Defense Grid 2


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
It was announced today that Hidden path has a "secret investor" who is funding the sequel which failed to get funded successfully through kickstarter. The secret investor is probably Valve. Supposed to be 20 level totally new game with new aliens, new storyline, etc. and people who put money into kickstarter I guess still get a free copy?

Story here


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Holy shit, thanks for the heads up about the Containment DLC. I had no idea it was even being developed, let alone released. I love me some defense grid!


Molten Core Raider
Why are they struggling so much? A small game like that can't (or rather shouldn't) be that expensive to make and as far as i know, Defense Grid was really successful. It's obviously not a 50 dollar title, so you're not immediately looking at millions of profit if some people buy it, but still.
Seems like everybody in the world needs a kickstarter somehow, even established buisnesses who've released a decently successful product before :|


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Well the kickstarter they tried did fail.

I think they self funded the first game, and most of the money from it went to pay that back, but I'm not the CFO so whatever. That's just the rumor I"ve read on the internet.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
The story we got during the kickstarter was that they sold Defense Grid too cheaply. When it came out, indie games were still kind of new, and I don't think anyone had really set a price point.

Also, Hidden Path isn't really like a 5 man studio or something, there's a lot of guys that work there, so selling a game for like $5 isn't gonna cover a lot of bills.

And one other note, the kickstarter didn't fail. It just wasn't funded to a million bucks. Their plan was to use the money they could get to make a DLC, which would make more money for them, which would help finance the sequel over time. And yeah, everyone who chipped in to the kickstarter still gets a copy of all DG material. I've had Containment since before launch. Pretty good TD, can't wait for the second to get to beta to try it out.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Ah I was told that the expansion funding from kickstarter was basically the Plan B in case the Plan A of fully funding the sequel didn't pan out through kickstarter, so in that sense, the kickstarter "failed".

Defense Grid is one of my favorite TD games, definitely.


I thought if a Kickstarter didn't meet it's target that they didn't get any of the money and it was returned from the holding fund (or whatever) to the "investors", has that changed?


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
I thought if a Kickstarter didn't meet it's target that they didn't get any of the money and it was returned from the holding fund (or whatever) to the "investors", has that changed?
The target was only 250k. They hoped they could pull a million from it, but didn't get there. So the 250k was funded to make Containment, but none of the other guaranteed funding for the expansion and shit were.


Ahh, gotcha. And derp I now see I somehow missed your last paragraph in your post which explained that it already >.<

I'll probably pick up the new (well January) DLC if I can get DG running on this machine, I've bought everything else up to now although I admit only when it's been in a sale. Better than just being a pirate though at least!


I'm glad they were funded. Defense Grid is quite a lot of fun. It definitely is priced correctly, though, as it's not really a big game.


<Bronze Donator>
Maybe this should be a new thread, but seeing as how this didn't even make it past a page, whatever. DG2 released on the 23rd. Why they decided to email that today, idk. HPE can make a great game, but they know fuck all about advertising.

DG2: Defense Grid 2 on Steam


Lord Nagafen Raider
Enjoyed the fuck out of the first game, hopefully #2 is just as good.

Edit:does anyone play this on consoles? I'm debating on whether to get it on steam or play station. Surely TD games can't translate well to a controller can they? (Although I do enjoy TD on my phone)


Murder Apologist
Been playing DG2 since the backer alpha, but the release is so much better. There's a meta advancement track with each turret now where you collect incremental specialization buffs with the turrets (a snare for lasers, larger AOE for meteor etc).

They got rid of the command turret from DG but added boost pedestals that cost 50cr but are useful for mazing and raises the elevation of towers that you build on top of them. The boost pedestals can also be buffed to increase the dps of the tower or its resource gain or to reveal stealthed and unshield nearby mobs.

The campaign is slightly harder than DG1 and it's got several pretty awesome coop modes.


Molten Core Raider
This is great so far. It's like Defense Grid but everything is at least a little bit better and everything they've added fits perfectly. I'm loving the graphs and the heat map.