

Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
I'd say work on E1 everyone you use, then go from there. E2 is very expensive and only a few characters really benefit from it as of right now (Unless the new chapter has changed things). The general rule of thumb is double up on each class (two tanks, vanguard, etc.) FEater, Mayer, and Cliffheart are situational and are not necessary to level up unless that's what you want to work with. Cliffheart's and Shaw's ability is very strong at lvl 4 even when they themselves are lvl 1. I've cleared the 2nd annihilation using a lvl1 shaw and cliffheart and SK-5 using lvl 1 shaw.

Pretty much this. Just focus on getting your "usual" team to at least E1 and then go from there.

The only thing I would add to this is rather than doubling up on each "class", double up on each "role". There are characters who are technically of the same "class", but fill a very different role.

For instance, I use Melantha on a lot of maps as a high-hp/"defensive" guard. That same role can't be filled by Midnight or Beehunter, even though they are both guards.


Potato del Grande
Pretty much this. Just focus on getting your "usual" team to at least E1 and then go from there.

The only thing I would add to this is rather than doubling up on each "class", double up on each "role". There are characters who are technically of the same "class", but fill a very different role.

For instance, I use Melantha on a lot of maps as a high-hp/"defensive" guard. That same role can't be filled by Midnight or Beehunter, even though they are both guards.
The big one I think is the two types of Vanguards, getting deployment points on kill or a set amount every so often. You need one, or both types on some maps.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
The big one I think is the two types of Vanguards, getting deployment points on kill or a set amount every so often. You need one, or both types on some maps.

Yeah, this is definitely the biggest "sub-class" difference. Guards are probably the 2nd largest difference. After that, "sub-class" roles get a lot murkier/specific.


Molten Core Raider
About 40 certs short for Ifrit so I guess I'll get Lappland. Should I spend 600 red certs to get FEater? She doesn't seem worth it or am I missing something? Her Base trait and the fact I don't have her would be the only reason for me right now to buy her. What else should I be using Red certs on? Chip Catalysts?


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
About 40 certs short for Ifrit so I guess I'll get Lappland. Should I spend 600 red certs to get FEater? She doesn't seem worth it or am I missing something? Her Base trait and the fact I don't have her would be the only reason for me right now to buy her. What else should I be using Red certs on? Chip Catalysts?

I'd honestly save them for catalysts, depending on how often you think you'll E2 shit. FEater is totally unnecessary for current content and the stages where you need a pusher are few and far between. Shaw basically covers everything she can do at a much cheaper cost.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Finally was able to do PR-D-2 and get my chips for Ash E2 but don’t have the $$$ haha. About 30k short. Still can’t quite get CE-5 though. May be able to swap a couple because I’m like 3-4 cost short on getting an AEr out early enough to kill the back line. My normal deploy is like:

Courier, SilverAsh, Vanilla, Kroos, Warfrain... if I can sub in maybe Myrrh or Perfume for Warf that’ll save a bit. Sub in Catapult maybe for 12F to nuke the back line. Think I’m out of practices though.

nm just beat it on practice. Istina’s cheap 15 cost along with AoE skill 2 let me get her out early enough to kill the back line guys and the rest held the front. Now just need 2 energy to do the real version.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I'm stuck on LS-5 right now. Don't seem to have the right low cost units to get through the intro. If zima could hold down a lane alone it'd be fine but her dps seems to be awful.


Potato del Grande
I'm stuck on LS-5 right now. Don't seem to have the right low cost units to get through the intro. If zima could hold down a lane alone it'd be fine but her dps seems to be awful.
This is my LS-5 team, beat it yesterday:

Vigna and Grani deploy first to hold the bottom lanes either way around. They get deployment points on kill which they farm from the slugs. Later on they can hold the more powerful bottom lane units with healers.

Scavenger deploys next to hold the top right lane, then Courier to hold the top left lane. They get deployment points when they use their ability. They need to be in that order, you need DPS for top right and defence for top left. These two can't hold the more powerful units later on.

Next is Meteor deployed at the top left facing down to hold the exit for helicopters. She'll take damage so deploy a healer right after, you may need to hold her until just before the healer is ready.

Healers put them in the middle face up/down so everyone is in range.

Can't remember what I did next. I put Firewatch bottom right facing up to take out helicopters. Courier also needs swapping out pretty much as soon as anything reaches melee range, I put in SilverAsh. I then put in a second healer.

Last change is Scavenger for Cuora as the tanky units appear on the top right side. Use her defence ability when the final few tanks are hitting her.

Once the bottom lane is finished, you can take out the Vanguards and put in Amiya to kill the tanks on the top right. Once the left side is finished you take them out and put in more units to finish off the right, I used Liskarm.

Vanguards need to be the exact types I mentioned, 5* versions will obviously work, 3* ones maybe if they are higher level.

