black islamist beheads British soldier in London


Silver Knight of the Realm
I would be worried about any rapidly growing religion that opposes some of the core principles of my society. Currently Islam fits this description in Sweden. Publish stuff they consider against Islam and you will be a marked man. The Jews are being driven out of Malm?. Many Imams here advise Muslims not to go to the police with what they consider religions matters (but things that are clearly violations of Swedish law). Now, every religion has it's crazies, but when the Muslim community refuses to speak out against them it is easy to get the impression that they are silently agreeing. I wouldn't say that Islam is a big problem today in Sweden, but unless we somehow manage to enforce our laws it could definitely become one in the future. I should also mention that the riots of the past week in Stockholm probably doesn't have any connection to Islam.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This shit should make our immigration issues with Mexico in the U.S. seem like a great situation by comparison. Of course conservitards don't see it that way. I saw a Fox "news" segment the other day making a case that the reason for Islamic unrest in the EU was a lack of "exceptionalism" leading to a dearth of patriotism and that's why the Muzzies don't integrate into EU societies. Which of course they then tried to equate to our Spanish speaking hordes as if we are in danger of them burning flags in the street any day now if we don't start singing Battle Hymn of the Republic in schools or some shit.

Really, I think the fact that Hispanic immigrants are already christian and speak an indo european language and follow more indo european cultural trends goes much farther than any flag waving blind allegiance to country would in easing integration tensions. I've been saying for years, our Mexican immigration "problem" is a huge blessing. I'm anti imperialist and anti foreign engagement in general, but its difficult not to see Islam as a problem on the world stage as time goes on and we witness the struggles of the EU in this regard. It makes our immigration debate look laughable, what's the problem here again Repubs? I'm failing to see it.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
It pisses me off that Islam makes me appreciate Christianity.

One is crazy and kills innocents on a fairly regular basis and the other is just vanilla crazy.

Fuck you Islam.
So just because America has been treating women "well" for what, the past 60 years now, we're somehow better than everyone that has ever existed? Shit, I have family that were born before women could fucking vote in this country that are still breathing, but WE'VE COME SO FAR! Now look at the regions that most of these people are coming from. Most of them are war torn (the West had NOTHING to do with any of that though... /eyeroll) and have been economically starved. We've given fuck loads of money to people who couldn't give two shits about human rights just because they have oil (here's looking at you Saudi Arabia) so any chance of advancement in those nations were beat into the ground due to massive funding by America. Who the fuck do we think we are as a nation to judge anyone else on this planet?

Seriously, this country existed before the current generation of 20-30 somethings that somehow think the West has always been magnificent and has never done wrong and what's wrong with those backwards weirdos and why can't they just advance culturally like everyone else!? They've obviously been operating at the same level of economic disparity as the rest of the "civilized" world.

How were non-Christians treated and dealt with in areas of the British Empire in the early 20th Century? Do people really not see that the vast amount of economic terrorism and outright physical force we, as the Western world, carried out against the rest of the planet had an impact? That our tyrannical treatment of the Heretic was just as awful as the extremist Muslim reaction Christians face today? If so, you people fucking disgust me.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
Lol I'd rather be a middle class woman of early 20th century christian nation than woman of 21st century Muslim nation.


Oh also Vatoreus has people in his family 100 years old. They are coming close up on a few records I hope they make it that long.
Oh also Vatoreus has people in his family 100 years old. They are coming close up on a few records I hope they make it that long.
Records? I mean, there were 53,364 living centenarians in the United States alone at last count in 2010. And she was living by my last update of her, which admittedly was a year or so ago. I don't have much touch with my family anymore.

Right to Vote = Stoning for being Raped

Ladies and gentlemen lets give a round of applause to Vatoreus .....
We used to burn women at the stake for having ideas. But we were left alone for rational thought to take over and flourish. Unfortunately there is a long history of violence in the middle east, but is it any less violent than what whites were doing europe during those same eras? We took the fight to them long ago and made sure it stayed there. The Middle East of the 19th and 20th centuries were not nearly as fucked up as they are now. There was real work toward progress, but Western meddling and arming of psychopaths led to the current situation. We gave the sickos the money and power to bring back in force their backwards mentalities. But ignore it if you want. It's hard enough getting Americans to give a shit about other downtrodden, homeless Americans, much less oppressed and poor people of other nations whose ideals don't align with their own. You enable the violent ones when you take from the rational to stand and act for themselves.


