Better Than Us


Tranny Chaser
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Title: Better Than Us

Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy

First aired: 2018-11-23

Cast: Kirill Käro, Paulina Andreeva, Aleksandr Ustyugov, Ольга Ломоносова, Eldar Kalimulin, Vitaliya Kornienko, Vera Panfilova

Overview: Moscow in a not so distant future where human beings share their daily lives with robots. Georgy, a forensic who has a robot assistant, suddenly finds himself caught up in the first murder committed by a new kind of experimental humanoid.


Tranny Chaser
Russian series that is somewhat like Detroit : Beyond Human. Probably of more value because of the insight to Russian culture than its own virtue.


Avatar of War Slayer
its ok i guess. probably dont recommend.

A number of characters just make completely baffling choices. CEO guys actions are just constantly nonsensical.

Son, and ex-wife are in the running for the most retarded and annoying kids/wives in history.
CEO's wife seems good at first, then takes an instant u-turn into, "oh, shes totally crazy as well." Literal.
CEO's father in law is a ridiculous character as well.
TV show information provided by The Movie Database