

SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I think the longest ride I've ever done in a single, continuous session was 65 miles. I'm going to be doing an 80+ mile ride up into Pennsylvania and back either this weekend or next, most likely.


Bronze Squire
The first time I did the Seattle to Portland ride (which is basically back to back centuries) I had a total of 4 miles of road-bike training under my belt. Granted, I was mountain biking a lot at the time. By the time I finished did I wish I had trained more, absolutely. But I made it and did it in what I consider a respectable time.

I do remember eating an entire roasted chicken by myself after day one.


Golden Squire
My quad-cycle has like 155k miles... Joking aside, does anyone else in this thread use one of those "in house rollers" where you prop up the back tire and bike in place? I hate biking in the city (although I live in Portland Maine, so its not that big a city), but If I cant bike in nature, I would rather be able to watch a movie or the history channel, than deal with downtown in my city...
I have a trainer and I fucking hate it. It's a necessary evil (I logged ~400 miles on mine over the winter) but they are in no way fun at all. The only upside of using one in the off season is that you get to shit on your buddies to took the winter off once the weather breaks.

Edit: I will say this - they are a pretty damn solid workout. The first time I used mine it was chilly in my house so I didn't bother with a fan. I was SOAKED about 15 minutes in. You can really belt out intervals on them, and there are a bunch of sites that have helpful training programs that take a little of the edge off. The one I use isTrainerRoad. It's pretty solid, and because I have a Garmin and a speed/cadence sensor, I can upload it to Strava the way I do real rides. It also has a faux power meter that sort-of works. Ends up looking like this:


<WoW Guild Officer>
That's pretty awesome.

Also, we should start a RR strava club so I can see how actual roadies ride.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Is there a big difference between Strava and Mapmyride? I really like Mapmyride, but I've never used Strava.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I actually use runkeeper. I'll look into strava.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Rerolled | Strava Club

Yolo. I can toss Admin to someone else if they want it. Also I took out MSP for the town and put in "Earth" which came up as "Earth, Texas". So if anyone has a better town suggestion, let me know.


Silver Squire
I signed up for strava just earlier this month too and hopefully I'll get some more riding done once my bike gets some much-needed service next week.


Trakanon Raider
Thinking I'm gonna race cross this year since track season is about over and I want something to keep my training going during winter so if I do I'll be joining the strava gang for my base miles.

I still just don't know how I feel about getting off your bike as part of the race.


Golden Squire
To be honest, I'm gunshy about joining the RR Strava club because we all know what happens when this place gets a hold of people's personal info. Not that I'm that hard to track down anyway, but I figure after all these years with you bastards it's a wonder my top LinkedIn endorsement isn't rimjobs or something like that.


<WoW Guild Officer>
To be honest, I'm gunshy about joining the RR Strava club because we all know what happens when this place gets a hold of people's personal info. Not that I'm that hard to track down anyway, but I figure after all these years with you bastards it's a wonder my top LinkedIn endorsement isn't rimjobs or something like that.
Yeah, I was a bit shy about it, but I just said fuck it and set it up.


<Silver Donator>
I started lifting seriously again a couple of months ago and I wanted to add some less-boring cardio into the mix. I used to do a lot of running but hitting middle age has made me think more about things like not destroying my knees. Some guys at work ride trails in the area so I decided to get a bike.

I know almost nothing about biking but I knew I wanted some sort of hybrid so that I could get on the trails but I could also comfortably stick to the roads with my kids.

So, I picked up a Trek 8.4 DS. It seemed like a good starting point.


<WoW Guild Officer>
The only thing I'd check for is that the front shocks can be locked out for city-commuting type riding. You generally don't need shocks, and you'll have an easier time on roads and up-hills without the front shock absorbing your effort.


Shaved another 2 minutes off my PR I set last week. July 5 I was at 18:26, and today 13:19. If I can gather the balls to take this 25-30% grade rocky downhill segment I avoid I can probably shave another 2 minutes off and be in the top 25% times for the run. Feeling pumped.


Molten Core Raider
Wondering if you guys could suggest a beginner mountain bike for me. My friends recently got into mountain biking and they've been doing just trails and some down hill. I know nothing about bikes and would just like a bike so I could go with them. My price range is around $100-200 and I'm about 6' so any help would be appreciated!