Car Accident? Ask an Adjuster


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Anyway, livejournal bullshit aside, that is the reason I was even considering the lawsuit. Since this lady had no actual injuries of any kind, that I could tell anyway, was able to wring some amount of money out of it, what could me with a torn trapezius and 6 months of therapy get?
In most cases they are just looking for a settlement. Companies tend to be VERY litigation adverse unless they feel like they have an opportunity to make good case law, so they are more then willing to toss some dollars the person's way if it makes them go away.


A nice asshole.
I got sued a while ago though. I slid through an intersection in the window of like 06 and bumped a lady at like 15mph. Broke my headlight, messed up her bumper, wasn't a huge deal. She seemed nice enough when we talked, police didn't issue any tickets. Like 10 months later I got a summons from a county sheriff to appear in court because apparently she was bringing something against me (she alleged like 2 broken ankles and 20k in medical bills or some shit, despite there not even being an ambulance). My insurance company took over everything from there when I called them, and apparently she had already sued them for similar and lost, so she brought it against me personally? Her "lawyer" was calling my home phone number (I was out at school) and harassing my mom like 4 times a day and shit. Guy was pure ambulance chaser, had shitty billboard adds all over town and stuff. Anyway, I talked with my insurance people a bunch and they decided to actually go to court, so then had me come home for two days from school to testify, but they bitched out on it and called me the morning of the court date to say they settled the case. Then they canceled my policy a month later because of the judgement against me.

Anyway, livejournal bullshit aside, that is the reason I was even considering the lawsuit. Since this lady had no actual injuries of any kind, that I could tell anyway, was able to wring some amount of money out of it, what could me with a torn trapezius and 6 months of therapy get?
Your insurance company kept you from getting sued directly lost the case in court/settled which is the same thing. Down side is they canceled your policy which hurts when trying to get new insurance on the cheap. She likely got around 3K in her pocket after lawyer took the rest. If above is all 100% true then not sure why your company didn't bring it before a judge, seems like an easy win as broken bones show up day one on the ER bill.


A nice asshole.
Anyone know anything about "Diminished value" after an accident? I was pursuing it at one point for the accident I had about a year ago. Some dopey girl bashed into me while texting. I got it fixed but if I ever go to sell it's not going to be worth as much as if it had never been in an accident.

The lawyer I spoke to said judges typically wont give you anything unless you actually sell the car and get a solid number for variance. So am I just SOL at this point a year later?

Here's pictures if it matters:
That type of accident will make zero difference, mileage is the number one thing that effects value. Sell it to carmax when you go to sell it. I don't know all the states but KY is the only state I know of that actually has diminished value laws.


A nice asshole.
So my dick is kind of going off in one direction and my balls are kind of going in the other direction, and my boxer-briefs are a bit snug right between the two because of the way I am sitting.. as an adjuster, is this something you can help me with?
First buy a smart car, then over dose on viagra so you dick is so hard it makes rocks look like baked noodles. Then get up to speed, this may take a while being in a smart car, can pass the time watching asian ass porn on your phone this also helps to ensure you reach that solid state. Keep driving until you see another smart car heading you way, swerve at the last second and smash directly into the front of the other rolling coffin. If you live I promise you your dick and balls will always be in the correct position.


First buy a smart car, then over dose on viagra so you dick is so hard it makes rocks look like baked noodles. Then get up to speed, this may take a while being in a smart car, can pass the time watching asian ass porn on your phone this also helps to ensure you reach that solid state. Keep driving until you see another smart car heading you way, swerve at the last second and smash directly into the front of the other rolling coffin. If you live I promise you your dick and balls will always be in the correct position.
A simple "no, fuck you" would have done just fine.

Anyway sorry for the offtopic shenanigans, I'll let you gents get back on topic


A nice asshole.
A simple "no, fuck you" would have done just fine.

Anyway sorry for the offtopic shenanigans, I'll let you gents get back on topic
No fun in that, besides no offense taken to your shenanigans, mine were just a little evil and sad, not like your shenanigans which are fun and happy.
I'm a recall coordinator. My job is to apply the formula.
Take the number of vehicles in the field, (A), and multiply it by the probable rate of failure, (B), then multiply the result by the average out-of- court settlement, (C). A times B times C equals X...

If X is less than the cost of a recall, we don't do one.

Are there a lot of these kinds of accidents?

Oh, you wouldn't believe.

... Which car company do you work for?

A major one.


Blackwing Lair Raider
That type of accident will make zero difference, mileage is the number one thing that effects value. Sell it to carmax when you go to sell it. I don't know all the states but KY is the only state I know of that actually has diminished value laws.
Thanks Hator, appreciated.


