Ant-Man test footage leaked


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
People knocking the look, keep in mind this is just something Edgar Wright threw together(I think with his own money) as a proof of concept, to show the Marvel people how he could use the size changing in cool ways. With ILM or whoever the fuck doing the effects the running up the gun won't look so cheesy.

It will be awesome, because Edgar Wright.


Mr. Poopybutthole
In general, I've never been a fan of Ant Man, and have no desire to see a movie starring him. Ant Man and the Wasp have mostly been one note heroes: they shrink down and hit the microscopic off switch on the super villain/robot/bomb that no one else can get to. You'd think Iron Man could just interface with the tech and hit the off switch so Ant Man/Wasp could be avoided altogether. I'd rather see The Atom in his own movie, since he's actually pretty tough.
Another thing to keep in mind for a film is that Hank Pym (Ant Man) eventually has the ability to not only become tiny, but to become huge as well. I figure that would factor into the movie somehow.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Did we ever get confirmation that this is gonna focus on Hank? I believe at one point it was insinuated that it would mainly follow the Irredeemable Ant-Man arc. Where a low level Shield agent steals the suit by accident. An real asshole of an agent, BTW. Initially he's using it to do shit like watch chicks shower and try to get laid. He only reluctantly starts doing hero shit.

I hope this is the case, because that series was funny and it introduces Hank and his superscience without focusing on the wife beating drama shit.


Avatar of War Slayer
In general, I've never been a fan of Ant Man, and have no desire to see a movie starring him. Ant Man and the Wasp have mostly been one note heroes: they shrink down and hit the microscopic off switch on the super villain/robot/bomb that no one else can get to. You'd think Iron Man could just interface with the tech and hit the off switch so Ant Man/Wasp could be avoided altogether. I'd rather see The Atom in his own movie, since he's actually pretty tough.
between building robots, GIANT man. the size change does go both ways you know... the hell are you talking about? hell they almost have to do Antman, so they can do Ultron for the Avengers. and that is Pym.

Doing, Lang or Eric O'Grady would be even better.
I think some suggestions were, O'grady, or Lang/o'grady mixed.
Did we ever get confirmation that this is gonna focus on Hank? I believe at one point it was insinuated that it would mainly follow the Irredeemable Ant-Man arc. Where a low level Shield agent steals the suit by accident. An real asshole of an agent, BTW. Initially he's using it to do shit like watch chicks shower and try to get laid. He only reluctantly starts doing hero shit.

I hope this is the case, because that series was funny and it introduces Hank and his superscience without focusing on the wife beating drama shit.
You're right. Hank just jumps to mind when I see Ant Man. I could see this being a good flick either way. Edgar Wright means I'll be there opening day.


Trakanon Raider
The standard opinions first:

I love me some Edgar Wright.
The "running up the gun" shot looks terrible.
It's easy to imagine a lot of Nightcrawler/Azazel type fights.

Then the non-standard:

I'm worried we're going to get a comic-movie crash sooner rather than later, and I think Marvel's plans for zero mass market recognition titles (Ant-Man, Dr Strange, and especially Guardians of the Galaxy) will be a big cause. As bizarre as it is to think that Thanos could be the focus of the biggest box office hit of 2015, I'm worried the mass market will say "LOL @ teh purple dude" and start to check out.


Millie's Staff Member
the comic super hero movie bubble kinda deflated with the second attempt at a Hulk movie and the green lantern.


Mr. Poopybutthole
the comic super hero movie bubble kinda deflated with the second attempt at a Hulk movie and the green lantern.
Retarded. Avengers came after those movies, and that was a runaway hit. It did $1.5B, and then Dark Knight Rises did 1.1B. Both of these movies are in the top ten grossing films of all time.

If you are going to make a retarded statement like this, at least be able to back it up. If anything, comic book movies are selling better than ever.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
At this point I have faith in Marvel to be able to portray even the most absurd super heroes in a good, believable way.

I had my doubts about Thor and Captain America, because both of them (Captain America especially) could have contained incredible amounts of cheese. Not only did Marvel create believable worlds and good stories for each, but they also managed to tie them together wonderfully. If this were Fox or some other company I'd have my doubts, but with Marvel's track record I am absolutely willing to give them the benefit of the doubt that they can make Ant-Man "cool".

Depending on how Iron Man 3's story goes, I could see Ant-Man being brought into the Avengers movies as a semi-replacement for Stark as their resident tech/weapons/science guy.


Molten Core Raider
Marvel movies stopped being interesting after Blade. There's no tension in any of those films, nothing bad ever happens. Boring.


Avatar of War Slayer
I only watch the original Captain America movie.

They just lost any sense of good stories after this.


Avatar of War Slayer
At this point I have faith in Marvel to be able to portray even the most absurd super heroes in a good, believable way.

I had my doubts about Thor and Captain America, because both of them (Captain America especially) could have contained incredible amounts of cheese. Not only did Marvel create believable worlds and good stories for each, but they also managed to tie them together wonderfully. If this were Fox or some other company I'd have my doubts, but with Marvel's track record I am absolutely willing to give them the benefit of the doubt that they can make Ant-Man "cool".

Depending on how Iron Man 3's story goes, I could see Ant-Man being brought into the Avengers movies as a semi-replacement for Stark as their resident tech/weapons/science guy.
Maybe IM 4 to bring Pym in.

IM2 had whiplash/dynamo making drones.
Pym's claim to fame is robotic AI, and pym particles.(the shrinking/growing) Having Pym brought in to make an AI for drones, remote IM suits, etc could be easily argued. And of course that leading to Jocasta and Ultron. we dont HAVE to have Janet be dead for Jocasta. Not really sure on a redemption arc, if we have Pym create ultron though. haha. Although, its not like he doesn just get shit on over and over in the comics.

Have O'Grady as Antman. As the anti-hero is way more amusing.