Snipers, Healers and Caster can be whatever unit, they didn't have anything special I needed to have. Meteor is pretty cheap which is important for your first sniper, any delay deploying one and you leak helicopters.

SilverAsh's E2 ability was overkill, any Guard is probably going to be fine on the left side as long as they have enough attack and defence. Use your best unit, it's not like you'll be able to put in any more ranged to help them.

Cuora's E1 ability was important at the end but any Defender is probably going to be fine. Liskarm was barely used, I could have cleared without her. Use a 2nd Defender for the last few units on the right if you are having trouble with damage, otherwise a Guard will be good especially if they do Arts damage.
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Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
I'm stuck on LS-5 right now. Don't seem to have the right low cost units to get through the intro. If zima could hold down a lane alone it'd be fine but her dps seems to be awful.
Zima should be able to hold the bottom right section of the "4-way" just fine. If she can't, you need to get her some levels. Around E1, lvl 30-40 should do the trick.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
This is my LS-5 team, beat it yesterday:
View attachment 252278

Vigna and Grani deploy first to hold the bottom lanes either way around. They get deployment points on kill which they farm from the slugs. Later on they can hold the more powerful bottom lane units with healers.

Scavenger deploys next to hold the top right lane, then Courier to hold the top left lane. They get deployment points when they use their ability. They need to be in that order, you need DPS for top right and defence for top left. These two can't hold the more powerful units later on.

Next is Meteor deployed at the top left facing down to hold the exit for helicopters. She'll take damage so deploy a healer right after, you may need to hold her until just before the healer is ready.

Healers put them in the middle face up/down so everyone is in range.

Can't remember what I did next. I put Firewatch bottom right facing up to take out helicopters. Courier also needs swapping out pretty much as soon as anything reaches melee range, I put in SilverAsh. I then put in a second healer.

Last change is Scavenger for Cuora as the tanky units appear on the top right side. Use her defence ability when the final few tanks are hitting her.

Once the bottom lane is finished, you can take out the Vanguards out and put in Amiya to take out the tanks on the top right. Once the left side is finished you take them out and put in more units to finish off the right, I used Liskarm.

Vanguards need to be the exact types I mentioned, 5* versions will obviously work, 3* ones maybe if they are higher level.

Snipers, Healers and Caster can be whatever unit, they didn't have anything special I needed to have. Meteor is pretty cheap which is important for your first sniper, any delay deploying one and you leak helicopters.

SilverAsh's E2 ability was overkill, any Guard is probably going to be fine on the left side as long as they have enough attack and defence. Use your best unit, it's not like you'll be able to put in any ranged to help them.

Cuora's E1 ability was important at the end but any Defender is probably going to be fine. Liskarm was barely used, I could have cleared without her. Use a 2nd Defender for the last few units on the right if you are having trouble with damage, otherwise a Guard will be good especially if they do Arts damage.
Thanks. I think another dp on kill is what I'm missing.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Zima should be able to hold the bottom right section of the "4-way" just fine. If she can't, you need to get her some levels. Around E1, lvl 30-40 should do the trick.
I couuld've swore I tried that yesterday, but it looks like she can just do it if I hit her ability as it pops. My zima is e1 60


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Finished it with my mostly normal team. Time to drain my cash stockpile. Been farming CE-5 because I was too lazy to sit down and finish LS-5
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Potato del Grande
Got my first Top Operator and got Exusai with it! She seems fairly bland but hopefully lots of anti air damage.

The other option was one of the 6* Vanguards but I got 4 of those levelled up already, or a chance at a 6* caster which I really need but was a 25% chance of 6* healer dupe.
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Molten Core Raider
Well, 2nd pull of the new banner and got Nightingale. Feels good!

Chris Chris Exu is strong once you E1/E2 her. She shreds anti air and non def. If you are currently in chapter 4 she's a bit weaker due to all the high def enemies. I'm currently working on E2 for Exu but her E1 skill has served me well


Potato del Grande
Well, 2nd pull of the new banner and got Nightingale. Feels good!

Chris Chris Exu is strong once you E1/E2 her. She shreds anti air and non def. If you are currently in chapter 4 she's a bit weaker due to all the high def enemies. I'm currently working on E2 for Exu but her E1 skill has served me well
Just started Chapter 5! Got her E1 lv50 now. Attack seems low but the ability looks very strong.

She'll probably be my 2nd E2.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Exu is a beast. Easily the best single target sniper. Great for Anni 2 and a lot of other stages.


Potato del Grande
Just finished Chapter 5 and the 2 extreme battles at the end, think I'm caught up now.

Just need to go back and do all the challenge battles now.
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Potato del Grande
Is angelina worth picking up? or should I wait for someone better
I've got the 5* Magic Slow Support, Istina. Seems... fine?

Haven't really seen much use for slow so far, other than that ranged only farming stage.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Almost every "specialist" is exactly that. Extremely specialized and useful for only very specific stages.