<Bronze Donator>
I'm a recall coordinator. My job is to apply the formula.
Take the number of vehicles in the field, (A), and multiply it by the probable rate of failure, (B), then multiply the result by the average out-of- court settlement, (C). A times B times C equals X...

If X is less than the cost of a recall, we don't do one.

Are there a lot of these kinds of accidents?

Oh, you wouldn't believe.

... Which car company do you work for?

A major one.
The name of Norton's character is never given.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
That type of accident will make zero difference, mileage is the number one thing that effects value. Sell it to carmax when you go to sell it. I don't know all the states but KY is the only state I know of that actually has diminished value laws.
Texas does too, I got rear ended last year and got $5k in diminished value on a $4k claim because the whole rear of the car needed to be painted. Although maybe its because I'm a lawyer and they don't fuck with me.




scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I'm a recall coordinator. My job is to apply the formula.
Take the number of vehicles in the field, (A), and multiply it by the probable rate of failure, (B), then multiply the result by the average out-of- court settlement, (C). A times B times C equals X...

If X is less than the cost of a recall, we don't do one.

Are there a lot of these kinds of accidents?

Oh, you wouldn't believe.

... Which car company do you work for?

A major one.
This is bullshit, if people are getting hurt/killed in general there's another part to the formula which is "lost goodwill". You see car companies doing economically bad recalls all the time.

But on the other hand, doing it this way makes good sense. If you don't like the math it just means juries aren't giving enough money in those types of cases, so the settlements aren't high enough.


A nice asshole.
Texas does too, I got rear ended last year and got $5k in diminished value on a $4k claim because the whole rear of the car needed to be painted. Although maybe its because I'm a lawyer and they don't fuck with me.
Not a bash but unless you are a personal injury attorney we don't care, even if you are all that means is we get to explain less so win win.

Adjusters job is to gather info and pay what we owe, don't give a fuck who you are or what you do, we just look at the policies.

If you live in texas and have short term disability through your job. Drop your 2500.00 personal injury protection(pip) and get 10k med pay likely more coverage for cheaper because insurance companies can subrogate(get the money from at fault party) medpay.

PIP haS lost wages reimbursement(usually 85% of gross up to 250.00 a week), medpay does not. If you have good health insurance find a way to wave pip/medpay all together.




scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Yea I have no pip or medpay. And I'm not a personal injury lawyer but I know the game. Whatever it was, progressive treated me with kid gloves.


Molten Core Raider
Thanks Hator, appreciated.
Long time lurker on FoH and now here.....I adjust auto claims here in KY and we have no state DOV laws. The company I work for will honor DOV claims but we follow Georgia's state DOV laws. DOV sucks for the customer because all of the research has to be done by the customer and believe me it is not worth the time gathering the information the insurance company requests. 90% of the time it is near impossible to prove the value was diminished unless the shop did a terrible job and even then we allow the customer to choose the shop so if we pay them to do proper work, and they botch it, then that is between them and the customer that chose them. As an aside, if you are reading this thread and thinking about becoming an adjuster, don't do it. It is a soul sucking job.


I was at a dead stop in traffic and got rear-ended by a semi trailer. Totaled my car, 6 months of physical therapy for me. Should I have sued? They paid all my medical bills obviously and were pretty generous with the payout with my car (or maybe it was wrecked so bad they couldn't tell how big a pos it was before) so I didn't even really look in to any kind of lawsuit at the time.

Could I have made myself rich?
When did this happen? Are you having any problems from the accident?


Avatar of War Slayer
Strangely enough I believe, and have been told, that turning left in front of someone, no matter the circumstances, automatically makes you at fault for failure to yield. I didn't believe it at first, but it makes some sense.
this is what the judge told me when I took a one legged redneck to court for hitting me... Didn't help he knew the hick cops that did the ticketing...

anywho the judge told me 'a left must yield, with or with out a light regardless of the situation' gavel bang, I am sentenced guilty and for court costs, have a nice day.

edit: state is Florida if you couldn't have figured from it haha.


Trakanon Raider
I also did some workers comp work in Loosiana + some longshore + jones act stuff if anyone needs a second opinion.


A Mod Real Quick
I live in MA.

If I was driving down the street at 2AM and a deer ran into the side of my car, was there anything I could have or should have done? It got up and ran away btw. It ruined all the side panels on my car and took out my mirror.

A lot of people claim I could have invoked that it was an act of God, but I guess in certain parts of MA you cannot do that with deer. Basically it came down to paying $500 in deductibles to fix everything, or just take it and leave it. I took it and left it.

Pic attached for reference.
