Dawn of War 3


Trakanon Raider
yeah, just saw this.
love that trailer. everyone dies. haha.

only 3 factions it seems so far.

Dawn of War 3: inside Relic's biggest RTS yet | PC Gamer

pc gamer, says a more of a return to actual rts, vs DoW2's more "hero" focus.
Well it's sega, so if Total War Warhammer is any indication. 2 additional races will be locked behind pre-order shenangians and an additional 3 races will be released Day 1 for 5.99 each.

I am glad they are going back closer to DoW1. I liked it much better as an RTS.


Am i the only one who preferred the baseless capture point style of DoW2? It was refreshing, I don't get the hate for it.


Avatar of War Slayer
Dawn of War


This is still Relic games. makers of DoW 1 and 2.

But yeah, publisher was THQ for Dow1 and 2.
Sega is now publisher.

DoW2 had 4 at launch. Tyrn, Ork, Eldar, Space Marines. And had Chaos, then IG as expacs.

"the last stand" game mode. was very fun. ended up playing that more then the base game.

I didn't actually play DoW1, iirc. I was 50/50 on the more moba like gameplay of DoW2 iirc. I think I liked it as an alternative to other RTS's of the time.. And liked the focus on more special attack focuses units. Banshee leaps, etc.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Both Dawn of War games were great, I hope whoever continues the franchise manages to capture WH40K as well as the old team (afaik that studio crashed and burned a few years back, right?).

Edit: Caliane posted while I was writing... if this is made by the same studio as DoW1/2 that's great news.


Lord Nagafen Raider
DoW had capture points as your resources and then base building was largely just a simple fare to get your units and tech out. If DoW2 had removed base construction but kept the battle scale the same as DoW1 I probably would have enjoyed it more. The most important thing here is they said they're going back to the huge-scale shit, which is where DoW2 went wrong really. It's not that the game was bad, but comparing the feeling of battles in 1 and 2, 1 always felt more like 40K.


Avatar of War Slayer
Yeah, I was wondering about that at first too. I thought perhaps this was a new studio. but, reading up again. I think the issue was not them, but THQ, which crashed and burned.

Relic was sold to Sega. (with Company of heroes, and DoW.) homeworld was sold to Gearbox.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I loved DOW2 more than DOW1 and I LOVE 40k

But god damn if I am not tired of Space Marines, Eldar, Orks over and over and over.

Give me some Dark Eldar.


Buzzfeed Editor
It had it's problems, but DOW2 multiplayer was so much better from a competitive standpoint. Truly smart micro to win, along with some proper scouting to choose responses. IE Similiar to Company of Heroes vanilla. (Same thing with a bit less hero would be sweet, but I dont miss DOW 1 practically C&C style spam)

However, with how they fucked up original COH with brits etc, COH 2 horrible, etc. I am not thinking the Sega Relic is going to produce anything that's worthwhile long term. Hopefully worth the box price for a few dozen hours, but I am not holding my breath for anything as awesome as vanilla COH.

@ Cyrus, those were not titans. They are newer models to the tabletop that are kinda in between titans and like regular walkers. Marine ones are something or other Knight. Forget as they came out after I quit.

I am curious about the rain of bodies? Artistic or wtf?


Buzzfeed Editor
DoW had capture points as your resources and then base building was largely just a simple fare to get your units and tech out. If DoW2 had removed base construction but kept the battle scale the same as DoW1 I probably would have enjoyed it more. The most important thing here is they said they're going back to the huge-scale shit, which is where DoW2 went wrong really. It's not that the game was bad, but comparing the feeling of battles in 1 and 2, 1 always felt more like 40K.
Depends what you mean by feels like 40k. Lore and artwork is always huge battles, but even tabletop, moderate sized games are kinda closer to 2 I felt. Basically small skirmishes. Now sure you can have tourneys or other ridiculousness since they came out with Armageddon or whatever encouraging massive $3000 armies in 5k pt games...


Ancient MMO noob
Big fan of DoW1, not much DoW2. To me, DoW2 is way too small scale to be a RTS, more like a top down view of action RPG with a bit of RTS here and there. (It is like calling Commando series is the same as C&C)

On the other hand, DoWDC is badass, I wish they remaster that game.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yea I'm referring to the lore/story feel I guess. I felt more like I was playing 40K with DoW1 than I ever did with the tabletop even. DoW2 is much closer to the tabletop but farther from the stories I guess. Again, it's not that DoW2 was a bad game, but I wanted more of DoW1, which it sounds like we're getting this time.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
DOW2 had sweet Diablo loot in the campaign, so it had that going for it.


Trakanon Raider
I liked DoW2 more, but it was definitely more tactical than the first one. Never liked the multiplayer, way too slow for my tastes after the frenetic tempo of SC2 and the micro felt so sluggish, but some Co-op skirmish ? sign me up.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I loved DoW2 and Chaos Rising. Retribution was a gigantic ripoff. I mean, I didn't really expect a full unique campaign for every single race, but they completely phoned that shit in. Each race got 2 slightly unique missions, every other campaign mission was shared.

But honestly, DoW 2, at least as far as space marines are concerned, is every bit as close to the WH40K setting as the original was. A single squad is enough to handle most missions, and there's even precedent for a chapter deploying a single marine to take care of a problem. A full company (~100 marines, 1/10th of a chapter) is enough to defend an entire world. Engagements that require the deployment of more than one company are exceptionally rare. Space Marines are a peerless military force, their stats in tabletop are far weaker than the way they are actually depicted in the setting because of game balance.

I enjoyed the original, but for the most part it was just another RTS. DoW2 was something unique.


Trakanon Raider

I absolutely Love DoW1 Dark Crusade and Soulstorm. not just the RTS game play, but the meta-map in campaign mode. Having the ability to chose your next fight, what maps to take, what other races to wipe out first, what gear to get next for your commander, etc. easily my favorite RTS campaign (since WC3?)

If this game were basically the same as DoW Soulstorm but with a larger, more in depth meta-map, more unit upgrade options(weapons/armor/etc), and more hero building depth, I will be in heaven.

...Actually DoW Titanium mod adds tons of new units and unit upgrades to every race, including titans, and also AI upgrades(if anyone is interested, I recommend it) So hopefully DoW3 will be like the titanium mod but with a larger/better meta-map and more balance.

I did not enjoy DoW2 as much, but it was still a decent game. the most fun for me was playing the orc in last stand mode and kiting everything with his teleport.