Records? I mean, there were 53,364 living centenarians in the United States alone at last count in 2010. And she was living by my last update of her, which admittedly was a year or so ago. I don't have much touch with my family anymore.
So you don't even care about your family that you are trotting out to prove your points?
So you don't even care about your family that you are trotting out to prove your points?
What does that have to do with the argument presented? Character assassinations aren't actually a form of debate. Also, I think it's important to state that I don't defend the actions of the peoples of these nations, but it's my belief that they have as much of a right to take life as we do, which is to say, none. I am a person who believes in non-violence as a method to resolve conflict. I'm saying that instead of reacting to their unbridled physical violence with more unbridled physical violence, we should try another way. We're better than that. We can find a way and yes, it will take time. If the human race takes the steps to better ourselves instead of continuing circles of endless violence, we might advance off this fucking rock and get some where. Or make our planet just a better fucking place to live. People are too damn caught up in bettering themselves that we can't be asked to lend a hand out to people we've harmed MASSIVELY and continue to do so to this very day.


What does that have to do with the argument presented? Character assassinations aren't actually a form of debate. Also, I think it's important to state that I don't defend the actions of the peoples of these nations, but it's my belief that they have as much of a right to take life as we do, which is to say, none. I am a person who believes in non-violence as a method to resolve conflict. I'm saying that instead of reacting to their unbridled physical violence with more unbridled physical violence, we should try another way. We're better than that. We can find a way and yes, it will take time. If the human race takes the steps to better ourselves instead of continuing circles of endless violence, we might advance off this fucking rock and get some where. Or make our planet just a better fucking place to live. People are too damn caught up in bettering themselves that we can't be asked to lend a hand out to people we've harmed MASSIVELY and continue to do so to this very day.
The jokes about your ancient ancestors were just jokes man! Simmer down.

If you truly believe in non violence you would be condemning Islam every day of your life. Death is better than living under them. We at least kill our enemies and only our enemies. They kill their enemies AND torture their families.
The jokes about your ancient ancestors were just jokes man! Simmer down.

If you truly believe in non violence you would be condemning Islam every day of your life. Death is better than living under them. We at least kill our enemies and only our enemies. They kill their enemies AND torture their families.
One can condemn an action but also not need to call for reciprocation. The first step to recovery is admitting one has a problem. We as a species have a problem, and I know it seems a hopeless cause, but I won't call for the deaths of those I condemn for killing. Violence begets violence and all that. I would like us a people to admit to our faults, and make real steps to repair shit, not just stir a beehive and then set it ablaze when they dare sting us.

Our nations, when faced with similar economic or governmental issues, have not faired any better in the morality ring, and continue to this day to suck shit at living up to our own supposed standards. I shame a hypocrite, no matter where he is from.


One can condemn an action but also not need to call for reciprocation. The first step to recovery is admitting one has a problem. We as a species have a problem, and I know it seems a hopeless cause, but I won't call for the deaths of those I condemn for killing. Violence begets violence and all that. I would like us a people to admit to our faults, and make real steps to repair shit, not just stir a beehive and then set it ablaze when they dare sting us.

Our nations, when faced with similar economic or governmental issues, have not faired any better in the morality ring, and continue to this day to suck shit at living up to our own supposed standards. I shame a hypocrite, no matter where he is from.
The only violence you see is the death though and not the mental, physical, and spiritual violence perpetrated every day.
The only violence you see is the death though and not the mental, physical, and spiritual violence perpetrated every day.
Still doesn't give one the right to murder. You can never kill all the killers, because you are left with...killers. Also, the amount of innocent lives that would be lost in the process are more than enough reason to never go that route. You can't solve violence with violence. We need to work toward better methods. I'm not saying I have all the answers, but I'm willing, and wanting, to sit and start trying to hash it out.


Still doesn't give one the right to murder. You can never kill all the killers, because you are left with...killers. Also, the amount of innocent lives that would be lost in the process are more than enough reason to never go that route. You can't solve violence with violence. We need to work toward better methods. I'm not saying I have all the answers, but I'm willing, and wanting, to sit and start trying to hash it out.
I said to kill them? I said they should be held accountable for being the terrible people they are. I said you CAN blame their religion for it. You said that you can't that they are all just victims of 'Murica and can't be held accountable for lashing out at us.