels that turned the black market into a walled garden for political kickbacks should all be drug from their homes and killed in the streets.

I'm fucking tired of rampant greed destroying everything while the other half of rampant greed ignores it
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It Didn't Happen, It Should've, and It Will.
<Gold Donor>
Personally I try to get people to grow their own.

The shit heels that turned the black market into a walled garden for political kickbacks should all be drug from their homes and killed in the streets.

I'm fucking tired of rampant greed destroying everything while the other half of rampant greed ignores it
haha well that ain't gonna stop til it stops from the top. I like to find and support real people trying to make a real business, not scabs or flybynights or big chains.


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
haha well that ain't gonna stop til it stops from the top. I like to find and support real people trying to make a real business, not scabs or flybynights or big chains.

Lol yeah.

I always try to convert anyone I see in a weed shop to grow their own.

Had one owner come talk to me about how "they are justing providing service and helping people get medicine"

At a 1500% markup? For every middle man? With no competition? I just laughed.

Used to cost around $1 to grow 1oz... Let's say it's 10 now, and it's still selling for 450/oz here.


She just thanked me for shopping there. I told her my planned harvest date.

Anyway, re the actual point of the thread.

School would be a good one, get some kids on a truly classic education.

Any manufacturing of goods not currently made here would be interesting as well.

There is a little store, chain I've started seeing pop up, American made general store maybe?

Seen a handful of them, mostly like a tiny Walmart for American made stuff.

Even a franchise of one of those would be fulfilling.
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It Didn't Happen, It Should've, and It Will.
<Gold Donor>
Oh it's a moneymaker for sure, but like every other service industry, there's a market for it, and someone might as well be making the bank. I, for one, have more money than time so paying an upcharge isn't an issue for me. And I am not alone.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I think the business Jocko Willink is involved with is pretty interesting...

Clothes that are fully american made. Unfortunately they are stupid expensive. I'm sure they're good quality, but I think it's always going to be a small fraction of people who are going to buy $125 jeans or $60 underwear or $375 leather boots. Maybe that's the only way it's possible to manufacture things in the USA with the cost of labor etc? I would love to see Craftsman level hand tools that were made in the USA but I'm sure that would take major money to get started. Even Snap-on has some things made in China now and they are the kings of ridiculous prices. I get that you have to pay more for stuff that's made in the USA but does it have to be double?


Vyemm Raider
I love the idea of a school and talked about quite a bit with some other business friends. I think really anything that is counter woke culture can do well assuming you can stay open without having to be a martyr. Only issue with school is it can be very hard to make much of a profit until you're very large...

That said I own a small thrift store that I started in 2019. We're on track for 800K revenue/350K net this year. I have about 1400 gaylords worth of inventory in storage. Obviously we don't manufacture anything, but as the economy gets worse sales will continue to rise, and it's a great hedge against inflation. If the economy gets too bad donations will stop, but that's the name of the game in thrift. It cost me quite a bit to start given the need for trucks, trailers, forklifts, store fixtures, tech, etc.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I love the idea of a school and talked about quite a bit with some other business friends. I think really anything that is counter woke culture can do well assuming you can stay open without having to be a martyr. Only issue with school is it can be very hard to make much of a profit until you're very large...

That said I own a small thrift store that I started in 2019. We're on track for 800K revenue/350K net this year. I have about 1400 gaylords worth of inventory in storage. Obviously we don't manufacture anything, but as the economy gets worse sales will continue to rise, and it's a great hedge against inflation. If the economy gets too bad donations will stop, but that's the name of the game in thrift. It cost me quite a bit to start given the need for trucks, trailers, forklifts, store fixtures, tech, etc.

That is a hell of a profit margin. I would be interested to know a little more about the business. Not sure if this area would be good for thrift shopping but at the same time with inflation going crazy it seems to market for second hand goods is doing well.


The Scientific Shitlord
I live on the Gulf coast of Florida so there is a decent sized population, it's an interesting idea since education in this country needs an overhaul. Biggest hurdle with anything school related or medical related which of both are needed is all the government regulations involved. I can say with certainty there is an overwhelming number of CNA's, LPN's and RN's that are out of work who are looking for a jab free environment.

I feel like anything in those areas would require someone who knew how to navigate the government regulation you would run up against. In that same vein though it could be a very interesting idea to have a business that facilitated home schooling, or local community schooling, where 1 or 2 local teachers takes on 15-20 students for a fee and you provide normal old fashioned curriculum. If you have more depth in that area and can flesh out the idea I would be interested in hearing.

Also there are probably many of avenues I haven't even considered, some of you guys that are working at places with more business than can be handled because of the handling of this, and letting valuable employees go would be a prefect example of demand outpacing supply.
How far are you from Pensacola? I have family there.